Monday, May 20
94 off with a 4-year-old female child on Pleasant Street. 94 states he may have found the child’s home, and will attempt to make contact with the child’s parents. Child was reunited with the parents.Mother went to the store and the father fell asleep, and the child snuck out the back door and was gone approximately 10 minutes.
W93, 92 and 94 off to serve several warrants on a resident on Siren Street. Units have one in custody for several outstanding warrants. Units will be transporting male prisoner back to headquarters.
Report that a 60-year-old white male in camp pants keeps getting in people’s faces yelling about conspiracy theories on Main Street. Party left prior to officers’ arrival. Calling party was advised to call back if that man returns.
Motor vehicle stop at Veterans and Almont Street. Citation issued for speeding.
Party at Governors Park was defrauded over a property she attempted to rent.
Party called because her mother on Overlook Drive has Alzheimers, and she wanted to give us contact information in case she goes wandering and is confused. Subject was entered into Master Names along with all pertinent information.
Reporting party on Pleasant Street states that he and his wife are in the process of selling their home and received a solicitation through the mail from a mortgage title service out of New Hampshire. He states after reading it thoroughly and speaking with his attorney, he believes this to be an attempted fraud and does not want to see someone else become a victim. U.S. Postal Police were contacted.
92 reports motor vehicle failure to stop on Read Street. Operator will be charged and tied for operating to endanger, marked lanes and he was advised that it could have been worse.
Unwanted male party refusing to leave on Revere Street. Units clear, individual left the area and store owner will be seeking a trespass order and has been advised to do so.
Caller on Myrtle Avenue reporting loud music coming from the driveway. This is an ongoing issue. Spoke to the subject who was very cooperative and the music was turned off.
Assisted fire with possible traffic on Lincoln Street. They received a call from a resident stating that smoke was in the basement. 94 cleared and fire also clearing.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a party they had trespassed a while ago is on the premises. Party left the scene heading towards Revere Street. 92 will investigate the area to try to find subject. Found the party, known to WPD. He made his way on the bus heading home.
Tuesday, May 21
Unit off with a motor vehicle on Court Road that had its trunk open in driveway. Unit secured it.
Garage door motion sounding at Simione Oil Company. Units stated open door and they are making entry. Alarm company called back stating they received more alarms and they wanted to confirm they were on the scene. Owner of the building called to say if the units can secure the building he won’t respond, but if there is damage he will head over there. Units did a walk through and no damage. They are securing the door now. Alarm is still audible. Home owner will be responding to shut off the alarm.
Calling party on Sunnyside Avenue stated o the left side of the street, there has been a barking dog for over an hour. He called back to say that the owner was brought inside. Unit clear, checked the area and no barking dog.
Report of a sickly looking raccoon in a tree above the dumpsters at Arthur T. Cummings School. ACO notified and will respond. Raccoon came down from the tree.
Motor vehicle stop at Veterans Road. Unlicensed operator. G&J en route. Operator was cited for speeding and unlicensed operation of a vehicle. G&J has the vehicle.
Report that a refrigerator was left on the sidewalk with doors on it on Shirley Street. 91 and ACO removed the doors off of the refrigerator.
DPW employee states there is a needle in the cemetery on Bowdoin Street.
Todisco Tow operator walked in with a trespass tow on Almont Street. He stated that the owner of the property called them to remove vehicle off of the property which belongs to a former tenant.
Party reported a complaint of harassment with another female party, which has been an ongoing issue. Party was advised of the harassment process and would like to begin that process today.
92 was flagged down by a male party at Lucky Gardens who is having trouble walking from hip surgery.Unit will give a courtesy ride.
Calling party on Woodside Avenue states that someone is parked in a handicap spot with no placard. 93 states that the vehicle has been cited.
Wednesday, May 22
Male party sleeping on calling party’s porch, possibly drunk, on Revere Street. They are flight attendants and trying to leave for their flight. Party is a homeless man trying to find a place to sleep. Units are offering him some services. Party was moved along and will be making contact with services.
Follow-up investigation on Sargent Street. Sierra 5 reports no one home at the address. Sierra 5 spoke with a relative who is passing information along.
Assisted constable on Main Street who has a warrant to access building. Homeowner and National Grid worked out the situation. Warrant does not have to be served.
91 standing by to assist with traffic control on Pauline Street. Wires completely down in the street. Fire enroute.
Unit off with two parties at the Landing. Male party known to officers and he checked out.
91 flagged down by individual in the area of Shirley Street regarding hypodermic needles in the road. 91 removing the hazard and they will be disposed of properly.
Report of a female party dressed in all black walking down Main Street. Reported by resident on Amelia Avenue. Stated the female fell multiple times walking. Unsure if she needed assistance. 92 patrolled the area and did not see anyone matching that description.
Follow-up investigation on Shirley Street. Sierra 5 spoke with the subject.
Female party came in to report that her downstairs neighbor has loud music on last night at 9 p.m. and he was making some banging noises at 3 p.m. today. Party was advised to contact us while the noise is present so that we could speak to the individual involved and verify the information. This is an ongoing issue between these two neighbors.
Officer got flagged down by a party who stated three men on the pier at the Landing drinking. Officer states nothing showing.
Thursday, May 23
Party came in to express her concerns for safety of children who utilize the crosswalk on Winthrop Street beside the library. She inquired about possibly installing “no parking†and or “crosswalk†signage in the area. She was advised to express her concerns to the town manager’s office, DPW and the TSAC for follow-up.
Party came into station to report she has taken custody of her elderly father’s vehicle due to medical conditions at Seal Harbor. She stated he might contact us regarding the vehicle.
Follow-up investigation of child making threats at Cummings School. Report to follow.
White male heading down Revere Street, threatening director of housing on Overlook Drive. Units off on Revere Street with the male party. Party turned over the key to the apartment. He was asked not to return. S5 will assist him with making his way to the other side of town and make arrangements when his father returns home. Party is trespassed from property and a hard copy will be at headquarters.
91 is inside the home checking on the child and speaking with parent. Officer spoke to mother. All parties calmed down and mother was spoken to outside and was advised to speak to the clear team. Mother agreed and units will set that up. All units clear. Child and mother okay.
Woman in Methuen called stating that the individual in question is in violation of a no contact order by calling, texting and harassing the caller. She wants Winthrop to tell him to stop contacting and harassing her. Party was advised over the phone that she needs to contact Methuen PD. She stated that she did and they told her to contact Winthrop. This must be initiated by Methuen for Winthrop to take action.
Party called to report that a defendant in a car in which she is a victim is calling her and threatening her. Party was advised to make a report to her police department. Party was also told to inform the DA of the situation. She was advised of her rights and informed to seek an ERO from the police department where she is at as she claims to live out of town. The male party was contacted and was advised he should have no contact with the caller. Male denied making any calls and stated that out caller was contacting him. A check in out records shows multiple calls to our dispatch from the female caller repeatedly sending units unsolicited to include medical and police to the male’s apartment.
Caller on Shirley Street is a passerby who states a white female party with blonde hair was stumbling and then saw her sitting on the floor of an apartment building across from Twist and Shake. Units off with female party fitting that description. Units report assessing female and the boyfriend was on the scene. Female will stay in for the night. Unit clear.
Fire requested police at Governors Park. Unit reports no fire, just youths that sprayed the fire extinguisher. Units trying to investigate who did it and speak to them. Unfounded, no one came forward. Kids or youths did it maliciously.
Caller on Nevada Street states she is running from her boyfriend who has been partaking in 94C activity and she is afraid. Medical requested for female party. Units report that this was not a physical assault, just a verbal argument. Female party will be transported to hospital. Units will now respond to Nevada Street for a well-being check on boyfriend.
Caller states people outside Blackstrap’s who are very loud causing a disturbance. 92 reports a couple of people who were on their way out but there was not a lot of noise.
Friday, May 24
Party on Kennedy Road was trespassed from property and served in hand by S5. Sgt Racow gave party money to get to his family in Maine.
A dog was found on Pleasant Park Road. Trying to locate the owner. Nobody answered at owner’s home. Will let ACO take the animal. Dog was returned to other of owner. Owner will be cited.
Citizen flagged down officer on River Road. There were ducklings crossing the street.
Units going off to assist citizen from earlier call on Kennedy Road for him to collect his belongings from the property. Party got his belongings and is on his way.
Boston Police called looking for party on Sturgis Street that hit a pedestrian in a crosswalk and took off. She is operating a white Nissan rental. When officer went by, the house was being renovated and the party no longer lives at this address. Vehicle was also not on the scene.
Report of a dead rabbit on Veterans Road. Services were rendered.
Attempt to serve warrant to subject on Willis Avenue. Spoke to a tenant. Party is out of the country until the May 29. Will attempt then.
A brown wallet was turned in to the window. Will be processed. Smithfield RI Police was contacted to attempt to find the owner of the brown wallet. They will try to locate at address listed and tell the owner to contact us about the property.
Calling party on Somerset Avenue states that her male friend’s girlfriend came by and accused the caller of being with her boyfriend. She was pushed and her hair was pulled. Officer reports clear, no report at this time.
A male came by to the station with a black gym bag that he found in the street at the intersection of Walden and Pauline Street. Bag contains some baby items and a humidifier. Party called to inquire if anyone had found her bag and turned it in. She was very pleased to learn that we had her property at the station. She was extremely thankful and wanted to reward the finder but he did not want to leave any information when he brought in the bag.
Saturday, May 25
Off with motor vehicle at Main and Hermon Street. 91 reports operator possibly asleep behind the wheel. G&J requested by 93. One male party coming in for DUI. He was arrested on scene for DUI, second offense, operating recklessly so as to endanger and speeding.
Motor vehicle stop at Tafts Avenue. Verbal warning for speeding.
Minor motor vehicle accident at Odessey Grill parking lot. All parties left prior to unit arrival.
Calling party on Shirley Street states that a female is verbally arguing with a worker/owner of the building next door. She put her hands on him, grabbed his glasses off of his face. He is outside. Units clear, spoke to all parties. Everyone advised of their rights.
Assisted fire with traffic at Blackstrap.
Caller on Shore Drive stated that there was a man possibly drunk that was causing a disturbance and the caller wanted him removed. She said the man was possibly leaving when he was on the phone with 911. Units spoke to the reporting party who stated that the male fled prior to their arrival. Reporting party not very forthcoming with information. No crime committed.
Party on Washington Avenue states a male approached her and started talking to her and appeared to be under the influence. She stated he came out and would not let her leave. He did not touch her but she was scared. He just left the liquor store on foot. 91 gave the male party a courtesy ride to Orient Heights.
Caller on Locust Street states there are about 20 kids going in and out of a home with beer. Males and females. Stated they look underage. She also states there is loud music and a party occurring. Units report it is an adult party, no minors. Parties were informed of the complaint and were advised to keep it down.
92 off with a group of youths at the gazebo. Parties were all identified and sent out of the area. They were advised that the park is closed after dark.
Caller reports loud music/noise from Blackstrap. Units report there is a band playing a little loudly. Units will wait until 11 p.m. and if it persists, they will speak with the management.
Caller on Shirley Street and Dolphin Avenue is reporting a male and female fighting. One party is also honking the horn. Third party caller, observing from his balcony. Female party is returning back to her residence for the night. Male party will be going to his parents house to put some space between both parties. All parties were advised of their rights.
Sunday, May 26
Called in by State Police trooper stating that there were four or five parties drinking beer on Deer Island smashing bottles. The parties are now leaving the area from the parking lot in a “painter’s style van†with small windows on the side. Units will be off with Vermont plate at the boat landing off of Shirley Street. Female party fell asleep waiting for the rain to cease because her windshield wipers do not work. Units checked Deer Island and all the surrounding streets with no sign of the vehicle in question.
Unit off with a party asleep in a vehicle at Tafts and Shirley St. Male party fell
asleep while listening to the radio and he will be on his way.
Report of a drunk party on Shore Drive. No weapons, verbal arguing with someone. Party is walking down to liquor store. Officer spoke to the party and he stated that he was getting on the bus. Officer going to speak to house manager. Officer spoke to the manager and advised him to all WPD when the party comes back for his belongings.
93 and 92 off with drunk male at the bus stop at Washington and Veterans Road. He is harassing people. Requesting medical for an evaluation. Medical enroute. Fire also on scene. Party going voluntarily to Whidden. 93 will follow to make sure everything goes smooth.
Caller states a young male party who has been in the water at Pico beach for sometime, now headed toward the airport. 92 reports Marine 1 has eyes on the party and will attempt to make contact. Marie 1 has the party on board. 91 reports that thimble was checked out by EMS and declined medical aid with Action EMS. He was not in distress. The male stated it was a dare by his friends. He is on his way now to meet his friends.
Off with large group at Yirrell Beach. Unit reports the parties left and went home for the night.
Another report of loud music from Blackstrap. Unit reports he took a swing through the center and people are leaving. They are not loud.