Monday, March 7
Caller/parent reports that she almost struck a child crossing the crosswalk on Pauline Street, due to a black SUV parked directly in front of the crosswalk. She is concerned as she reports that you cannot see the children as you are approaching the crosswalk when a large vehicle is parked so close to it. Officer checked the situation and reports that the vehicle is parked 12 inches from the crosswalk and no enforceable violations at this time.
Caller on Upland Road reports that her elderly mother has fallen and needs medical assistance. Transferred to EMS.
W99 reports being off on a follow-up at Cumberland Farms.
Party on Kennedy Road requesting an ambulance to go to the hospital at the request of her doctor. EMS notified and W93 dispatched to assist. W99 radioed off on the call to assist. Units report one female transported to Tufts Medical.
Party turned in a woman’s wallet containing driver’s license and $25 in cash. Unable to contact via telephone. Before the officer could attempt to return to address, the party came into the station to retrieve.
Party came to the station to report a harassment by a co-worker at the MWRA office in Chelsea. The party reports receiving a call from a third party over the weekend that originated from the co-worker that was harassing in nature and was in regards to his home. The party wanted this on the record so we are aware of this. He was advised to notify the Chelsea PD and his employer and supervisor at the MWRA.
Owner of Top Quality Barber Shop requesting the police for a customer who will not leave. Units responded and had the party leave.
Reports of a transformer that has blown on Johnson Avenue. Fire notified. Court Road was also involved. It was Pole 29 and National Grid was contacted and they are responding.
Caller on Whittier Street reports that on January 20th she used the ATM at Cumberland Farms. This past weekend there were three withdrawals from her account in New York totaling $1,197. She has reported this to Citizen’s Bank.
W93 performed a directed patrol on local businesses with ATM machines. Officer reports speaking to the store clerks in Star Nails and Belle Isle Sea Food and gave them skim awareness PDF. Also placed one by Bank of America ATM on Main Street.
Party from George Street came to the station to report that money was taken from her Harvard Credit Union account this weekend in New York in sums totaling approximately $300. She reports she had used the ATM in Cumberland Farms at the end of January. She has reported this to her bank.
Caller on Governors Drive reports that their Citizen Bank account had withdrawals in New York over the weekend totally $1,966. They had used the card at the Cumberland Farms ATM in late January.
Another caller from Elliot Street reports that his Citizen’s Bank account was drained of approximately $1,750 over the weekend in New York. He has used the ATM at Cumberland Farms. His bank was notified.
Party reports that his Mass Bay Credit Union account had withdrawals in the amount of $980 in New York. He had used his ATM card at Cumberland Farms in January. He has reported this to his bank and has already been refunded his money.
Reporting party walked into the station to report that he called the station to report a blocked driveway two days ago and today while driving to work, he heard his vehicle making a noise from the front left tire. On his way home from work it worsened and he exited Route 95 and checked it and discovered all of his lug nuts were loosened. He believes it is related to him calling the other day. There is no video surveillance at this time, but increased patrols of the area around the above address would be appreciated. He will contact us if any new information becomes available.
Caller on Governors Drive reports that her Wells Fargo bank account had unauthorized withdrawals in the amount of $103 over the weekend in New York. She had used the ATM in Cumberland Farms in late January. She has notified her bank.
W93 performed a directed patrol on local businesses with ATM machines. Officer reports speaking to the store clerks in Lucky Convenience Market, CVS, Square Market, Nick’s Place, T&T and gave them skim awareness PDF.
Also performed the same as above in the Highlands area.
Another caller on Wave Way Avenue reports withdrawals from his Citizen’s Bank account in the amount of $343 in New York. He had used his debit card at the ATM at Cumberland Farms in late January. His bank was informed.
Tuesday, March 8
Party at Ward Marine reports a male wearing a red shirt is down on the ground, WFD and EMS dispatched. W94 was right in the area and reports checking all around the address, in the boats and adjacent areas to no avail. Call unfounded.
Party at Revere and Kennedy Road was issued (mailed a subsequent town by law citation ($200) for failing to follow the traffic signs on Almont Street during school hours.
Dispatcher reports one of their cabs is involved in an accident on Main Street, near the Dunkin Donuts and the passenger is injured. Caller reports that the cab was struck in the rear. Fire notified and W92 and W94 responded. 979 on his way to court reports the accident is actually in East Boston. Boston Operation notified via Bayern Central. Units and EMS responded and stayed on the scene until Boston’s arrival.
Owner of Alia’s gave W92 a telephone that he found near his building in the town parking lot. Officer will attempt to locate the owner.
Caller reports that there are people in Coughlin Playground for small children with an unleashed pit bull. ACO was contacted and responded immediately. He spoke with the dog owner. ACO reports the owner was unaware of the bylaw and the dog was removed forthwith.
Report of a mattress fire on Sewall Avenue in a house. WFD notified and responding along with units. Units report having some in the building. WFD working fire and they report that the fire is knocked down. Units standing by for safety.
Two parties came to the station together to report being a victim of ATM fraud at Cumberland Farms. Officer will submit a report.
W94 reports a motor vehicle parked in the handicap area on Revere Street without a placed. A $300 ticket was issued.
Caller at Donovan’s Beach reports a white male, late 50’s is acting strange, shouting/yelling and now crying at the ocean. Officer reports locating and speaking with the subject who appears fine. He states he was just out for a walk in the fresh air.
Caller on Kennedy Road requests an ambulance for an unstated reason. EMS responding.
Party on Buchanan Street reports that her daughter just ran out of the house without shoes on. Officer located the subject and EMS responded. Subject being transferred to MGH for an evaluation.
Concierge at Seal Harbor called to state that two teens damaged the fence to the pool area while attempting to get in. They have fled the area in a white Camry. Officer reports very minor damage which might have been pre-existing. Concierge states it can be fixed easily by their handyman.
Party on Highland Avenue requesting an ambulance as she is suffering from a high fever.
Caller has some information regarding a larceny that has occurred. Det. Jaworski was advised and will respond to the party’s address to obtain further information on the subject.
Wednesday, March 9
Party on Golden Drive reports a van has been parked there in a bad spot. Officer reports nobody appears to be coming out of the budgie so he has requested a tow to tow it from the fire lane. The tow truck was notified.
Caller on Revere Street reports she cannot access her driveway as a result of the closeness of parked cars and the angle cut from the previous work by DCR. W91 responded and assisted the resident. There were no violations.
Party on Prescott Street reports that her husband has fallen on the floor and she needs medical assistance. Call transferred to EMS.
Reports of someone falling on Overlook Drive and not being able to get up. Fire notified.
Report of smoke coming out of a house on Chester Avenue. Fire on the way. W91 and W92 dispatched. Detail officer at Metcalfe Square notified of fire coming through. W99 responded to assist an oven fire.
Party at Viking Gardens reports finding her friend out of it. Transferred to EMS.
Caller reports a jeep with RI plates was following his sister around while she was walking her dog earlier. His sister called him to pick her up because she was concerned. The operator described as wearing a red hoodie. All units BOLO’ed and W91 located the vehicle fitting the description on Shore Drive. Officer spoke to the party who denied following anyone and said he was lost.
Party came to the station to report being a victim of the misuse of his debit/VISA car from Metro Credit Union.
Caller at Shore and Nevada Stet reports at two separate times a white male driving a SUV approached her and made comments to her and about her person. The description fit a party involved in an earlier call. W91 responded and spoke with that party again.
Party on Plummer Avenue requests WFD because her granddaughter got her finger stuck in the seatbelt latch. EMS responding.
Caller on Hagman Road reports a female, possibly ill, sitting in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. Officer reports a woman ill and requesting a taxi to East Boston. Taxi company contacted.
Party on Irwin Street reports loud music causing a disturbance. Units respond and report not loud upon arrival and spoke to the subject and advised of complaint.
Thursday, March 10
Caller on Governors Drive reports a group looks to e arguing and getting ready for a fight. Units report sending a group on their way.
Resident from East Boston called to report that there is a white Jeep in his driveway and it is not his. He stated he looked in the glove box and it is from Winthrop. Vehicle located was stolen. Boston Police A-7 will handle.
School hockey coach came in to report a minor incident at the rink.
Lifeline called to report an elderly lady on Bowdoin Street needs assistance. Fire will handle.
Sergeant and officer are on follow-up call on Shore Drive.
Officer was unable to make contact with the party on Shore Drive.
92 attempting to get a victim witness statement from the female on Myrtle Street who was followed yesterday. Unable to make contact with that party.
Report of a needle on the ground near Woodside Hardware. 92 responded and retrieved the needle.
Officer will attempt a follow-up on Buckthorn Terrace.
Party on Shore Drive requests a police officer to check on some people sleeping in her house. Officers report one under arrest for several felony warrants out of Revere and Winthrop.
Caller on Woodside Avenue reports water in the basement. DPW notified.
Party at Governors Par requests medical for a high fever. Transferred to EMS.
Caller requests we check on her sister on Golden Drive who made statement to hurt herself. Medical and fire notified.
Medical call from Cutler Street. We were unable to determine the emergency. Medical notified.
Walk-in from Brookfield Road to report that on March 9 she left her wallet in a vehicle. There were many other passengers in the vehicle that day. She went back to get her wallet later on and it was missing from the vehicle.
Friday, March 11
Caller on Winthrop Street reports tenants on the 2nd floor are using some type of machine making a loud noise. Units report no loud noise but residents will keep it quiet.
Party on Golden Drive states that she is locked out of her apartment. 93 responds and reports maintenance contacted and arrived to unlock the door.
Caller on Brookfield Road reports seeing smoke coming from the grass behind the high school in the rear of the rink. Fire notified and given caller’s name and number to ascertain further information.
A woman on River Road called to report that there are two commercial vehicles that have been parked in the same place for three days.
Sergeant called to report that there are two large holes on Winthrop Street. DPW has been notified to rectify the situation.
Caller on Edgehill Road reports that there is a vehicle in violation of the 72 hour parking rules. The vehicle will be placed on the 72 hour list.
W98 is off on a follow-up investigation on Bowdoin Street.
Caller on Shore Drive reports that a large black container has washed up on the shore in the Sea Foam area of the beach. State Police and the harbormaster have been notified.
Party from Governors Park came in to report of being a victim in the ATM scam at the Cumberland Farms.
Party on Plummer Avenue reports that a sinkhole is developing in the street in front of their house.
Walk in to report a sewer backup on Nahant Avenue. DPW notified.
911 call from Irwin Street reports a person is not breathing. Just given the address and no other information. Fire and EMS notified. Officers report a drug overdose. The party was transported to the Whidden.
A MasterCard was found on Bates Avenue. Officer will pick it up and bring it to the station.
Walk-in to report debit card fraud at the Cumberland Farms ATM.
Caller would like us to check on her mother on Pleasant Street. Officers and medical notified. Officers report person went to the Whidden earlier in the morning and is still there.
Report of street lights being out in the Point area. 91 Ramadani reports they are on now.
Party on Lincoln Street reports two 10 year olds came to her door and asked for a donation for blood cancer. A woman was sitting in a small mini van. 92 Freeman and 91 Ramadani report the area search being negative.
Walk-in from Marshall Street to report a harassment of their child at the high school.
A large group was seen on the water side of Grovers Avenue. 92 reports sending them out of the area.
Caller from Fort Heath Apartments reports that her neighbor was just threatened by someone in his apartment and ran to her for help. Officers request medical. EMS and fire notified. It was a verbal only and all were advised. One person was sent to Whidden per his request.
Walk-in to report she just saw a woman walking with a young child on Hermon Street and she looked like she may need medical help. Officer located and spoke with the female. All is okay.
Report of a female screaming on Myrtle and Beach Road. 91 located her and she is okay, just letting off some steam. She was sent home.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports kids causing a disturbance. A group was sent out of the area and all were advised to go home.
Reports of kids at the basketball court.
Female reports a “grave hole being dug“ on Mermaid Avenue. 91 Ramadani reports a bird was just being buried.
A motor vehicle stop on Main Street led to an arrest for outstanding warrant.
Saturday, March 12
Reports of a loud party on Locust Street.
Officer has motor vehicle stopped on River Road. One under arrest for driving under the influence and marked lanes violation.
Gentleman came to the police station to report that he was a victim of the ongoing skimming incident at the Cumberland Farms.
Another victim from Beach Road came in to report that he was scammed at the Cumberland Farms ATM machine.
Party from Forrest Street came in to report that for the past few days there has been mail thrown in his yard, alley and near his house. Mail is from different addresses. Officers will check the street for anything that may look out of the way.
W92 reports that the radar sign that was installed a few years ago on Revere Street is not working. DPW was notified and they will check on who maintains it.
An off-duty officer called to report while he was driving up Pauline Street and reached the crosswalk at Nick’s Place, he stopped to let a young pedestrian cross the street. While stopped for the youth, a vehicle passed him on the right and drove in front of the youth in the crosswalk. Another vehicle coming in the opposite way stopped for the same youth.
Caller on Tileston Road reports property has been stolen and he can point out who did it. Officer spoke with all involved. Other person stated they will be there in an hour with the property to return. The person came up to the station and returned the property. He gives a different version of what happened. Owner was notified to pick up the board. When the owner came and looked at the board, he stated it has been broken in the middle. Owner of the board was given different Court options. Before we could give him further options, he was seeing riding the board down Hermon Street.
W94 reports tagging a vehicle with a $300 fine for being in a handicapped space at Winthrop Marketplace.
Officer has a vehicle stopped for being expired on Woodside Avenue. Owner will register the vehicle on line. The vehicle is now registered and he was sent away with a verbal warning.
Officer is off with a family that locked themselves out of the house on Shirley Street. Fire notified and the family is back in the house.
Party on Revere Street reports that the clerk will jot give her change. 91 reports she did not have a matching receipt and she was trespassed from the store.
Party reports a male was hanging around the ATM in front of the florist on Revere Street for a long time. 91 Ramadani reports he checked the ATM and all appears to be okay.
Caller from Plummer Avenue reports four males with back packs and masks on. Looks like they are trying to get into parked vehicles. Officers report speaking with the youths and one of the youths will be brought to the station for his parent to pick him up.
Report of someone hitting the pole on Belcher Street and it is about to fall over. Fire notified.
Auxiliary reports a woman throwing up at Veterans and Hadassah Way. 92 reports female would like a cab to take her home. Taxi will take her home.
Caller reports erratic operations of a vehicle at the Landing. 91 responds and reports the area is clear and the call was unfounded.
Party on Irwin Street states that he is concerned for his daughter. Units respond and report they spoke to the child who appears okay and the grandmother has custody of the child who was also on the scene. Units returned to the home due to the father causing a disturbance upon arrival. Units report the father is not on the scene. They spoke to him via a cell phone and he was advised of his daughter’s well being and of his rights.
Report of a white vehicle with kids throwing beers out. 93 reports the car is not in the area.
Sunday, March 13
94 reports possible motor vehicle accident that occurred in Revere but continued into Winthrop. 93 locates the vehicle o Shore Drive. WFD notified. Revere MSP also notified and took control of the incident.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports that someone rang his bell and fled down the street. He followed the subject to Bartlett Road where there were no adults. The caller will speak to the parents in the morning about ceasing this activity.
Party from Fort Heath Apartments reports that their friend who is 31 is having seizures. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
Probation department called to report that an ankle bracelet alarm for a low battery on Shore Drive. Units will report to the address. Units report the subject will recharge bracelet and probation notified.
Caller on Winthrop Street reports that her husband fell and needs an ambulance. Fire and EMS notified and will respond.
Party on Johnson Avenue report there is a car in front of her house with a woman sleeping in it and a man in a van parked in front of the car with a man in it looking around. She said the woman sits up and looks at the van and then lays down again. 92 is responding. Apparently there is an estate sale and the people are awaiting arrival of the parties who will be holding it.
Employee at the Arbors called and stated a man had fallen in his room and was requesting an ambulance. Fire report no transport. They helped the man back up.
Report of a dumpster fire on Jefferson Street. WFD notified and responded. Fire extinguished the fire.
Operator called and stated she received a Lifeline activation at Fort Heath Apartments. WFD notified. A male party transported to the Whidden.
Call from a doctor stating that his patient on Circuit Road just called him ad he thinks she is need of medical help. Fire and EMS notified. Officer reports she will be transported to MGH by Action.
Caller reports many vehicles parked wrong on Tafts Avenue. Parking tickets issued to 10 vehicles.
Party on Johnson Avenue reports that around 12 a.m. last night two males went into his driveway. They shined a flashlight in his vehicle and then left the area. He stated he has it on video but it is too dark to see who it was. Also stated that nothing was missing or damage done to his vehicle.
Caller on Townsend Street reports a vehicle knocked down an electrical wire. The wire is now on the truck and the men are trapped in the truck. Fire notified. Officers report a phone line. No one trapped. Fire cleared.
Party reports a non-HP pick up truck parked in the handicap spot at Coughlin Playground. Officer reports the vehicle was being used to transport and pick up male in a wheelchair.
Report of a basement flooding on Brookfield Road. DPW notified.
Caller at Main and Pleasant Street reports woman screaming in the street. K9 officer reports the woman was waiting for the bus and singing loudly. She decided to walk home to East Boston.
Tewksbury PD called requesting we send an officer to Cottage Avenue regarding a report that was called in earlier to their station.
Party on Plummer Avenue reports loud music coming from neighbor. Officer made contact with the residents who will shut the music down.
Caller reports she is at work and her son is home on Beach Road not feeling well. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.