Monday, August 11
E911 caller from Revere concerned about her friend on Hawthorn Avenue whom is having issues with raccoons in the ceiling. W91 will check on resident and advise her of procedure.
Party called from Stasio Lumber reporting the 90 year old next door has not come out to her taxi and they are concerned about her. Alarm service called reporting window activation, which was WFDCD. Alarm service reports they made contact with a family member who stated that female is in the hospital.
Caller on Beach Road reports that his blue Raleigh racing bicycle was stolen from her porch sometime overnight and early morning hours of August 4th. He believes it to be valued at approximately $100.
Female on James Avenue came in to request an officer accompany her to pick up her personal belongings. Officer assisted her as she picked up her belongings and left the area with her father.
Party on Winthrop Street reports locating what appears to be cremated human remains in a clearly marked container in her neighbor’s yard. Officer reports picking up the container and will bring it to the station.
Detectives request units respond to Morton Street for a scooter they are attempting to stop for questioning. The operator is refusing to stop and continued on to Morton Street near Read Street where he lost control. Subject was placed into custody and transported to the station for booking for failing to stop for police, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, operating recklessly so as to endanger, unregistered motor vehicle and uninsured motor vehicle.
Stand-by while party on Shirley Street picks up items in accordance with a 209A.
Party on Shore Drive reports a woman fell. Transferred to WFD.
Mother came to the station to report that her son is missing. A call to Groveland PD revealed information and son was located at ECHC in Middleton.
Caller on Shore Drive called to report that a male wearing a blue cap and a blue sweater top is kicking and breaking mirrors on cars. He is walking towards Beacon Circle. Unit located two parties at Irwin Street. Two in custody for nine counts of malicious damage to motor vehicle and one for possession of unlawful fireworks.
Tuesday, August 12
National Investigations, Inc. came to the station with a repossession order for vehicle on Cutler Street. They were able to hook up the car and take it away.
Female on Buchanan Street called to report that she was doing some work in her home and may have put a hole in the gas line. WFD notified.
Caller on Irwin Street reports a friend is having a bad nosebleed, which will not stop.
Party at William Gorman/Fort Banks School reports a child about to pass out.
A warrant of apprehension issued for subject on Read Street.
Caller on Lincoln Street reports she received a fraudulent call, seeking payment of bail for a non-existent relative allegedly arrested. It was an unknown caller, and no telephone number, as it was blocked.
Lieutenant reports one female from Putnam Street in custody for outstanding warrant.
Swampscott PD investigating a motor vehicle crash hit and run. They would like an officer to notify owner at Seal Harbor to contact them.
Manager of Fort Heath Apartments reports several male occupants in a large SUV, with a possible 94C violation.
Male came in to report that a man was outside with no clothes on. Officers report completely nude male curled up in a fetal position under the US flag. Office requested EMS for an evaluation. One male subject transported to the Whidden.
Party came into the station to report that her sidewalk on Chester Avenue was just done over and a motor vehicle drove through the barrier and left tire tracks in the new cement. She notified DPW.
Caller reports someone may be taking construction material from the beach on Shore Drive. Unit reports speaking to a male party who did take some rocks from the beach. The rocks will be returned and incident settled.
Female at Governors Park reports someone banging doors.
Female at Atlantis Marina Condos reports male in another apartment verbally abused her and called her a “expleted douche bagâ€. She wanted this on record.
Caller on Shirley Street report someone called him from 857-205-6454 reporting that his brother was in trouble. After questioning caller further, the party swore at the male and hung up. The callback went to full voicemail.
Party on Pleasant Street reports that her friend is drunk and will not leave. The caller also reports that friend said he was going to drink bleach. Units request ambulance.
Wednesday, August 13
Caller state that someone broke into the building at Temple Tifereth Israel site and damage and larceny took place.
Winthrop Police received a summons from Woburn Court for subject on Washington Avenue. Officer report he spoke to a young lady that lived there and she has never heard of the person on the Woburn summons. Woburn Court was contacted and told of the above. They said to cut up the summons and they thanked us.
Neighbor on Neptune Avenue called for an ambulance. EMS notified.
Det. Jaworski investigated a sale of a car at Jim’s Autobody that was no authorized by the owner.
Caller on Sagamore Avenue reports that her daughter needs an ambulance because of a high fever. Ambulance notified.
Party reports that kids look like they are putting a seagull into a traffic cone. Unit reports it is the same seagull that was reported earlier with a large wound. Animal is deceased. Unable to locate kids in the area. 97 Curran reports a couple of teens killed it with a cone. ACO notified.
Reports of a blue/white sailboat that has washed up on the shore at Woodside Avenue. Fire department will notify the harbormaster.
Sign World reports that someone threw rocks at his window and it shattered.
Thursday, August 14
Caller on Marshall Street reports that her husband is unresponsive. WFD has been notified. Unit 93 reports a 49-year-old male DOA. ME Office has been notified. CPAC has been notified. Lt. Perrin has been notified and responded. Funeral home has been contacted.
Party on Linden Street reports that her mother is having a heart issue. Fire notified.
Caller at Governors Park reports possible braking and entering two days ago. Officer reports no property was taken. Window screen was moved, no entry.
Caller at CPYC requests police and EMS for an intoxicated juvenile on the premise. Party called to report an intoxicated youth. Unit reports a 30-year-old male transported to the Whidden.
Report of a deceased party on Golden Drive. A large amount of medication is on the scene. Unit brought medication to the station for disposal.
Cellular caller reports that her daughter on Townsend Street is home alone and that she reports the stove is making strange noises. The daughter was instructed to wait outside the residence until WFD responds to check the situation out.
Party reports an intake worker at Madison Avenue was told that a 35-year-old female wants to hurt herself. 91 Feeley reports that all is okay and the husband is with her now.
Caller on Bayview Avenue reports heaving smoke coming from behind his house. WFD notified and they report a BBQ on Undine Avenue.
Party on Walden Street reports a group of kids loitering at the skate park with a loudspeaker or stereo. Officer discovers that Parks and Rec Department are doing a movie showing in field, which is almost over.
Caller on Overlook Drive reports odor of smoke outside the building. WFD notified. W91 and W93 will check the area also.
Motor vehicle crash at Putnam and Jefferson Street with a pedestrian hit. 93 S. Hickey and 91 Ramadini reports one transported to MGH.
Party came in to the station to report he is receiving threatening calls. He believes it is his ex-wife’s boyfriend. He would just like this on record for now.
Friday, August 15
Female caller on Summit Avenue reports loud talking outside. She is now sure what number they are in front of. W93 responded and located parties and they were told to take it inside.
Report of vandalism to lawn ornaments on Main Street.
Caller on Chester Avenue reports audible smoke alarm next door, which is advising its residents to evacuate due to smoke.
Report of odor of natural gas on Vine and Pleasant Street.
Female on River Road called to report that a truck just hit her car. Officers report it was a town vehicle. G&J called for both vehicles. DPW on the scene.
Call of a briefcase in the parking lot at J Kendalls. Officer reports it is an empty case.
Off. Curran reports going off with what appears to be a motorized scooter in the skate park. Permit status for vehicle active, and the party was advised to keep the vehicle on the roadway and out of the park.
Caller on Irwin Street reports two swans and their offspring taking up residence in her driveway. ACO notified and will respond.
Party on Shirley Street reports someone with caller ID 1-202-239-2063 stated he was from the “IRS and they owed money.†The caller was advised not to give out any information. The called number went to voice mail.
Saturday, August 16
Caller on Cottage Park Road reports a group of boys yelling on the front porch. Units report it was an adult gathering and parties will go inside. No fighting involved.
Male on Cliff Avenue called to report that his wife is having trouble breathing and needs medical.
Party on Shirley Street requesting EMS for her elderly mother. Transferred to Action EMD.
Caller at Viking Gardens having difficulty breathing. WFD notified.
WFD responding for a man down on Overlook Drive with a head injury. Units located the subject who refused transport. He was treated at the scene and assisted back to his residence.
93 received a report of a fight at the Public Landing. Two parties with active WMS placed in custody. One for warrant, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The other for an outstanding warrant, and assault and battery.
Caller on Johnson Avenue reports that her mother has a chemical on her face and it is burning. Medical notified. Officer reports her eyes were flushed by Action EMS and she refused transport.
Party at Coughlin Playground reports two people on some kind of motor vehicle on the grass in the park. Officer reports explaining the law to the parents of the youth.
Caller states that there are youths in the skate park and the lights are off. When the officer checked it out, the area was empty.
Sunday, August 17
Caller on Woodside Avenue reports loud party in the area. Units report an adult gathering. Party dispersed upon their arrival.
Party on Wilshire Street requests EMS for an unresponsive male. WFD dispatched along with W92. EMS pronounced at 8:53 a.m. Lt. Perrin was notified along with CPAC and ME.
Caller on Locust Street reports an unresponsive party needing medical aid. Party being transported by Action EMS.
Officer requests we attempt to arrest party on temp warrant issued to subject on Cross Street. W91 and W92 dispatched.
Party on Revere and Golden Drive reports very loud music is coming from the house between Argyle and Golden Drive. Officer reports having the live band turn down their music. They were told that any more complaints and they would have to cease.
Reports of a seeing a woman fall in front of the office on Golden Drive. Fire/medical notified.
Engineer for the Shore Drive project reports people entering the fenced in construction area that is closed to the public. Officers were advised and will take note and speak to anyone they see inside the enclosed area. Officer spoke with three groups of people who are not clearing out of the construction area.
Caller on Revere Street reports loud music again. It is very loud and they have a loud PA system. The caller said that once the officer left the last time, they turned the music up. The officer reports the party is moving inside.
Reports of sewage coming into a house on Woodside Avenue. DPW notified.