Monday, January 6
Party reporting a past breaking and entering of her motor vehicle parked on Locust Street.
91 received a report of a second past breaking and entering of a motor vehicle at the above location.
Caller on Court Road reports that the asphalt is caving in around the sewer. DPW notified and will respond.
Store clerk at Brown’s Drug came in stating that a subject has been coming into the store and stealing items. When a family member was informed to perhaps speak with him, the subject came back to the store and made it known to everyone present that he would kill anyone that messes with him. The store clerk was advised to call the station immediately if he returns.
Party on Summit Avenue reports that he had a bag of loose change taken from his unlocked motor vehicle. He does not believe anything else was taken at this time.
Caller on Winthrop Street reports a steel hole cover off its setting on the sidewalk. DPW notified.
Party reporting activation on Pleasant Street for an 83-year-old female. WFD notified.
Officer discovered two motor vehicles that were disabled due to a large pothole on Winthrop Street. DPW temporarily covered it with a small plate.
Tuesday, January 7
Limo driver livery service called for assistance for fare evasion on Edgehill Road. 92 Brown reports a misunderstanding over a credit card payment.
Detail officer reports a motor vehicle crash at Showcase Laundromat. EMS and GJ notified.
Party on Harbor View Avenue reports water leaking from the house. WFD assisted with entry and turned water off. Officer will attempt to locate the owner to notify them.
Caller on Veterans Road reports that someone entered her unlocked motor vehicle yesterday and stole some loose change.
A walk-in to turn in a used needle found on the sidewalk on Shirley Street. Needle placed into the Sharps box.
Party came in to report that she discovered that someone has filed a 2012 tax return using her personal information. She reports she was made aware of it on or around Nov. 21 after receiving her Award Letter for her SSDI benefits and reported it to the IRS and Social Security on Nov. 22. She also filed a report with the FTC on Nov. 25.
Caller on Read Street states that her father is on his knees in the driveway and cannot get up. Medical notified.
Walk-in to report a 22-year-old man has been with her 15-year-old daughter and made several statements. She would like us to investigate. Officer will attempt to contact the mother which he did and mother contacted the station.
Party reports his estranged wife threatened him over the phone. He was advised the matter would be placed on record and to notify the local police where he is residing. He stated that she has mental health issues and is ill.
Caller on Fairview Avenue stated that her ex-husband keeps calling her and stating he would call the police on her and say she was making threats. She just wanted it on record.
Party reports that she went on three dates with a male from Everett and he is now threatening and harassing her.
Female came in to report that a local auto repair shop mechanic used her motor vehicle over the weekend without her permission and got into a hit and run accident in East Boston on Sunday.
Father/son domestic on Golden Drive. Officers request EMS. Voluntary to Whidden for evaluation.
Wednesday, January 8
Call at Fort Heath Apartments reports alarm activation for life alert. Referred to fire.
Party on Pleasant Park Road came in to report identity theft.
Female on Governors Drive called to report that her ex-husband’s girlfriend texted her to state that he has made threats to kill himself. The girlfriend went on to say he has been drinking heavy for the past week and is a danger to himself and others. Officers report subject is going to Whidden.
Caller at Dunkin Donuts on Main Street reports that she may have struck a pedestrian with her car, but the pedestrian denied needing assistance. An officer will check the area and reports the caller who stated he would come back never did and no one is in the area.
DPW called and asked if we could help them with a few cars as they are checking for a water leak on Hutchinson Street. Officer reports moving one vehicle.
Female on Grovers Avenue came in with photos of something a neighbor did to her house. It does not appear to be any crime noticeable. Photos placed in the miscellaneous slot.
Det. Callinan and Rev. Det. Impemba along with W93 will try to serve a warrant on Bowdoin Street. They report no one is home.
Male on Cliff Avenue came in to report the fraudulent use of his debit card. This occurred in New Jersey. The report is being done as a courtesy.
Thursday, January 9
Manager at Center Café called to report that someone left a backpack on the counter. Off. Carter will bring it to the station.
Several calls of a dead animal on Revere Street. ACO will respond.
Housing Director called. They have an unwanted guest that needs removing. Officers report 86-year-old male being escorted off the property.
Father of the homeowner on Shore Drive came to the station to report that his daughter’s tenants did considerable damage to the apartment before they left. She needed this on record for her insurance company. If the insurance company needs a report, they will call and Off. Carter will write one.
Lifeline reports elderly male on Pleasant Street needs assistance getting up from a fall.
Female on Shore Drive called to report that her apartment was broken into. Officers report there are prints and a half-smoked cigarette on the floor. (No one in the home smokes). Det. Callinan will assist. One under arrest for breaking and entering in the nighttime and larceny over $250.
Call of a stove fire on Hillside Avenue. Fire notified.
Fitchburg Police called to ask if we could check on a resident on Bayview Avenue. No one home.
Female called to report that her son-in-law took her gray Kia. No known plate possibly begins with 337. All units BOLOed.
Medical transport on Golden Drive for terrific back pain. One to St. Elizabeth’s.
Female on Pleasant Street repots that she needs an assist with her dad for a stomach issue.
Male on Almont Street reports that his legs gave out and he can’t get to the door. Fire notified and told how to gain entrance.
Male slumped in a white car near Swett’s Liquors. 92 Ramadini reports guy left on foot. 92 will check the area.
Female on Shirley Street requests an ambulance for her husband who is having breathing trouble and stomach problems.
Homeowner reports two in a car are “shooting upâ€. leaving. 92 Ramadini and 93 S. Hickey report the car is now leaving. 98 Jaworski located motor vehicle on Grandview Avenue.
Female caller reports a brown jeep is driving erratically in the Point. Units are already in the area looking for the car from the previous call.
Friday, January 10
Daughter on Linden Street reports that her mother is passed out. Fire notified.
Manager of the CVS called to say they have a juvenile shoplifter. Officer reports 11 year old and the matter is settled. Officer took the child to the school and will inform the SRO.
ADT report of burglary alarm activation on Putnam Place. W93 reports footprints in snow leading to front door and front door left open. Request additional unit. Officers walked through the residence and everything appeared in order. All entrances have been secured.
Call that someone has passed out at Elliot Whittier Insurance. Fire will respond.
Caller on Wave Way Avenue requests an ambulance for his girlfriend who is having difficulty breathing.
Female fell on Elmwood Court and needs an ambulance. Fire and Action notified.
Male came to town to check on his grandmother on Elmwood Court. She is not answering. Fire reports a transport to the Whidden from there earlier today. Grandson notified of earlier call. W92 responded and spoke to grandson as well.
Female called to report that her ex-husband is back from Florida and is causing a problem. She reports he is very drunk and high on cocaine and is pushing everyone around. Male left peaceably.
Caller on Shore Drive reports hearing rushing water in the basement of the building. Fire notified. Unit reports a busted pipe and water shut off. Landlord notified and will respond.
Two females on Hermon Street came to the station to report some bullying issues with the upstairs neighbor that started at school and is continuing at home.
Caller on Main Street reports that his roommate is not letting him into the house. Roommate entered his residence.
Call of a strong odor of gas in the rear parking lot of the high school. Fire department notified and will respond.
Saturday, January 11
Female reports a problem with her boyfriend. Verbal argument and the boyfriend left for the evening; his keys returned to the female. Female party requested an ERO. W91 transported her to the station. Once at the station, she decided to wait for support from family who is arriving tomorrow from out of town. She was driven home by Sgt. Crisafi.
Caller saw three youths enter Center Laundromat through open door even though the lights are out. W93, W94 found the individuals and sent them on their way. One door remained unsecured.
Party on Shore Drive states that he has fallen and may have broken his leg. Fire notified and the party was transported to a hospital.
Female reports falling while walking behind the area between the Kasbah and the professional building, as there was ice. She also reports that it was very slippery in the center around the circle and on the bricks there. She refused medical attention, but wanted this noted and addressed so that no one else falls. DPW notified.
Off. Carter reports that an elderly lady on Sewall Avenue needs assistance in getting in to her house. Fire will help her out.
Male on Pleasant Street called to report that a dog with a tag name “Asey†showed up at his home again. Caller reports that the dog came to his home previously and he is concerned regarding the care of the dog, as the dog is going through his trash for food and appears unkempt. The owners of the dog were contacted and they report that they have an electric fence, but the dog can get over it. A higher fence was suggested. They will pick up their dog that is 13 years old.
Female called to report that her green clutch purse, medium in size, was just taken from her motor vehicle while parked at Quick Foodmart. W91 and W92 responded from another call and spoke to the caller who had located the suspect with her purse. A white male described as wearing a gray hoodie and jeans, possibly 30ish and was last seen in the area of the Landing.
Caller reports observing a very large beam with a spike attached washed up at the Landing to the left of the entrance in the little cove. The caller reports that on a high tide the beam may back out and cause damage to a boat. Fire notified to contact the Harbormaster regarding this potential hazard.
Female on Moore Street reports there are two cars on the sidewalk and when she asked the operators to move the vehicle, they told her to “go “### yourselfâ€. Officer reports that he had them move.
Male on Main Street reports that his fishing equipment was stolen from his home and sold to Bob’s Bait Shack. Officer report a misunderstanding and all items are accounted for.
Party at Governors Drive reports that her father who is homeless was staying with her since Wednesday and when she woke up this morning he was not in the apartment. She searched the area, but has been unable to locate him. Units advised to BOLO. Described as wearing a black sweater, blue jeans, red and black Nike sneakers and heavy dark leather coat.
Caller on Seymour Street reports brown running water from her faucet(s). DPW notified.
Party at Viking Gardens requesting EMS for her neighbor who is having difficulty breathing. WFD notified.
Female on Golden Drive called to report that back in 2004, someone rented a car with her information and Enterprise Rent-A-Car has blacklisted her. She also has had problems in the past regarding someone using her name or her credit cards. She as told to call Monday at the Rent-A-Car office and to call the Federal Credit Bureau, or the City in Florida that the car was rented from in 2004.
Male on Bayview Avenue reports that there are three kids with paint ball guns in the area. Officer reports the area is clear.
Male called to report that someone is walking near the station that looks drunk and carrying something. Office reports the man lives across from the station and went home.
Party on Neptune Avenue reports that her elderly mother fell and may have a fractured leg. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Male reports finding a machete on the ground along Pleasant Street. He will stand by until the officer arrives.
Sunday, January 12
Caller reports a fight on Revere Street. Units report they are off with a small group. Warrant checks on all parties. Everyone sent on their way.
Party spoke to officer regarding a past larceny from his home as well as unauthorized use of his credit card.
Caller reports a flag on the light pole is coming off on Revere Street and she is afraid it might injure someone walking by. DPW has been notified.
Party came to the station to report that three of his motor vehicles were stolen from his driveway at Clothes Encounters on Shirley Street.
Caller on Wave Way Avenue reports that her husband has a medical issue and the children are at home with him. He will need EMS to respond. Officer reports party is fine now and the uncle arrived on the scene for the children there.
Party on Loring Road requesting EMS for her husband. Transferred to Action EMD.
A Smartphone was found at Ingleside Park.
Party came in to report some debris in the area of Hermon Street. Message left for DPW on their voicemail.
Caller from previous call on Governors Drive reports that her father was located in Boston and he is fine.
911 hang-up. Callback and caller states she is in fear of her daughter and the daughter’s boyfriend. Units report mother/son dispute and it was settled before units arrived. All rights given.
Caller reports that she wants her son out of the house. She also states he left hours ago and she will call back if he comes back. She will go East Boston Court tomorrow and get a TRO. She wants no officers there at this time. All rights given.