Police Blotter 10-25-2012

Monday, October 15

Boston EMS called reporting a 30 year old male patient is out in front on Governors Drive feeling faint. WFD and EMS notified and will respond.

Party on Shirley Street reported she does not know what the people in her house are doing. W93 reports the upstairs tenants are using the storage area and everything is in order.

MGH case worker called stating nobody has been able to make contact with a recent patient of theirs on Banks Street for about five days now. Officer request WFD to effect a forced entry into the address on a well being check. Entrance was gained by the WFD and the subject is not home.

Party on Shore Drive reports she is being harassed by her landlord and would like to see an officer. All parties advised of their right on the civil matter.

Officer Ferullo observed two male parties getting into a motor vehicle that was parked in a handicap parking spot at the Winthrop Market Place. Officer requested to verify the handicap placard. The placard was found to belong to another party who was not present in the vehicle. Operator was issued a $500 citation for misuse of a handicap placard and the handicap placard was seized.

Caller on Shirley Street reports screaming and arguing in the back of the building. Mother/son domestic. Mother left prior to officers arrival.

Unwanted guest reported on Irwin Street.

Tuesday, October 16

 Male on Wilshire Street reports he has been threatened by his wife but he does not want to pursue any charges or obtain an ERO at present time. She is not home at the present time and he will call if the threats escalate.

Party on Willis Avenue requests an officer there to keep the peace over a parking dispute. Officers spoke with all three parties and the truck will be moved onto the public way.

Mother received a call from the police department reporting her son’s red mountain bike that was reported stolen on July 7th was recovered. She identified the bicycle and retrieved it.

Party reports someone is inside the 7/11 requesting a donation on behalf of the police association. Officer reports speaking with the party who will cease going door to door until such time as he receives a permit.

A faxed copy of an immediate threat revocation was received to be delivered to an address on Governors Drive. Officer reports the notice has been delivered.

Wednesday, October 17

 Male on Forrest Street came to the station to report he had an argument with his father and would like his cell phone so he can find a place to stay. Lieutenant and officer report they spoke to the father and he stated the kid is out of control and he is not giving him back his cell phone. After speaking with the father, peace as been restored and both given their rights.

Party on Chester Avenue came to report that a youth and his friends are harassing him. This has been going on for a while. He confronted one of them and apples were thrown at his car. No one saw who threw the apples. Officer will speak with the youth’s parents about this and a face book page. Officer went by the house several times and no one was home. He will check on Thursday and make out an incident report.

Caller reports being with an elderly woman on Shore Drive. She reports she has been locked out of her house since this morning. W92 Officer R. Carter dispatched and reports.

Call from male on Wilshire Street to report he saw his son using his prescription drugs with his wife watching. Officer reports all involved were spoken to and advised to obtain a warrant of apprehension.


Male on Cliff Avenue came to report a larceny from his apartment. Officer Curran makes out an incident report.

Party on Johnson Avenue came in to report being harassed over 24 times on his cell and home phone. Officer Feeley will check into the number that is doing the calling.

Female caller reports leaving her I-pad on the rear seat of a U.S. Airways plane. U.S. Airways states no one turned it in. She pinged it via GPS between two buildings on Governors Drive. Detectives investigated both buildings while she sent a ring tone to device but were unable to locate I-pad. Caller advised to contact U.S. Airways to gather further information about possible worker resident in either building.

Caller reports the hole at Magee’s Corner where work was being done today is not covered and is a hazard for cars. Contacted DPW Dir. Steve Calla who informed us that the hole was fine and scheduled for asphalt tomorrow. Informed him that we were going to try to locate some cones to warn motorists, but Mr. Calla said that would create more of a hazard.

Officers report one under arrest at Hannaford Park. Vehicle towed by G&J Towing. Officers report two guitars in the back seat. Charges: possession of Class D drug, and violation of drugs  near school/park.

Thursday, October 18

 Female caller stated that she needed medical at her address on Marshall Street. There was a language barrier with the caller. WFD was notified and enroute. Party voluntarily went to the hospital via Action. Whidden called stating that the female wanted to leave. Section 12 was faxed over to the hospital by Off. Hickey.

Suffolk County Sheriff’s officers request an officer for an arrest they need to make on Almont Street. Off. Feeley will stand by to keep the peace. All went well. Subject arrested without any incident.

Caller reports it appears somebody tried to force entry through her kitchen window on Washington Avenue. W92 reports it was an attempted break.

Report from Grovers Avenue of a loud argument involving the driver of a school bus. W92 reports area clear at this time.

Several calls of a pedestrian struck by a car at the bridge. WFD notified. Boston PD notified. Units responded and accident was on Boston side. Officers assisted with traffic. 11-year-old female was struck and parent arrived with an assist from W93.

Female on Shirley Street came to the station to report that someone was bothering her at Brown’s Drug.

Landlord from Revere Street came in to report that her tenant subleased her apartment to someone else for $1,050. She is only charged $700. Landlord advised to go to court with her lawyer for this civil matter.

W92 stopped a vehicle on Read Street, an area of the construction site and was taking scrap metal. Officer had subject return everything and party was instructed to conduct business during the day with the contractors regarding anything that they may be discarding. This motor vehicle was reported in the area of the site on two other occasions.

Transfer from state of an unresponsive female on Irwin Street. WFD notified. W92 responded and reports a female to MGH.

Woman from Woodside Avenue came into the station to report that she received a message on her computer at home stating that her computer would be locked by the FBI if a $200 fee was not paid. She was instructed to get a moneyPak from CVS and put code into web page. She did this and realized after the fact that this was in fact not a real virus message.

Male called reporting an unconscious male at Paesan’s. Transferred to EMS. W93 and W98 responded to assist.

Party on Washington Avenue reports an ongoing harassment issue with her neighbor. Victim/witness statement filled out. Advised of all rights. Off. Hickey will investigate.

Friday, October 19

Male from Grovers Avenue wanted to report that his ex-girlfriend’s friend was driving by his home. He stated that his ex-girlfriend has a restraining order in effect on him. He thought it wasn’t normal that her friend was driving by his home. Off. Freeman spoke to the caller.

Detectives report one male from Main Street in custody for 94C (drug/narcotic) violations.

Numerous reports of a female down outside of the police station. Fire and Action notified. Off. Carter reports potential 94C involvement.

Party called to report that an elderly man looks high and is passing out at the bus station at Revere Street and Governors Drive.

Party on Court Road reports she is frightened of her son and wants him our of the house. EMS called for arrestee. WFD and Action responded to the station and Action transported male to the Whidden. W93 with Off. DeCarlo who followed the ambulance transporting the prisoner.

Saturday, October 20

Caller reports a catch basin appears to be forming a sink hole on Atlantic Street. Calla notified.

Party reports he was assaulted by a co-worker at the Meat Market Restaurant. He came into the station stating there is a disturbance inside. Officers report subject will file a complaint regarding the past assault and battery.

Report of hearing a woman shouting for help inside apartment on Golden Drive. She appears to have fallen and is injured inside. Call transferred to EMS for service.

Caller reports minors are approaching customers asking them to buy tobacco products at T&T Convenient Store.

Party report a group of youths playing in and around the large pile of pipes/equipment left on the side of the road by contractor at Read and Lincoln Street. W94 reports speaking with the youths, moving them out of the area and advising them to stay away from the items in the future.

Female called to report that a male from Golden Drive was bothering her at the taxi office. She reports that he repeatedly wanted to take her to dinner and have her go to his apartment for wine. This occurred several times throughout the day. She stated that the male said that “he would tie a rope around her neck and drag her to the restaurant” and then he laughed about it. She just wanted it noted at this time and will call back and report it if it occurs again. She has reported it to the person in charge of the business as well.

Dispatcher reports that the driver of the bus is in fear of his life as there is an ex-con on the bus and something is going on. Party took off towards Taylor Street where officers caught up with him. Party was given a stern warning to stay out of the area. He will walk to the Heights.

Plymouth PD asking if we could serve papers to a female on Bartlett Road. Units report she has not stayed there for over four years. Plymouth notified. No further information on party is known at this time.

Female caller reports having an altercation with two males on Forrest Street. They were in a white/silver vehicle with out-of-state plates. Units report vehicle fled the area prior to their arrival. BOLO.

 Sunday, October 21

 Caller reports loud noise coming from party on Coral. Off. W93 and W92 report noise is coming from party on Trident Avenue. Officers request additional units. They were able to quitet the group down and advised if they needed to return of the consequences.

Caller from Coral Avenue reports his roommate is drunk and causing trouble. Units report speaking to all parties. Peace restored. He then called back to report that his roommate is at it again. Units report coming in with one, booked and released to mother. Charges: Protective custody.

Owner reports that someone went into her driveway over night on Edgehill Road and entered her motor vehicle. She doesn’t think anything is missing at this time, but just wanted it noted. She also reports that a neighbor had a similar incident occur a few months ago.

Request for an ambulance to Fort Heath Apartments for a male with chest pain. Call transferred to Action EMS and WFD.

Party on Bellevue Avenue reports his unlocked van was broken into last evening while parked in the driveway. Some tools were taken.

Caller on Sea Foam Avenue reports there is an open fire going in the property behind him and he thinks they may be burning cardboard boxes. WFD notified to respond along with W92. They will be putting the fire out.

Worker from Pearl Avenue called for medical help as a client there is having a seizure. EMS notified.

Party on Myrtle Avenue reports that her tenant is smoking weed in the house and refuses to stop. Officer went by the address and reports speaking with the home owner. He got not response form the male subject.

Caller from Revere Street reports a six-year-old boy fell behind the bathroom toilet and injured himself. Caller believes he may have thrown up. Fire and ambulance notified.

Party on Almont Street reports a white male running and yelling on the street. Caller states he is looking inside motor vehicles. Units report having subject at the scene. Autistic male reunited with his mother and leaving in a car.

Female  on Bartlett Road reports her mother is having a seizure and needs medical attention. Referred to EMS dispatch and transported to fire.

Caller from Pleasant Street reports his grandmother just fell to the floor and may  have had a heart attack. Transferred to EMS. Called WFD to go directly to the scene. EMS still asking questions from the caller.

Caller states that a past disturbance with possible personal injury may have occurred on Court Road. Units respond and request ambulance. Male transported to the Whidden.

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