Tuesday, December 27
Boyfriend called and could not get in contact with his girlfriend. He stated that her cell phone probably was not on and wanted to make sure that she arrived home safely. Officer reports vehicle in the driveway.
Female caller reporting man sick on Shirley Street and can not move. WFD and ambulance notified. WFD requesting police on scene. Male transported to MGH.
Female called from Sturgis Street to report her husband can not breath. Fire was notified.
Someone called to report a motor vehicle parked on Winthrop Street in front of his home that had been there for three days. W-92 reports they placed the vehicle on a 72 hour list. Tagged for parking over 72 hours.
Doctor reports one of his patients at Fort Heath Apartments is experiencing respitory distress.
Officer will try to serve male on Bowdoin Street a 209-A issued by the Hampton Probate and Family Court. He reports the landlord states that he is in prison.
Officer will try to serve female on Cutler Street a summons issued by the East Boston Court. He reports summons served in hand.
Female from Court Road came in to report fraud with her debit card.
Caller from Revere Street reports she is being harassed by her downstairs neighbor. W-93 reports dispute between tenants regarding noise. All parties advised of their rights.
Multiple calls on E-911 and regular lines reporting a car struck a pole on Revere Street and the pole is just about down. WFD and National Grid notified. State police notified to shut down short beach traffic. Operator was transported to MGH. Call to National Grid regarding detail officers to free up the shift for regular calls. National Grid notified and will call back. W-92 reports G&J responded and took custody of motor vehicle and towed same. Multiple calls regarding traffic situation. Power has been shut down to the area and will be out for several hours. Revere police informed us they had to pull the trooper from the area. Three detail officers were authorized and hired by Verizon and relieved the shift.
Lifeline requests an ambulance for a woman on Court Road who fell. Transferred to fire but caller was not there. Fire dispatched to the address.
Male caller from Cottage Ave. requests a transport for his wife for medical. WFD notified and will send transport. All units tied up on MVA on Revere Street.
Male called to report that while he was at his apartment to remove his belongings on Lowell Road, his girlfriend came home and is preventing him from taking anything. Officer reports this is a civil matter and caller is not on lease and parties agreed that he can come back tomorrow. Male came to the station after call was over to have noted but no action taken that he had a verbal argument this morning at approximately 11:30 a.m. and he was punched in the jaw by his girlfriend two times and kicked.
Call of loud music on Cora Street which is a live band. Lt. Scarpa responded and spoke with a parent who had the music turned down.
Male from Cora Street came to the station to report receiving a call from his estranged wife who lives in Virginia threatening to come to his address in Winthrop. Party was given a victim witness statement to complete. He will go to EBC in the a.m. to seek a restraining order.
Father came to the station with his infant son for a custody exchange. Mother was unable to come to station. Father directed to peacefully drop off child on Pleasant Street.
Multiple calls of power outages around town. Center area, Plummer, Pleasant, Bowdoin, Birch, Bellevue. WFD notified. Reports came that the transformer was on Sunnyside and Pleasant Street. WFD located the blown transformer on Pleasant Street. Approximately 1/3 of town is affected. Fire notified National Grid.
Bank intrusion alarm in Winthrop Center. Officers report all locked up.
All going off at Sound Systems in Winthrop Center. Secure, no break, power to the area was restored and may have triggered the alarm.
Caller reports an alarm sounding next door to him on Johnson Avenue. Party is not home. Power was just restored and may have caused it. Officer reports building secure, but alarm still audible. Located owners daughter who will respond to shut it off.Â
Wednesday, December 28Â
Calling party reports three males in vehicle stopped at Delby’s Corner and started verbally abusing him for no reason.
Call of a wire that is lying in the yard on Revere Street. Officer reports it is a phone line. Verizon called to take care of the phone lines that are lying across several driveways in the area of the accident last night.
Female from Washington Avenue came to the station to report she is being harassed by the condo manager. Civil matter as this stems from her unregistered car being towed off the building property.
DPW Calla called to report a company is working in the area of Walden Street and they have no permit or a police officer. Officer had them shut down.
Alarm company called for home alarm on Cross Street that is going off. Officer reports set off by mistake.
Call from CVS of a shoplifter. Units report one male is in custody.
Alarm activation on Upland Road. W-93 reports building secure. Officer reports while clearing from the alarm call, he had to assist vehicles backing up from the above intersection as a Carpenter Costin Tree Service had the entire intersection blocked with vehicles and equipment. They were told to shut down until they obtained a traffic officer. Town Civil Citation will be mailed out.
Female fell on Hale Avenue and needs help. Officer and WFD assisted woman.
Mother on Johnson Avenue had difficulty breathing. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Deputy Harbormaster came to the station to report that a boat had sunk off of Donovan’s Beach and he wanted to let us know that the harbormasters, fire, Coast Guard, Massport and any one else that should know already knows.
Woman came to the station with a pocketbook found in the Crest Avenue parking lot. There is a warrant for the owner if she comes to the station to claim her bag.
Reports of a male down on Winthrop Street. He is blue. W-93 responded and reports a sudden death. Action ambulance pronounced death at 18:15. State Police C-PAC notified and contacted the scene.
Male from Wave Way Avenue called to report of finding a package on his steps when he returned from the convenience store. He was gone about three minutes. Officer took possession of the property which is a black bag containing clothes and a letter with an Everett address on it. He will bring it to the station.
Female called to report a coach watch valued at over $300 is missing from her Coach baby bag that had been in her car on Sunset Road. She will come in to fill out a victim/witness form when she is clear as to the complete facts of the situation.
Female reports fire on sidewalk on Jefferson Street. Officer Ferullo and WFD report something on fire. Someone threw something out on the sidewalk. WFD put it out.Â
Thursday, December 29Â
Caller reports loud noises coming from the apartment on Governors Drive. She stated that she thought the apartment is supposed to be vacant. Caller did not want to give her information. Officers report several people in the apartment. Officers spoke to the owner of the apartment and had all parties removed.
97-year-old male on Shirley Street fell down and needs assistance getting up.
Female came in to the station to report that she had lost her I-pod two days ago while at the Square One Mall in Saugus. The approximate value of the device was $149.
Caller reports a pedestrian walking on Pleasant at Main Street “shadow boxing†motor vehicles. W-92 reports area search negative.
Male caller reports a van is illegally parked on Terrace Avenue as you go up from Shirley Street. Officer reports the van is in between signs that say no parking here to corner. It is not illegally parked.
Caller reports he is missing money from his apartment on Wave Way Avenue. Unit reports that party stated it was not his money but his roommate’s money that may be missing. He was told to have his roommate call and report it if his money is actually missing when he comes home.
Male came to the station with a woman’s pocketbook that he found in the street on Lincoln Street. Papers inside reveal the owner. Unable to get any answer at the phone number listed in the local book. W-93 responded and reports no one home. A neighbor informed that the woman no longer lives there but her son does. A note was left with the son to contact station so we can let him know we have mother’s bag. After checking further in the listing book, located the owner and W-93 delivered the purse to the owner.
Fire department at the Beach Station called to report a car blocking their exit. W-93 responded and reports a car is blocking and requests a tow. G&J contacted and responded and towed same.
Caller reports damage done to her Christmas decorations and bushes on Wilshire Street. This happened last month, but now she is reporting damage to a side wall and suspects neighborhood youths. Officer Brown will speak to caller; he reports that some minor damage to side brick wall ongoing problem in neighborhood. Caller wanted this noted and would like patrols to keep an eye on property in passing.Â
Friday, December 30Â
Male on Irwin Street complaining about the person in the apartment below him. Officers report speaking with the caller and the occupant in the apartment downstairs. That occupant is complaining about noise coming from upstairs. Both going to bed for the night.
Caller on Shore Drive reports that he has fallen and hurt his back. Called transferred to WFD. WFD and Action ambulance dispatched.
W-92 will attempt to serve a defendant on Shirley Street for a docket from Winchester Court. W-92 reports no such street address exists.
Female came to station to report being harassed by Viking Taxi people because she complained of their cabs running outside her window on Shirley Street. Victim/witness form filled out. She would like this noted. So done.
98, State, DEA performed a controlled delivery on Prospect Avenue. One under arrest. Charges: drug, possession to distribute Class B (meth).
Party reports she has been unable to make contact with her mother via phone on Golden Drive. She requested we attempt to make contact. W-93 reports making contact with mother who stated she is fine and does not wish to speak with her daughter. Caller notified.
Female came in to report she tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk on Putnam Street near the Town Lot. This happened last Wednesday morning. She was assisted by several people and went to her physician’s office to be treated for lacerations on her face and hands. She requested the incident be placed on record. So done.
Johnny Shamrock reports towing motor vehicle on Governors Drive for trespassing.
Melrose PD requests we notify female on Myrtle Avenue regarding finding her wallet. W-93 obliged.
Manager of LaSiesta Restaurant reports customer walking in with a foreign load. Refused service. He became abusive. Units stopped a male and will take him home to Shore Drive with a trespass waning from both LaSiesta and Swett’s Liquor.
Manager at Amvets reports being assaulted and struck by female. Units report assailant gone. Units checked her residence. No answer at door. They will seek hearing.
Loud music reported on Wilshire Street. Officer reports music coming from parked motor vehicle. They will shut music down. Passenger is from Wilshire Street.Â
Saturday, December 31Â
Party called complaining of joint pain and high blood pressure on Governors Drive. Called transferred to WFD.
911 transfer from state. Woman reports husband just broke all glass in kitchen on Shore Drive. Then he took off in her car. Units requests fire, Action for evaluation. Glass in feet. Units spoke to husband who is in Everett and he states he will not be back. She was given all rights and refused. She is also leaving for weekend. All clear.
Female from Summit Avenue came to the station regarding child custody/visitation. W-92 stood by to keep the peace. Male party refused to release the child. They will pursue the matter at the Probate and Family Court.
Abandoned E-911 wireless call from Pleasant Street. Callback party requesting a transport for shortness of breath. WFD notified.
Female came in to report receiving letter from “Bank of America†requesting her pin number for her account. She called BOA and they stated they do not send letters requesting pins. Copy of letter left for detectives.
Caller reports all four tires slashed while parked in his driveway on Shirley Street.
Female caller reports that she wants her son removed from her house on Siren Street. Units report that the son was very cooperative, left the area and understands that he is not welcome back there tonight.
Call from the fire department requesting an offer to assist on Shirley Street. Officer reports EMTs spoke with person’s doctor. All OK.
Male caller reports a large group of kids in the DPW parking lot. Units report, area clear.
Auxiliary Police requests a unit at the high school tennis courts. Unit reports 15-year-old female being transported to Whidden for evaluation. Unit will attempt to contact the parents.
Caller from Circuit Road reports her boyfriend is acting up. Officers requesting medical, and report one is in custody. Officer Hickey injured his hand while effecting the arrest and was treated at the scene by EMTs. Victim was treated at the scene but is refusing medical transport. Subject uncooperative during booking, refused medical attention from two different crews. Placed in a cell to be booked in the morning, after the alcohol wears off.
Caller reports that a red van full of youths on Shore Drive is driving around egging houses. There was no plate available at the time of the call. All units tied up at the previous call. Caller advised to get the plate if the vehicle comes by again.Â
Sunday, January 1Â
Call of a loud party on Governors Drive with guests acting up. Officers report walking through the building, no noise and no party.
Caller reports she wants a party removed from the Elks. Units report no problems.
Female caller reports someone stole her I-phone on Sewall Avenue.
Unit 91 reports he has one male under arrest on Veterans Road. Officer requesting a tow. G&J has been notified. Charges: OUI, 2nd offense, marked lanes violation.
Walk-in to report her motor vehicle was hit and run on 12/29. The vehicle which struck hers took off her driver’s side mirror. This happened in parking lot at 600 Shirley Street. The owner of that vehicle has refused to give her any information for her insurance company.
E911 wireless party reports his downstairs neighbor on Governors Drive was banging on his door and complaining about noise from his children.
Caller reports someone poured paint on her car on Governors Drive.
Reports of kids drinking on Amelia Avenue. Units respond and will submit report.
Party reports he is having problems with his wife on Wilshire Street and would like to see an officer. Party will meet officers in front.
Monday, January 2Â
WFD reports alarm activation at CPYC. Officers tied up on previous domestic. WFD reports malfunction.
Party brought small black purse into station. Purse contained US passport from someone from Maine. Also contained $14. Party identified and contacted at listed Maine phone number. She will arrange to have it picked up.
Caller reports wires having low on Jefferson Street. Concerned about large vehicle access to area. W-93 dispatched and reports cable wires hanging low. Comcast notified and will send a crew.
Party requesting medical assist with her elderly father on Shirley Street. WFD notified.
Child at Risk Hotline called to request we check on the well being of a four year old on Wave Way Avenue. She was bitten by a dog on Friday and that the dog is still in the apartment. W-93 respond and reports no one is home. A check with ACO reveals incident was not reported to him. Mother called and will bring girl to station. 93, ACO will file report. Child at Rick updated.
Party reports a man down near a white pickup truck on Tafts Avenue.
Caller reports possible fire in his walls on Shore Drive. No fire found.
Revere Police request that we go by Brookfield Road home as there is a disturbance between a suspect of a crime and her victim who is now outside the house. Officer spoke with victim who was advised crime happened in Revere and RPD will handle the complaint against the suspect.
Caller reports that she thought someone had been attempting to push in the rear door of her home on Lewis Avenue. Officers spoke to caller. She stated her son heard the storm door slam closed but when he looked out nobody was there. No evidence of any attempted B&E. Units checked the area and homeowners were satisfied.
Lifeline called stating that a 95 y ear old female on Locust Street set off her intruder alarm. Lifeline made contact with the female but she wasn’t aware of the alarm. Units report female wasn’t coming to the door. Lifeline attempted to call her back but no answer. They contacted a relative who arrived on the scene and everything was fine.