The newly constructed addition to the barn of the Deane Winthrop House has been completed, and everybody associated with the project is quite pleased with the final product.
Town Historian Dave Hubbard said he was happy that the Winthrop-based company, Paul Ferrara and Sons General Contracting, was able to maintain the historical integrity of the landmark and the site. Of course, Ferrara, being a long-time Winthrop resident whose company is celebrating its 35th year in business in the town, understood the significance of the project and its important place in the town’s history.
The Deane Winthrop House was first built in 1637 and was home to Deane Winthrop, son of John Winthrop, the first governor of the commonwealth. The new addition to the barn will provide valuable storage space for town archives and documents and a meeting place for the Winthrop and Improvement Historical Association (WIHA).
The WIHA is stepping up its effort to educate schoolchildren about the town’s history. As with most small towns in New England, Winthrop has its own unique background in which to take pride. The excellent work and meticulous attention to detail to the addition at the Deane Winthrop House property shows that many people in the town cherish the history of Winthrop, a legacy that generations will better be able to carry on for years to come.