Two months ago, assembling for a ceremony with friends and family to celebrate graduation seemed inconceivable; so when the 146 members of the Winthrop High School Class of 2021 proceeded into Miller Field, on June 4, surrounded by cheers from rows of loved ones and administrators, it was particularly momentous.
“They came blazing into our school as freshmen; and now they are walking out the door, in what seems like a flash. Through four years of steadfast commitment, they have excelled beyond expectation, and created a lasting legacy of leadership by example,†said Principal Matthew Crombie.

Following a brief pause to consider how fortunate students are to be gathered together that evening, Principal Crombie presented uplifting “Corona Awards†to commemorate the endurance of supportive families and students during the difficult year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Awards praised the football and cheerleaders for igniting the morale of the school and demonstrating Viking pride, the cast and crew of the drama society for shining brightly during two major productions, and the digital video crew for keeping students and teachers connected during remote learning by delivering Wake Up Winthrop High School news programs from their homes.
“When faced with the most dire of circumstances, they never flinched. They didn’t back down. They pushed forward with grit and determination; and while doing so, they grew up and changed,†declared Principal Crombie, as he presented the Class of 2021 with the Corona Award for Best Story. “The effulgence of this group will continue to burn brightly for years to come.â€