Special to the Transcript Robert Capezza and Bobby Graziano were lost to the Winthrop Community over the years. They were part of a group of Winthrop friends from the Trident Avenue neighborhood. This group of friends keeps in contact with…
Month: June 2021
WINARC Hosts Annual Driscoll Mahegan Invitational Special Olympics at Miller Field
James Letterie to Run for Council President
One of the longest-serving members of the Town Council, James Letterie, has taken the first step to become a candidate for Council President in the November election. Representing Precinct 2, Councilor Letterie has served on the Council and its Finance…
Turco Hires Jake Letterie as Legislative Aide
Newly elected State Representative Jeffrey Turco announced that Jake Letterie, a lifelong 19th Suffolk District resident, had been hired as his legislative aide at the State House. “It was extremely important to me to find a legislative aide who had…
Art in the Park Show and Sale Set for June 26
Special to the Transcript We’re back – This is the word from the Winthrop Art Association as we move into post-covid events. We’re thrilled to share our art and artists and look forward local support. The Winthrop Art Association will…
Care Dimensions Recognizes Local Resident
In celebration of National Nursing Assistant Week, June 17 – 23, Care Dimensions, the largest hospice and palliative care provider to adults and children in Massachusetts, recognizes hospice aide CNA Josiane Tshowa for the outstanding, compassionate care she provides to…
Hannah Belcher Announces Candidacy for Town Council
Hannah Belcher has officially announced her candidacy for the position of Town Council, representing Precinct 3. The following is her statement: As a lifelong Winthrop resident, the future of our town is of the utmost importance to me. From its…
Winthrop’s Drinking Water Complies With State and Federal Standards, According to MWRA Report
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has begun mailing its Annual Water Quality Report to every household in its service area. In the report published online the MWRA includes statistics on the quality of Winthrop’s drinking water, which Winthrop Public…
Northeast Metro Tech Class of 2021 Graduation
Superintendent-Director David DiBarri and Principal-Deputy Director Carla Scuzzarella are pleased to announce the graduation of the 301 students in Northeast Metro Tech’s Class of 2021. Northeast Metro Tech held four mini-graduation ceremonies, two each on Thursday, June 3 and Friday,…
A Year in Retrospect
By Dale Dunbar The Winthrop Vikings boys varsity hockey team gathered at JW’s Restaurant June 12 for its year-ending banquet. What a difference a year makes as last season’s rather unceremonious gathering was in the rear parking lot of the…