Letters to the Editor

Donald Trump Ballot Question

Dear Editor,

The Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission met last week to discuss the challenge posed by Massachusetts Liberal Democrat Attorney Liss-Riordan and Liberal group “Free Speech for People” to prevent Republican Donald Trump’s name from appearing on the Massachusetts  primary ballot. The state GOP and an Attorney for Donald Trump were in attendance to opposed this challenge. The contention according to Liberal Democrat Liss-Riordan was Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. 

The three member Ma Ballot Law Commission started the meeting stating that there were two issues at hand. The first issue was whether the Ma Ballot Law Commission had jurisdiction to address this matter. The second issue would be decided on the complaint merits if the Ma Ballot Commission did have jurisdiction to hear this complaint.

The Ballot Law Commission stated at the beginning of the meeting that on this day, January 18, they would only hear arguments on the question of jurisdiction. Both sides spoke for about 5 minutes on the issue of jurisdiction. After the brief jurisdiction arguments were presented by both sides, the Ma Ballot Law Commission adjourned. They stated that a decision would be made very soon on the jurisdictional issue, and a new date would be announced to hear the complaints if necessary.

Below is prepared statement the Winthrop Republican Town Committee will present if this issue is taken up by the Ma Ballot Law Commission on the issue of Donald Trump’s name on the Ma Primary Ballot.

Good Morning Ma Ballot Commission. 

I appreciate the opportunity to communicate my opinions and beliefs. Today I am here representing myself and the Town of Winthrop’s Republican Town Committee. 

Being a Conservative in a deep Blue state I am accustomed to my political choices not winning the day….. any day. That’s is okay as long as our Elections are free and fair.

To paraphrase, renowned Liberal Democrat Attorney and Professor Allan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School, “Don’t take away my right to vote against a candidate I do not like.” This effort today seeks to remove the People’s right to vote for or against a candidate. Much less a former President who is hands down the leading candidate in this Presidential race.

It is also oddly “rich” & hypocritical that this proposal is being sought by a group calling itself “free speech for people.” Because exactly what is being requested by this group is to stifle free speech.

The basis for this infringement of voting rights by “free speech for people” is stated as the 14 Amendment Section 3. Frankly, unbiased thinking people will dispute this is an appropriate application of this Amendment. Apparently “free speech for people” never read the 14th Amendment. As the 14 Amendment, Section 1, states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of the law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

President Trump has not been indicted for the crime (insurrection) “free speech for people,” falsely accuse him of. And most importantly President Trump has never been convicted of this false accusation. So there has not been due process of the law., and your claims are specious. Simultaneously “free speech for people” are abridging the voting privileges of every legal voter in Massachusetts.

Throw out this challenge to President Trump’s ballot placement now and let the People of MA speak.


Paul Caruccio Chairman Winthrop Republican Town Committee

Disappointed in Officials

Dear Editor,

It was disappointing to watch the presentation by Town officials and their consultants regarding the so-called MBTA Housing Law. The law would create very serious changes to the Town of Winthrop. Fellow citizens that I spoke with were as concerned ( with some not surprisingly very angry ) as I and my fellow Councilors were. Here are the concerns that must be addressed:

1) Why has the Town worked on a plan for more than a year and yet not fully informed the public or the Council?

2) Why do we still not have a firm schedule of public meetings to review and comment on various alternatives?

3) Why were NO alternatives presented? Other Towns have developed a multi-alternative framework that were developed, in part, by citizen input.

4) Why hasn’t the Town made any effort to determine if the number of additional units required be lowered? Winthrop has many unique characteristics among which include only two roads leading in/out and both of which are imperiled and sometimes blocked by ocean flooding and rains. Winthrop also hosts the MWRA plant and Logan and if our roadways are clogged or unpassable because of even more traffic- I worry that emergency response to incidents at either of these regional facilities may be compromised. A public safety lens must be put onto any Winthrop requirements.

We must do better! I can state that based on the comments from fellow Councilors at last week’s meeting that the Town Council will seek to completely change the way we have been conducting this effort. We will advocate for more input, more alternatives, deeper analysis and a stronger advocacy on behalf of the Town.

Joseph Aiello

Winthrop Town Councilor – Precinct 5

A Message for Winthrop Residents

Dear Editor,

I attended the Town Council Meeting on Jan. 16, 2024.  After the presentation  and discussion about the flooding in the Girdelstone and Pico areas of the town there was a presentation of the new MBTA M3 Rezoning Law. This law was enacted a few years ago, but many are just becoming aware of it.  Council President Letterie and Town Manager Marino have yet to call a town wide  meeting regarding the law and how it affects Winthrop.   They said they have been working on it for about six (6) months.

From what I understand from this brief meeting is, that it affects most residential areas on the local bus routes.

I guess that is most of the Town.  The law eliminates our local zoning and building codes in these areas and much more.

You can google the law, if interested, MBTA  M3 Housing Law.  Our elected and appointed officials should be trying to obtain some relief for us based on our density, land area, limited access roads and the fact that our schools are almost at max capacity.

This law is eliminating our “Home Rule”.

This is one of those laws that will take a toll on just about all residents in some way.

Mary Biggio

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