Monday, February 15
Water leak reported on Sagamore Avenue. DPW was notified.
Plumber called requesting a water meter from the town for residence on Forrest Street. DPW notified.
Party on Pleasant Street called to report that they had frozen pipes and need the water shut off. Fire will assist.
An individual from Shirley Street came to the police station to report that she was threatened by a neighbor over an ongoing parking issue.
Officer has a motor vehicle stopped near the Elks for stop sign violation. A written warning was issued.
Caller on Grovers Avenue states that the fire alarms are going off and she can hear something, maybe water. WFD will check this out.
Along Revere Street, some unknown person or persons placed ‘leaflets†on lawns, porches and in mail boxes that are hateful in nature.
Walk-in to report that a man moved into the condo complex on Sea Foam Avenue and has been parking in her spot. She left him a note on the car and he still parks there. She knocked on the door and spoke to the male. He yelled at her and said it was not “a matter of national security.†He then slammed the door on her. She wanted this on record in case it gets worse. She was advised of her rights.
W91 reports that the stop sign at Putnam and Jefferson needs to be fixed. DPW notified.
Party on Pico Avenue acme in to report that her step-daughter is using her husbands information to obtain credit cards.
Party on Walden Street fell. EMS will handle.
Another pipe burst on Locust Street. Fire will respond and handle.
Caller on Waldemar Avenue reports that water is coming up from the street. DPW notified an asked us to check on it. They are aware of the issue and will work on it tomorrow.
Party on Johnson Avenue came in to report that someone threw a rock or some other hard object and cracked a second floor window. She stated this has happened before.
A cell phone was turned in that was found in the Highlands area. The phone is locked, so not able to look for the owner.
Homeland Security reports a first floor main entry door alarm going off on Washington Avenue.
Party on Hermon Street reports that she needs medical for her 7-year-old. Fire notified.
Caller on Fairview Street reports an arcing wire on the ground. Fire notified and will respond. Fire contacted National Grid who will respond to the scene.
Caller at Viking Gardens reports that her neighbor is distressed and needs medical attention. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
Tuesday, February 16
Party on Amelia Avenue reports that his wife may have food poisoning and needs an ambulance to go to the hospital. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
MSP called for us to investigate a motor vehicle on Revere Street that is wanted in the connection of a homicide. 93 went to observe if the vehicle was at the location in question, to no avail. Units will BOLO the area.
Caller on Faun Bar Avenue reports sliding down the hill and hitting the sidewalk (curb) before coming to a stop. DPW notified and will send some equipment to sand/salt the area.
Party on Somerset Avenue reports a lifeline alert. Fire and ambulance notified and report clearing with an assist.
Call from East Boston Health to ask if an ambulance can check on a patient at the Arbors. EMS notified.
Call from the Arbors to report they have a diabetic that needs to be checked out. They will be at the Pleasant Street entrance. EMS notified.
Neighbor on Walden Street called to report that the lady that lives there has fallen. EMS notified.
Party called to ask if we could locate and inform subject that she is needed in court as she is in the victim in an ongoing case. Officer reports she does not live there any longer. Lowell District Court was called back with the information.
Call from Marshall Street to report there is water pouring into the house. DPW notified.
Party on Coral Avenue reports that his uncle is having a difficult time breathing. EMS notified.
Court faxed warrant of apprehension for subject on Irwin Street. Officers report they have her in custody. She will be transported by officers.
Caller on Summit Avenue report that his daughter is experiencing chest pains, and the father is requesting medical services. WFD responding.
Party called to say he is watching the house for her sister on Sewall Avenue and the last two nights someone has egged the house. AM officers asked to check the area during their shift.
Report of water in a house in Cottage Avenue. DPW notified.
Excited female on Shirley Street called to report a run away or someone trying to run away. Officers report speaking to the mother.
Party on Sagamore Avenue called to report that her husband needs to go to the Melrose Wakefield Hospital. EMS notified.
Report that there is a car with no handicap plate or placard and is in the handicap space on Hermon Street near Town Hall. Officer reports tagging the vehicle and it moved.
Trooper requested a detective to meet him on Revere Street for an investigation.
Sister is housesitting on Sewall Avenue and reports house was egged again. No other information at this time. 93 Pena sent to the address to monitor for suspects.
Wednesday, February 17
Caller on Pebble Avenue reports a motor vehicle has been idling for a while. Unit reports the subject is under arrest for driving under the influence, second offense. G&J notified and will respond to tow the vehicle.
Caller on Shirley Street reports that her daughter may have taken too much of her medication. Fire notified. Unit responds and reports 18-year-old female to the Whidden.
Ambulance needed on Walden Street. EMS notified.
Individual from Fairview Street came in to report the fraudulent use of her credit card.
Party on Sewall Avenue fell and needs help. EMS notified.
Sergeant reports being off for subject on Highland Avenue for a follow-up investigation. She spoke to the subject and all is settled.
Party came into the station very upset and nervous. He stayed that the IRS called and wants him to send $8,900 as they are coming to arrest him. We explained that this is a scam. He stated he was on his way to get the money and send it. He left ok.
Call from the Arbors to report a non-responsive patient. EMS will handle.
Party on Court Road called to report that his wife is having a hard time breathing. EMS notified.
Call of a water leak on Forrest Street. DPW notified.
Female on Washington Avenue banged her head and feels sick. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Party on Elliot Street reports that two men on a red moped in the yard near his wife’s vehicle and fled towards Deer Island. 94 and 93 report stopping the near the causeway along with a bike rider. The driver was not licensed. He will be summoned. The other two were brought to the station for attempting to commit a crime. Their parents were called to pick them up. G&J will tow and store the moped pending further investigation.
Essex Regional transfer came back to Viking Gardens address on a hang up 911. 91 reports an upset female about someone in Seal Harbor, spoke to the caller and they also spoke with mother and all is okay.
Party at Fort Heath Apartments reports not feeling well. Transferred to WFD and they will handle.
Officer was stopped at River Road and Washington Avenue about a lost dog. ACO was called and took possession to the animal.
Caller on Enfield Road reports being in pain and wanting medical assistance.
Reports that about four to five individuals are going from car to car at Fort Heath Apartments carport. 91 and 93 report individuals were sent from the area.
Report of a loud party on Trident Avenue. Music was turned off for the night and peace was restored.
Thursday, February 18
Party brought a license plate that she found in the street. The number plate is listed out of a Medford address.
Constable called to repot that he will be in the area of River Road conducting several civil arrests.
Report that someone fell on Governors Drive. EMS notified.
Harbormaster called to inform us that Clean Harbors will have two utility trailers parked in the middle of the landing for about two weeks.
Party on Johnson Avenue wanted this on record. He received a phone call from a male saying he was from the IRS and was going to have her arrested. She was told that this is a scam that has been going on for years and more now as it is tax season. She still wanted it on record.
Safety Officer called the stoat to report that an elderly person needs an ambulance on Winthrop Street. Fire notified.
Party on Highland Avenue came to the station to report that on Tuesday, February 16, a female with some type of badge gave her a hard time and used racial remarks. 951 will investigate and file a report.
Therapist requests a well-being check on an individual that resides on Pauline Street. Officers report no answer. The therapist would like us to gain entry. Fire and officers state the apartment is vacant. The therapist was notified.
Party on Cross Street reports another male has a diabetic reaction. WFD notified and will handle.
Caller on Overlook Drive called to report that he is sick and needs to go to the MGH. EMS notified.
Concierge at Seal Harbor called to report that there is a lady in the lobby and feels sick. Fire notified.
Caller at Executive Apartments reports that a male is in the lobby intoxicated. Medical determined that the individual was not intoxicated, just trying to stay warm. He refused medical. 91 will transport him to Orient Heights where he will go to a shelter in Boston for the night.
Party on Cutler Street reports a motor vehicle is parked in the handicap spot. Officer reports the vehicle is parked in violation and he will attempt to locate the owner. Officer reports the vehicle was tagged.
Party on Tafts Avenue report a Mercedes was just driving through the neighborhood slowly blowing the car horn the entire way. Officer checked the area to no avail.
Friday, February 19
Party on Wave Way Avenue called to request medical aid for his mother who cut her finger. His mother lives in Revere. Transferred to RPD.
Party on Shirley Street reports that his tenant on the third floor is playing loud music and the kids are dancing and making noise. Officers report the juvenile no scene there is not being cooperative. Officers report peace was restored and the party was dispersed.
Two calls regarding a motor vehicle crash on Revere Street. WFD and EMS notified. Officer report two parties trapped inside the vehicle.
Report of an accident on Main Street and someone may be hurt.
Units notified as well as EMS. One vehicle was involved as well as an unregistered vehicle for sale on the private property lot. One operator complained of a head injury but refused any transport. The other party was transported.
Court officer called to inform us that she was faxing a Warrant of Apprehension to us for service on Buckthorn Terrace. The officers located the subject and will transport her directly to court.
Party on Bellevue Avenue called to report that her white dog with brown spots was missing. At about the same time, a woman came into the station with the dog. The woman brought the dog to the owner.
W92 report having several commercial vehicles removed from the sidewalks on Veterans Road as their parking would prevent walkers, carriage or others from traveling the sidewalk.
Caller on Irwin Street reports a one-way sign was on the ground. Unit reports the sign is on the ground but a couple of nails should fix the problem. DPW notified and will have it reattached.
Reports that an elevator is stuck on the second floor on Veterans Road. Caller does not know if anyone is in it. Fire notified.
Party reporting a family issue and wants it noted for probate court.
Unit reports a parked motor vehicle on Woodside Avenue. The vehicle is expired and will be towed to registered owners address by G&J.
Party came to the station to report the loss his wallet somewhere in Governors Park. The wallet contained his license, SS card, school ID and insurance card and a credit card and two debit cards.
Reports from female at Viking Gardens that her neighbor cut his hand and needs an ambulance. Transferred to EMS and fire notified.
Party on Brookfield Road reports that his neighbor fell outside and needs assistance. EMS notified.
Caller on Wilshire Street reports that his CO2 detector is sounding. Transferred to WFD.
Caller on Cottage Avenue reports leak from the shut off valve on the sidewalk.
Saturday, February 20
Party on Overlook Drive requests help getting back into bed. Call transferred to WFD for an assist.
Caller on Nevada Street reports the next door neighbor has loud music playing and he can not sleep. Officers report speaking with the neighbor who will turn off the music and apologized about it.
Frantic female on Marshall Street called to report that her father is on the floor and she does not know if he is breathing. Unable to get further information. WFD and EMS contacted and responded. Officer reports 80-year-old male being transported to MGH via ambulance.
Neighbor on Pleasant Street called to report that the relative of the neighbor next door who is taking car of the animals has locked herself out. Fire notified to assist. Officer reports the back door was actually open and also the key was in the keyhole so there was no need to have fire make an entry. All is ok.
Owner of property on Locust Street reports that his new tenant moved some items into the apartment. Earlier a contractor was doing work inside. Last night it was determined that items belonging to the new tenant were missing. One of the workers for the contractor admitted taking some of the missing items but not all of them. Party has agreed to return the items that he took today at noon. The caller would like to have an officer present when this takes place. He will call when subject arrives. The subject never showed up. The officer got contact information for him and will try to contact the suspect.
Female caller on Main Street reports that her friend contacted her reporting that her boyfriend taking her motor vehicle plate from her car. The caller is calling from a business in Winthrop but the incident may have occurred in East Boston The officer reports the call originated in East Boston involving stolen plates and possible domestic situation. A7 was notified and responded. They will transport the caller to the original jurisdiction and Boston Police to take a report and assist with ERO.
Caller at AW Dalrymple School is having difficulty speaking and is requesting medical. WFD/EMS notified. One male transported via Action Ambulance.
Party on Moore Street is complaining about loud music coming from a house there. Officer found the loud music coming from Beacon Street. Owner turned down the radio and peace was restored.
Party called to report a woman walking a golden Retriever on a leash allowed her dog to jump up on her car parked on Crest Avenue and the dog scratched her vehicle. Caller spoke to the dog walker and the walker denied that her dog did the damage. W93 checked the area for the dog walker and located her and o obtained her information and statement.
Caller on Grandview Avenue reports a problem with the water and she needs the DPW. DPW notified.
Lifeline called reporting a fall detector and getting no response on Golden Drive. WFD notified and responded reporting an accidental alarm and re-signaled for Lifeline.
We got a request that we contact the driver of a motor vehicle as she was just involved in the shoplifting of multiple ladies pocketbooks from Nordstrom’s in the North Shore Mall. Detective reports that they want the bags back and to trespass the female from the entire North Shore Mall. Party was contacted and she brought the bags to the station. The female was trespassed from the Mall. Peabody detective notified and will pick up the bags in question.
Caller on Douglas Street reports that a car just drove into the house. Officer report minor damage.
Party on Floyd Street reports that his smoke alarms are sounding. Transferred to WFD.
Caller on Shore Drive requests an ambulance for his mother who is sick.
Party reports losing her wallet earlier today on Shore Drive and just discovered it missing now. Earlier today a male called regarding finding a wallet on Shore Drive and was inquiring if anyone reported it lost. He was told to bring the wallet to the station or that we would pick it up from him. The male would not identify himself and stayed that he would bring the wallet to the station. As of this time he has not. In checking with the State on Shore Drive, no one turned a wallet in there either.
Caller at Executive Apartments reports that he fell and he cannot get up. WFD responding.
Party at Executive Apartments requests an ambulance to go to the hospital. EMS notified.
Caller reports a large group at the landing being disruptive. Officers dispersed the group.
Party reports loud music coming from somewhere on Dolphin Street. Officers report no noise at this time.
Caller on Beacon Street reports loud music coming from the house next door. Officer had the resident shut off the music.
Sunday, February 21
Party on Bowdoin Street reports that his vehicle was entered overnight after parking it in his driveway at 10 p.m. It appears that someone went to the glove compartment and went through the car as items were strewn about the car. Nothing appears to be missing at this time and no damage to the vehicle.
Caller on Golden Drive reports getting a message on her phone whelk she was out of someone reporting a CO2 alarm going off in their apartment. Caller does not know why or how she received the message and was concerned that someone may have believed that they reported it to the property agency. Transferred to WFD and they will check out the location on Golden Drive.
Party on Coral Avenue stating he is having severe chest pain. WFD/EMS notified.
Caller on Faun Bar Avenue reports two subjects parked out in front of her house earlier that got out and possibly took a picture of the water tower. Vehicle left are prior to caller reporting but a check shows the vehicle is listed to a resident.
Reports of a black SUV parked on Bellevue Avenue for a long period of time. Motor vehicle has Maine plate. Officers spoke with the males who are waiting for their mother to return home.
Caller on Shirley Street reports giving his motor vehicle to someone known to him for repair with the understanding that it would be returned this afternoon. The vehicle was not returned and the party is not answering the phone. W93 spoke to the caller and left a message for the repairman. Caller will wait until the morning to take any further action.
Party on Morton Street reports loud music in the neighborhood waking her baby. Units report speaking with the homeowner.
Male party called wanting some help in retrieving his property from his mother’s house where she now has a boyfriend living there with her. He reports that they keep telling him to get his property and then won’t let him have it. After inquiring where the caller lived, he replied Gibbons. It was thought that we were not hearing correctly or misunderstanding and asked again. Got the same reply. He was asked where that was and the caller said between Winthrop and Fairfax. The party was then asked where he thought he was calling to. Winthrop, Maine?? The caller said no, he was actually looking for Winthrop, Minnesota. The caller was redirected.
Caller reports that the Domino’s Pizza delivery man struck her while she was walking on Edwards Street. When he spoke to him about his driving, he started swearing at her. She tried to call the Domino’s to report him but they put her on hold. The caller is concerned due to the children in the area. Officer reports checking the area for the motor vehicle. The officer spotted the delivery driver and spoke to him with a stern warning.