In less than a month, the town council will hear the first report from the Ordinance Review Committee on any suggested changes to the town’s charter or ordinances.
The committee met Tuesday night and will meet at least two more times before it submits its report.
Chairman Joe Boncore said the committee will submit a report on July 16 so there is time for the town council to review and time to get any potential questions on the November ballot. After the report is submitted, the committee will focus on any potential changes to the town’s ordinances.
The Ordinance Review Committee will make a presentation to the town council on July 21.
Boncore explained that the report will contain four items for consideration. The first will be a change that clarifies who can make an emergency declaration, such as during a blizzard. The second item will be language to address a recall or abandonment of office by an elected official.
Former council president Jeff Turco, sitting in on the meeting as a citizen, said having the proper recall procedure is important. He noted the problem the Revere School Committee is having with one member who has been charged with selling prescription drugs. The member has refused to step down and there is no recall provision to get her off the committee.
The third and fourth items expected to be in the report are the mechanics of town council salary increases and the rules regarding how items are placed on the town council agenda.
Boncore said the committee needs to get any potential ballot questions to the attorney general’s office by Aug. 31. The attorney general will approve the language for the ballot question.
The committee is scheduled to meet again Tuesday night, June 30 at 7 p.m. in town hall. It will also meet July 14, 7 p.m. in town hall.