Monday, December 23
Alarm Company reports the Senior Center alarm is going off. Officer reports it was set off by mistake.
Male came in to report a car is just sitting to the side of Revere Street and the driver is doing nothing. Off. S. Hickey reports that this is a breakdown, and there is help at the scene.
Request for an ambulance for a male on Seymour Street who is feeling ill.
WFD reports fire alarm activation on Brookfield Road.
Caller on Main Street reports a package delivered by UPS, valued at approximately $600 was stolen from her porch.
Massachusetts Recovery Bureau came in to report they just repossessed a vehicle on Court Road.
Male called to report that “Last week a lady in the area of Highland Avenue told him about a green van with a commercial plate (unknown number), and an operator with a beard was acting suspiciousâ€. All units are on the lookout.
Off. Feeley will fingerprint a victim of a larceny on Winthrop Street, to eliminate her prints.
Report of a yellow Nissan with a female operator wearing a kerchief on her head was operating erratically. All units notified.
CVS called to report a female possibly concealing products. Unit reports female left prior to police arrival and no one knows for sure if any items were taken.
Female on Sunnyside Avenue came to the station to report that her ex-husband had moved out to Florida and insisted on coming into her home. Any property that he left behind she has put out for him to pick up. She is afraid, as is her 13-year-old daughter. They report that he may still have a key to the outside door to the home. She has informed the landlord. Reporter is the only one on the lease. Party was advised that the ex is supposed to come to the home on Thursday night to pick up the rest of his belongings. She will call if there is a problem and may seek a RO on Tuesday or Thursday.
Caller reports female yelling at a male party at D&T Market. Units report parties advised of their rights and they claim it was just a verbal argument.
Female came to the station to report that her ex-husband’s mother keeps calling her and threatening her with DCF. She reports that she is already involved with DCF and wants the mother to stop calling her. We contacted the mother and she states that it is the former daughter-in-law who is calling her. Both were instructed not to contact each other.
A black bag found opposite the CVS was brought to the station. The bag contains remnants of a coin collection and parts of proof sets. No identification in the bag.
Party called to report that there are several carloads of kids parked on Shirley Street and they are very loud. While on the phone with the caller, the cars cleared the area.
Tuesday, December 24
Mother on Linden Street came to the station regarding her 17-year-old disabled daughter who is with her father in Winthrop. Sgt. Crisafi, along with the 91 and 92 responded to the residence and were satisfied with the wellbeing of the child.
93 reports he is off with a motor vehicle on Revere Street. 93 requests second unit for assistance. 93 reports one in custody and requests a tow. One under arrest for speeding and driving under the influence (third offense).
Male on Sagamore Avenue came in to report suspicious activity with his checking account. 93 assistance and will file a report.
Caller reports an elderly male tripped and fell in front of Gagin Insurance. W93 reports 89-year-old male to Whidden. No sidewalk defect. Party was located and he states he tripped over the curb.
Male came to the station to report that his Liberty Bay Credit Union MasterCard was fraudulently used. Specifically, he reports that on December 14 the amounts of $35.29, $76.75 and $48.55 were charged on the card at Rite Aid and CVS stores in New York. His bank was contacted and the card cancelled.
Caller on Putnam Place reports that her mother is feeling dizzy and requests an ambulance.
W93 reports speaking with the party who was taking pictures of boats and will move on for the day.
Caller on Overlook Drive reports that her visiting nurse may have accidently unplugged her chair and she needs assistance.
Off. Curran reports 209A served in hand on Atlantic Street.
Caller on Washington Avenue reports downstairs neighbor is playing his music loud. Both parties advised to get along as this is an ongoing incident and further disturbances will be dealt with effectively.
Caller on Crescent Street reports her heating system is smoking. Fire notified and will respond.
Daughter reports that her mother fainted at the Winthrop Yacht Club and the left side of her body is not working. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
Caller on Waldemar Avenue reports that her grandmother is dizzy and not feeling well. Fire and ambulance notified and will respond.
Wednesday, December 25
W91 stopped a motor vehicle for violations on Main Street. Verbal warning given.
Call for medical aid inside Holy Rosary Church. Fire/EMS dispatched along with W92. Party transported to MGH.
Caller on Bellevue Avenue requests EMS. Fire notified.
Report of a dryer fire on Tafts Avenue. W91 reports fire knocked down and house ventilated.
Call for lifeline activation on Bowdoin Street. W91 on scene as WFD is unable to gain entry. W93 reports patient evaluated by Action, EMS and is not in need of medical attention.
Caller on Payson Street reports a possible drunk male. W91 requests EMS for evaluation.
Walk-in report of a past assault.
Caller on Locust Street reports that his friend is having chest pains and requests an ambulance.
Party on Plummer Avenue reports that his neighbor is not feeling well.
Request for EMS for medical aid on Marshall Street.
Party came to the station requesting assistance to enter home due to lockout on Undine Avenue. Fire contacted and will assist.
Request for EMS for medical aid on Shirley Street.
Report of a loud party on Locust Street. Officer reports speaking to father who will have his children calm down for the night.
Thursday, December 26
Female caller reports that there are workers at the Temple and the machine they have is throwing rocks and branches against cars. Officer reports they have a bobcat on Temple property and nothing is being thrown around.
A call that someone at Fort Heath Apartments needs an ambulance. Fire notified.
Nurse on Locust Street reports that he needs an ambulance for a client. Fire will handle.
Female reports that her purse was stolen from her car overnight on Nevada Street.
Party called to report that her car is gone. When asked if she may have parked it near by and forgot, she said, “no it was stolen.†She was told to come to the station and fill out a Stolen Car form. We checked the last few days for tows, and W91 was radioed to check the area. W93 came to the station to fill out a larceny incident report and he stated that the car is on Main Street. W91 went to Main Street and the vehicle with two occupants was pulling out. Male was told to stop, as the owner believes the car is stolen. In the vehicle, were the owner and her son.
Male came to the station to report that he has not received his renewed Algerian passport. He sent for the renewal approximately two months ago and has yet to receive it via UPS. He has reported this to his consulate as well.
Female called because she was referred to the police from Town Hall regarding getting a permit from the police to put a POD on Pauline Street. She was informed that she could not get a permit for that from us and that required a permit similar to a dumpster. She was referred back to the Town Hall and the DPW regarding the permit. Caller was also informed that the POD couldn’t be placed on the public way without the proper permit.
Mother on Quincy Avenue reports that her son is on the floor and unresponsive. Fire notified and W91 and W92 responded. Transported to Whidden.
Reports of a crash on Pleasant Street near Cottage Park Road. Party does not think there are any injuries. A second call came in. Fire notified and they had already been called. One operator cited for failure to stop.
Woman reports that the roads are very slippery as she just spun around on Hermon Street. DPW notified.
Excited male on Wave Way Avenue reports a truck is on fire in the driveway there. All units notified. Call transferred to Fire. W91 reports a window was broken in the truck. Witnesses report that two males ran from the scene. Officers checked the area. DPW notified to be on standby after fire clears to treat the area.
Friday, December 27
Caller on Governors Drive reports someone using a hose and yelling at someone to take off their shirt. Unit reports everything is okay.
Caller on Upland Road reports a car alarm keeps going off. Unit reports standing by the car that was pointed out to him, but the motor vehicle alarm never went off.
Dispatcher for Winthrop Taxi called to report one of their taxis struck a parked car parked on Waldemar Avenue, opposite the Middle School. Minor damage reported, and the dispatcher said he left a note on the parked vehicle.
Report of a wire down on the public way on Faun Bar Avenue. WFD notified. Officer reports the fire tied off the cable line.
Vehicle was observed parked in the handicap parking spot at the Dunkin Donuts on Main Street without a placard displayed. A parking ticket was issued. After ticket was issued, female party came out and said she had a placard and retrieved it from the vehicle. Female was asked if it was hers and she said “yesâ€. The placard was for a male party who was in Dunkin Donuts. When officer confirmed the identity of the male party, it WAS NOT the party on the placard. Female was informed that the parking ticket would stand and the HP placard would be seized as she presented it to the officer. Female advised that the proper owner of the placard could come to the station to retrieve it. Female was advised not to use the placard if the owner is not present.
Party on Waldemar Avenue reports that her aunt’s apartment was being fumigated and her aunt had to leave the apartment for some 8 hours. The party would like it noted that the landlord and his daughter-in-law entered the apartment after the fumigation took place and had no business being there. The landlord has since left the apartment.
Fire requests an officer for a lockout on Cliff Avenue. Officer reports party decided to wait for his girlfriend to arrive home to enter the home.
Party on Buchanan Street came in to report having a dispute with her ex-husband over the safety of the Christmas presents he got their children. He called her a derogatory name. She wanted this on record in case anything develops from it.
Saturday, December 28
Kasbah Restaurant requests officer to assist with customer altercation. Property of another customer was removed from the restaurant and responsible parties were located.
Male came to the police station to return a jacket, car keys, temporary Mass. Driver’s license and Santander debit card that officer(s) went to his house this morning to inquire about. He stated that he found these items in his house this morning. Attempts were made to contact the owner of the missing items, however the phone number provided in the report was not in service.
Motor vehicle stopped for violation on Shore drive. Verbal warning given to operator.
Party came in to retrieve her property that was found in a CVS bag.
Motor vehicle stopped for violations at Ace Woodside Hardware. Operator’s license status is suspended. Active WMS in system. One under arrest for Revere warrant and driving with suspended license.
Received 911 call regarding mother having an argument. Officers report attempting to mediate. She will bring the juvenile to that station in order to get in touch with another family member.
Off-duty semi-retired former detective reports the blue snow emergency parking ban lights flashing at Pauline and Pleasant Street. DPW notified and will reset them.
Party at Viking Gardens requesting EMS. WFD notified.
Female reports that her motor vehicle was struck while parked at the baseball field on Franklin Street. She reports that her rear passenger side bumper was damaged and she has a witness who may have observed a town DPW truck that caused the damage earlier today. She is not at home at this time, and will call when she returns to provide additional information. DPW also notified to inquire with the employees that may have been in the area. Party came in to provide additional information on Sunday morning. The witness described the suspect vehicle as a town of Winthrop small white rubbish truck parked at an angle very close the rear of the victim’s truck where the damage is evident. He was emptying trash containers. She wall follow up with DPW on Monday at the DPW office.
Party on Wilshire street reports that she has been receiving harassing phone calls on several occasions and was advised by Verizon to report it to the local police department. Referred to Det. Delehanty.
Officer will be conducting a follow up investigation on Irwin Street. Officer reports that peace has been restored.
Party found a backpack with several items on the beach in the vicinity of the Deer Island parking lot. Message left on owner’s voice mail to report to the station to retrieve it.
Report of a male lying under a tree in the area of Kilmartin Park walkway on Revere Street. 92 report it is a known subject. WFD notified.
Off-duty Boston Police officer called stating that two unattended four-year-old girls were walking down Saratoga Street into Winthrop.
Young female on Brookfield Road called to state a man outside screaming at her mother and father. Officers report a dispute over fireworks being lit off. Officer will set up a hearing at EBDC.
Auxiliary police called stating they encountered several youths behind the high school who ran off. Officer respond and reports that the youths apparently gained entrance in a parked school bus and were hanging out there.
Sunday, December 29
Party on River Road reports that a male just came to his address and claims he was struck in the head with a baseball bat. WFD and EMS notified. Officers report subject sustained injuries to the right side of his head. He is being boarded and will be transported by EMS to the MGH for further medical evaluation. The victim is refusing to give the officers any information at this time.
Female reported to Off. Brown that male subject assaulted her and the warrant check reveals subject appears to be wanted by Virginia Beach PD for probation violations on several felonies. Caution, probably armed. Officers report placing the male subject under arrest for the domestic assault and battery. The warrant information needs to be verified with Virginia Beach PD. One under arrest for domestic assault and battery, threat to commit a crime and being a fugitive from justice.
Party believes there was a break-in at the Holy Rosary Church. Officer responded.
Caller on Walden Street reports that her neighbor is on oxygen, but the main canister is not functioning properly. Call transferred to WFD who will assist the party until the medical supply company arrives.
Party turned in three large plastic bags full of gift cards for several stores he found in a rubbish container at the CVS just into East Boston. Cards have no value unless activated by a cashier. Manager contacted and stated there were no incidents of thefts at their location and showed no interest in taking custody of them.
Party on Atlantic Street requesting EMS for an elderly female. Transferred to Action EMD.
Caller reports that a child has been in a silver car by himself for over 20 minutes now at Wyatt Mobil. Officer reports no sign of an adult.
Reports of a Golden Retriever running around unattended on Loring Road. Unable to reach ACO.
Party reports that a light blue motor vehicle is roaming around the Point Shirley area being driven in an erratic manner. Officers advised to BOLO for the subject vehicle.
Caller requesting assistance for an issue with his sister. Units report a verbal disagreement. 93 transported the female to the T station.
Party reports that a female in the area of the Elks, wearing a purple jacket and black slacks appears to be confused. 93 located the female and transported her to the Group Home on Pleasant Street.
Owner of Suds ‘n Surf Laundromat reports that a homeless person has been staying inside the building and does not belong there. He would like officers to have him move along if he is noticed inside. He is trespassing, as he has no business being there.
Manager of the CVS reports a female party was shoplifting and they have it on video.
Party called to report that the male involved in last night’s incident involving her and her husband was at their business on Winthrop Street and she was advised by Off. McCarthy to call should there be any further contact. 93 will go by and check it out.
CVS from above story contacted us about the found gift cards. Day shift manager will call tomorrow about retrieving them.
Report of a domestic on Washington Avenue. Officers report no domestic, just a 2 year old being loud.
Caller on Shirley Street reports that her boyfriend won’t let her into the house. Units report getting her in. All quiet for now.