Monday, December 16
Mother on Governors Drive called to report that her daughter fell on the way to school and needs an ambulance.
Female caller wants to know if we could do something about a car that has not moved on Veterans Road and is taking up three spaces. She was told we could do nothing. These cars are ICED in and to tow them would cause damage. Our units are tagging any iced in vehicles for “Obstructing Snow removal.†DPW notified.
A Suffolk County Sheriff came to the station to report a past inmate keeps harassing her and her son who live in Winthrop. This happens every time inmate sees them. She just needs this on record.
Male on Neptune Avenue came to the station to report that he had misplaced his Boston hackney license and cannot locate it. He would like this placed on record at the direction of the Boston Police Department.
Female on Cutler Street came in to report that her sister in Quincy has stolen her identity. She moved here three days ago.
Person on Bowdoin Street fell and needs help getting up. Fire will assist him.
Male on Bayview Avenue reports a scooter on his lot. 92 Ferullo reports owner should be on Shirley Street. It is a toy scooter and owner reports it was stolen. 92 returned it to the proper owner.
Report of a truck riding on the sidewalk by the old nursing home property on Pleasant Street. The truck was clearing snow and ice away. The operator was told not to drive on the sidewalk and he will clear the area by hand.
Tuesday, December 17
Repeat call from Bellevue Avenue that a motor vehicle is still parked in the same place. Officer reports tagging it for obstructing snow removal. This vehicle is on the 72-hour list.
Caller on Bartlett Road reports a resident has fallen and needs assistance getting up.
Party called to ask if we could do a well being check on Shirley Street. Officer reports subject is okay.
Two calls of a parking dispute on Wave Way Avenue. Officer reports a dispute over parking in a driveway. They were advised to have the landlord make the call on who parks where on the property.
Winter parking ban in effect at 4 p.m.
911 call for an individual who has fallen in the parking lot of Michael’s Mall.
Female caller reports there are two girls fighting in the parking lot at Energy To Go. Officer reports one girl was there when the officer arrived. She was a victim of this fight, but did not want any police or court action.
Units are reporting that the roads are getting slippery around town. The DPW has been notified.
Female called to report a utility cap has come off its hole and it is dangerous on Court Road. DPW notified and they called us back that it was National Grid. They were notified to replace or secure the cap.
Party on Sea View Avenue called to report her neighbor just assaulted her as she parked her car. Officers report they will charge one with assault and battery.
Female on Somerset Avenue called for an ambulance. Fire notified.
Woman reports a male was walking down the middle of Revere Street with a cane. He is wearing dark clothes. W92 checked the area and side streets and no such party.
Male reports a car is sideways on Veterans Road. 91 Curran reports AAA is on the way. Car is off to the side.
Male fell on Harvard Street. WFD and 92 Ramadini report he was taken to the hospital.
Male on Hermon Street requests medical for his wife who is suffering pains in her head and disorientation. Transferred to Action and WFD.
Psychiatric nurse at Melrose/Wakefield Hospital called to report they have a male who has just made a homicide threat to kill his brother on Quincy Avenue. Mother was also notified. 91 Curran sent to home to notify brother of the threat. He was advised to call 911 if necessary.
Request for DPW to plow Argyle Street as the ambulance almost can’t get out. DPW notified and will handle.
Request for male on Temple Avenue, who has stomach pains, for an ambulance.
Wednesday, December 18
Female on Chester Avenue reports that her husband is sick and has a rapid heart beat.
Female caller on Shirley Street requesting police. She then hung up. Officers report verbal argument over Christmas presents. Male party leaving for the night.
Party on Governors Drive concerned about being arrested tomorrow. Most likely dreaming. Son will help her back to bed.
Officers observed the blue parking ban lights around town have been deactivated. As such, WFD assumes parking ban has been lifted and will act accordingly.
Call of smoke in building on Shore Drive. WFD and WPD located over-cooked food on a stove.
Son on Girdlestone Road requesting ambulance for his mother who fell.
Worker at JJ Kendalls reporting kitchen fire. W91 assisted with traffic.
Female on Enfield Road called to report that her neighbor is blowing snow in the street. Officer reports no one in the area.
East Boston Neighborhood Health called that someone is not responsive. Fire notified.
Female on Walden Street called for medical aid. Fire notified.
Party at Executive Apartments called to report that the sidewalks have not been shoveled in front of the building and she cannot get ahold of the management company. Code Enforcement Officer VanBuskirk was notified and he will contact the management and if not, he will issue a town citation after sunset according to the town’s by-law.
Call from the high school to request an officer. Officer reports a student had a small amount of marijuana, a pipe and a marijuana grinder. The officer took everything and will make out an F.I.O.
Male on Cottage Park Road called to report his basement is flooding. Fire and Public Works notified.
Male on Kennedy Road came in to report he had bonds stolen from his house and $200. In Christmas gifts.
Party at Atlantis Marina Condos called to report threats to his life. W91 responded and spoke with the caller.
Male on Cross Street came in to report receiving many calls from a defendant of an active ERO order. Search reveals active warrants on the subject. Officers responded to the address of subject and placed him under arrest. Victim will fill out statement and violation of ERO will be added to the arrest.
Lifeline called to report a male down on Golden Drive. Fire notified.
Female on Nevada Street called to report she either had an IPhone lost or stolen in market on Veterans Road. Color black, value $200. It pinged in Boston.
BOLO from Boston Operation regarding a missing 11-year-old dark skinned male. Described as 4’4†and 78 lbs. wearing black sweatpants, a navy winter jacket with tan trim, camel colored boots with green soles and a red North Face hat. All units BOLO’ed and will watch for the child.
Female on Summit Avenue reports an odor of gas outside on the street. WFD notified and will handle.
Thursday, December 19
Reports of alarm sounding at Winthrop High School. W94, W91 and W92 responded and checked the building. Officers located an open door in the rear of the school and found no evidence that anyone had entered the building, as there were no snow prints in the school. They checked the building and were able to secure the door.
Party on Pearl Avenue reported to Lt. Perrin of a breaking and entering into her motor vehicle with several items taken.
Paul Revere Bus called to report there is a pick-up truck obstructing the bus route on Shirley Street at Forest Street. Officer reports speaking to the driver who is moving at this time.
Party on Winthrop Street requesting EMS for her husband. Transferred to Action EMD.
Caller who wishes to remain anonymous reports a black Cadillac operating erratically and is now stuck in a snow bank at Showcase CoinOp Laundromat. Units report party involved in an accident.
Party on Cross Street reports that his landlord is attempting to evict him from his apartment without any court order. Officer reports speaking to all parties involved and they were advised of their rights.
Director at the Winthrop Senior Center requesting EMS for a female with chest pains and shortness of breath.
Wireless caller from Locust Street reporting that her 12-year-old son is unresponsive. WFD notified. Ambulance transport to the MGH. Chief notified. CPAC and DCF notified.
Female on Bates Avenue is requesting an ambulance because she is in pain. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Party reports a white pickup heading outbound onto Main Street was all over the road while she followed it along from Revere into Winthrop. Caller reports the vehicle went onto the sidewalk in Revere at one point. Units notified to BOLO. No plate given.
Alarm Central reports activation for the door near the parking lot at Senior Center. Officer reports no signs of a break in but can hear the alarm sounding inside.
Party from Sunnyside Avenue came in to report he is the defendant of a 209A that expired today and he wanted to go by the residence. Board of Probation check reveals the expiration date of the order is today, but the status is still showing as “Openâ€. Party advised to stay away until he clears up the status of the order with the court. Message left for plaintiff to make arrangements for the defendant to be escorted to pick up some belongings. Plaintiff called upset stating she did not want anyone coming by the home today and she will seek a further continuance on the 209A.
Female caller on Golden Drive requesting EMS. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Party reports she can hear two males arguing in or near Hannaford Park. Officers report speaking with a couple of individuals who were having a verbal argument earlier. They will leave the park as it is closed.
Female party came to the station to report she has been receiving threats from a male who maybe in possession of a handgun. Detective took a report and will file an incident report.
Several reports of a woman screaming at an address on Trident Avenue. Both parties advised of their rights. No complaints of physical abuse. The male subject gathered up some belongings and will be staying elsewhere tonight.
Mother on Locust Street reports that her son has psychological issues. The call was transferred to EMS and while on the phone she reported that he left out the front door. WFD and EMS responded. Officer spoke with the party who calmed down and refused transport or further medical assistance.
Male on Trident Avenue came in to report that someone broke into his car this morning. Taken were: Garmin GPS, pair of Ray Ban sunglasses, several CD’s and $20 in quarters.
Friday, December 20
Party reports a Pepsi delivery truck is heading up Winthrop Street toward the police station with all the delivery doors open. Officer located the truck and had him secure the doors.
Party reports a water box cap is missing near the Winthrop Marketplace and her son nearly injured himself walking over it. DPE contacted and will rectify the unsafe condition.
Party on Overlook Drive requesting an ambulance transport for lower back pain. WFD notified.
Female on Quincy Avenue reports that her unlocked motor vehicle was entered into last night and some items were stolen.
Party on Sunnyside Avenue reports that her husband is there and she believes there was a mix-up in the ERO that was issued dealing with the court date. Officers report keeping the peace and the male subject round up some belongings and will be leaving the home for now. The ERO is closed according to his Board of Probation.
Caller on Elmwood Avenue reports a motor vehicle is totally obstructing the driveway and his mother is concerned about it. Officer reports the vehicle is obstructing the driveway as well as showing an expired registration. Vehicle towed from the public way.
Officer will be doing a follow up investigation relative to a past domestic on Trident Avenue.
Party on Crystal Cove Avenue reports she had a past case of domestic abuse and wanted to have charges refiled due to the court hearing that was held. She was advised of her rights and she will be contacted this upcoming week after checking with the court.
Male from CVS reports he is following a shoplifter who is now walking away along Waldemar Avenue. Officers report locating him near Wheelock Street. Subject was transported to the station but was transported to the Whidden via ambulance due to him having a diabetic reaction. He will be summoned into court for the charges.
Party on Shirley Street reports that her husband is having difficulty breathing. Call transferred to EMS and WFD for service.
Male came into the station requesting to speak with an officer regarding a past assault that took place back in January.
Female on Trident Avenue reports that her boyfriend stole her TV and he is stating she must have it. Officers report speaking with both parties.
Female reports a white male wearing white shorts and a black jacket and he tried to mug her and rip her bag out of her hands. Units located the subject at Read and Morton Streets. Units requested EMS for an evaluation. WFD notified. Party transported to MGH.
Female on Wheelock Street came in to report an ongoing pattern of harassment over Social Media sites as well as threats. Victim/witness form provided. Suspect contacted on her cell phone and advised to cease and desist immediately. Matter will also be referred to SRO Armistead. She was advised of her rights. Suspect’s mother appeared at the station a short time later and she was also advised.
Party on Overlook Drive requesting EMS respond to check out his mother who is not feeling well. WFD notified.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a relative took some money. 91 will go by and check on her well being.
Officer reports being off with a group arguing at the 7-11. W91 and W93 sent parties on their way.
Saturday, December 21
Party reports he he was just attacked and bitten by two loose dogs at Lewis Lake while he was walking his leashed dog. He is refusing medical attention at present time. ACO VanBuskirk was contacted and will respond to speak with the reporting party and the owner of the dogs.
Alarm activation for the gym door of the Fort Banks School. Two employees were present and set the alarm off accidentally.
Chief Delehanty reports the traffic lights are out at the intersection of Revere Street and Crest Avenue. DPW notified.
Due to the calls regarding the near misses at the intersection of the above, an officer was sent there to observe and assist traffic in passing through the intersection safely. DPW is off at the location attempting to recycle the traffic lights. National Grid was requested to the area for assistance. DPW is unable to make repairs, as it is the power into the electrical box. National Grid requested a detail officer be hired for the area.
Party on Johnson Avenue reports hydraulic fluid is spilled on the ground sometime just after the storm. DPW was contacted and will have the area checked and cleaned if possible.
Reports of some bundles with food are unattended in the area of French Square. 91 secured four bundles from CVS and the Meat Market.
Resident on Shore Drive pointed out a syringe. It was secured in the Sharps container. While retrieving the needle, another resident came out to inform the officer that there are always needles, drugs and crack pipes in and around the building. She stated she has informed the management but nothing has been done. She was advised to contact the police in the future.
Officer at fixed traffic post at intersection of Crest and Revere Street requested another unit for motor vehicle being operated on a completely flattened tire. Officer reports the party lives around the corner and is requesting Shamrock Towing. They were contacted and are enroute.
A very excited female party called to report that her dog was just struck by a car near Miller Field. We received another call reporting that a person was struck. Officer responded and reports a dog was struck but owner is taking it to Angel Memorial Hospital via private transportation. ACO was out of town but was responding. He was notified to cancel. Officer obtained all the information for the dog.
Larceny of a laptop computer on Pearl Avenue.
Party at Winthrop Lodge of Elks reports that his wife’s wallet was just stolen while at a function there. Officer reports the incident is resolved for now.
Caller reports a man unconscious in front of Odyssey Grill. Unknown male to Whidden. No ID and unable to speak.
Party came to the station to report that he had a package delivered on Pauline Street. His neighbor discovered the package later on in the evening and it had been opened and the contents stolen. It contained a filter of an eyepiece to a telescope valued at $80.
Report of a couple fighting in the street at Winthrop and Banks. It was verbal only. Female party left prior to their arrival.
Sunday, December 22
Female on Hutchinson Street complained of motor vehicles going 30-35 MPH down the street.
Party on Willow Avenue reports neighbors fighting since 10 p.m. Officer reports a verbal only and all parties advised of their rights.
Transfer from State to report that a man broke up with a woman and she slit her wrists. Fire, Action sent and report one to Whidden.
The Chief called to report that a Craig’s List scam has been posted on line to contact the DPW Director for a Vintage Barbie Doll through an IPhone 5. The Chief stated he would follow up with Craig’s List.
Caller on Winthrop Street reports that she was robbed. 91 investigated.
Mother on Buchanan Street called as her 21-year-old son is out of control. Units report verbal only. Son left, and all rights given.
Party at Quick Foodmart reports being refused service by the employees. Officer reports elderly female being disorderly and verbally assaultive to the employees. She was asked to leave the store and given a no trespass order. Female complied, but was antagonistic and borderline violent towards the officer.
Verbal only on Shirley Street between parents and son. The son left and the parents were satisfied.
Monday, December 23
Taxi driver pulled over with a fare evader. Officers located taxi at Shore ad Ocean. Party was located and payment was made to the driver.
Caller states that his car was stolen while parked in front of 7-11. The car was left running and belongs to the driver’s brother. Description of the thief: male, brown skin, wearing white bandana, and grey hoodie. Direction of flight toward Revere. RPD, and State notified. Area search negative.
Resident at home adjacent to construction site on Lincoln Street wanted it recorded that the workday has begun in violation of the 7 a.m. start bylaw.