Monday, September 16Â
Unit 91 reports he is off with four males at Halford Beach. Citation issued for one-way violation.
Officer will be following up on an investigation at the Winthrop Middle School.
Party flagged down an officer and reported that someone dumped dirt onto the hood of parked motor vehicle on Park Avenue. There doesn’t appear to be any damage done to the vehicle.
Caller on Shore Drive reports that kids are drinking and smoking in the alley between 92 and 90 Shore Drive at night. She was advised to call when it is occurring and to report it to the Management Company and have them post some signs about trespassing and loitering.
Party on Winthrop Street reported to Off. McCarthy that while he was backing into his driveway a short time ago, a speeding motorist almost struck him. They exchanged words and he felt threatened. He wanted the matter placed on record if anything escalates.
W93 was flagged down by a passerby at Delby’s Corner who complained about two men at the garage that were observed watching young girls walking by the area. Detectives will monitor the area.
Detective requests information on the above female subject on Willow Avenue.
Party reports a wind surfer is in possible distress out by the “five sistersâ€. WFD notified and will respond. Party then called back stating the subject was back on land and no service was needed.
Caller on Moore Street reports a female breaking into her motor vehicle. Her boyfriend caught the female suspect, and is holding her for the police. Female was charged with breaking and entering in the nighttime.Â
Tuesday, September 17Â
Caller on Irwin Street reports that someone is on her front porch and looking in her windows. She believes it is her ex-boyfriend. Officers spoke to ex-boyfriend and had him leave the area. Caller advised of her rights and does not want a R.O.
Party on Beal Street reports a black male attempting to gain entry to parked motor vehicles. Units report they have one local juvenile in custody, looking for a second suspect who is also involved. Charges: possession of burglarious instrument and breaking and entering in the nighttime.
Female came to the station and wanted a form to report an assault. Officer Armidstead spoke to the female who did not want to give any information at this time, but wanted a form. She was given a victim witness statement.
Party from Shirley Street came in to pursue a criminal complaint that she had reported on July 29. She was provided a victim/witness form that she will complete and return later today.
Two males and a female were seen filming plates on Sargent Street. Parties all checked out as valid.
Mother came to the station to report that the father of her daughter was supposed to pick up the daughter at the school at 2:30 p.m. per a court order. She stated that he did not show up and texted her to bring the daughter to Malden Police Station for an exchange. She wanted this on record. So done.
Caller on Crescent Street reports a neighbor just informed him that a male person came onto his property and stole a back rack for a pick-up truck. Described the truck as a green Chevy pick-up with a red colored tailgate.
A walk-in to report that the mother of his child did not report to the Malden Police Station by a court order to drop off the child. (See above). Instead the mother came up to the Winthrop Police Station and said he was violating the order by not picking the child up at school. Party was at the Malden police at the time waiting for his child. We were shown the court order that states that the mother will go to Malden Police. This order is from 9-11 through 12-5.
Party from Marshall Street came to the station to report that her and her sister’s motor vehicles were keyed and had tires flattened over the past week. She did not provide the plate numbers in her victim witness statement, and the RMV computer does not show any vehicles registered to her or her sister.
Domestic on Girdlestone Road. It was verbal only. Son taken to MGH for evaluation. RO issued and will attempt to serve subject when he returns to Winthrop from MGH.Â
Wednesday, September 18Â
Female caller from Faun Bar Avenue states that her mother is on the floor with blood present and is not responding. 93 responds and Fire notified. Lt. Perrin notified. Units report taking female to MGH.
Female on Pleasant Street called. She is not feeling well. Fire notified.
E911 transfer from Boston. Male reports someone fell off a staging on Crest Avenue and is lying on the ground. Officers and Fire report subject was checked out and will go to the hospital on his own.
Wireless 911 caller reports possible drug overdoes with male subject non-responsive. Unable to provide any address other than “near Nick’sâ€. Officers determined the correct address to be Freemont Street.
Officer will try to serve RO issued by the Lawrence Court to subject on Grovers Avenue. He reports female is not there.
Officer will try to serve RO issued by the East Boston Court to Girdlestone Road and Main Street. He reports no one home at both addresses.
Principal at Winthrop High School requests an officer for a student making threats. Units report after speaking to the student, he was transported to the Whidden.
Greater Lynn Senior Services called to report a male needs help getting into his home on Franklin Street. Fire will assist.
91 Curran tagged several motor vehicles in lane of traffic down from Deer Island on a resident complaint.Â
Thursday, September 19Â
Female on Marshall Street called to request an ambulance for her sister who was injured in East Boston. Fire notified and Boston PD notified of the request for medical as they are already investigating the original incident.
Male called to ask where party in above call was being taken as his large set of keys are missing. Contacted fire to contact ambulance that asked subject. She said the keys are in bag at Marshall Street. BPD informed and sister notified who will look for the keys at her home. Keys were located rolled up in a T-shirt.
Party on Shore Drive came to the station to report that her ex-boyfriend has violated a court order of no contact via phone calls and text messages. She also stated that he made threats to harm himself if they could not continue their relationship. 91 and 93 respond to sober house and request EMS for evaluation. Male transported to Whidden Hospital for Section 12.
Female from above came to report that her ex-boyfriend called her twice from the Whidden. Everett Police notified and they will handle when she makes a statement at their Station. She will go there now.
Officer will again try to serve RO issued by the East Boston Court to Main Street. He reports no one home.
Officer will try to serve RO issued by the East Boston Court to male subject on Girdlestone Road. Mother reports the defendant is in Mass General Rehab.
Officer will try to serve RO issued by the Lawrence Court to female on Grovers Avenue. He reports she does not live there and checking her license, she is in Methuen.
On the three restraining orders that we tried to serve this morning, here are the results: Two in rehab, one lives out of town.
Doctor Brooks’ office called to report they have not heard from female for a few days and she did not arrive for her appointment today. Officer reports with the help of some neighbors, she was located and will call the Doctor.
Male subject on previous incident is a danger to the female that has a 209A on him. A warrant has been issued by the Winthrop Police for violation of a 209A. The Everett Police may also obtain one as well as the Revere Police. Photos of male subject have been given to all units and some detail officers. Revere is aware of this violation and will keep each shift informed. Male subject will not stop calling and texting victim. Each shift will make every effort to arrest this subject.
Officers, armed with a warrant, are searching for above subject. They report that he has been thrown out of the sober house on Shore Drive by the management. He still has some items there. Officers will also check an address given to them on Banks Street, and two old addresses on Jefferson Street and Cliff Avenue.
W94 reports observing someone operating a motor vehicle with an open container of beer. W94 and W91 located the operator at the Landing. Citation was issued for open container of alcohol.
Female on Sagamore Avenue complains of loud drum music coming from Crest Avenue. 91 Curran had it stopped.
Male and female report a fight in the street on Summit Avenue. 92 Silva and 93 S. Hickey report nothing is showing in the area. All clear.Â
Friday, September 20Â
Reports of a male dressed in jeans, a sweater and a cap, all dark, is stumbling and falling. He is heading to East Boston. W92 and W93 checked the area. Units report Boston was in the area also.
Caller on Main Street reports an elderly male with walker and cane walking out towards East Boston by the bridge. 93 transported male back to his residence. He has short-term memory issues and he was trying to get to the Spaulding for an appointment.
Warrant service executed by Winthrop, Revere with W97 on scene. Winthrop fire, Action, ACO on standby. Entry made in the morning to Summit Avenue. SWAT cleared scene by 6:30 a.m. Three detainees. They report two under arrest. One for two counts of possession of Class A drug, one for Class E and one for Class B. The other for two outstanding warrants.
Lt. Perrin reports possible domestic in progress between mother and daughter on Pearl Avenue. Sgt. Crisafi and Off. Feeley respond and request EMS for an evaluation. Young female going to Children’s Hospital.
Call of a bike lying on the sidewalk on River Road. Off. Carter reports the bike looks new. It’s a girl’s Huffy, white/purple. Placed in garage.
Caller requests assistance with elderly patient that has fallen on Fairview Street.
Officer will try to serve 209A issued by the East Boston Court to subject on Cottage Park Road. He reports that no one is home.
We just received information that wanted person from above incident slept in the RPM Fitness Center, (may have broken in), located on Morton Street. All units are checking the area. Manager of the fitness center stated he had on jeans with a backpack. While searching for the suspect, officers came upon the Corrolla Construction Office and it was open with no one there. Officers searched the building and as they completed their search, an employee came in. All okay. Officers will also check the Shore Drive address and report area clear.
Revere Police report an un-armed robbery of over 1,600 Percocet from the Walgreen’s on Broadway. Subject is white male, tanned. All units notified.
Reports of seeing male that may be the wanted subject from yesterday on Putnam Street. W91 and W93 respond and report it is NOT the party that is wanted.
Relative of suspect called to report that he was seen within the last ten minutes near Energy To Go. He is reported to be wearing a green and tan hoodie. W91 and W93 responded and report having one in custody. This is the suspect wanted in above incident, which occurred on Shore Drive.
Male came to the station to report that earlier his brother was at the house visiting his 90 year old mother along with his sister-in-law, and his brother became volatile. Their mother who lives with the reporter, asked the brother to leave. Reporter is concerned as he reports that his brother has hit his mother in the past and an RO was issued. They obtained RO several times in the past against the brother. Resident was advised of his rights including an ERO right now. He will go home and talk it over with his mother and decide. He may wait and go to East Boston Court on Monday.
Male called to report a loud group in the rear of Governors Park. He has a sick family member who can’t rest due to the noise. All units tied up at this time due to the prisoner.
Detail officer reports a 12-year-old female at Miller Field is being transported to the MGH for an allergic reaction. Parents have been notified.
Saturday, September 21
Husband on Walden Street reports that his wife is in a lot of pain after having back surgery. Transferred to EMS.
An excited woman on Washington Avenue called requesting an ambulance for her boyfriend’s 16-year-old son who just returned home and may have alcohol poisoning.
Prisoner reports having chest pains due to his detoxing. W91 called to the station. WFD and EMS contacted and responded to the cellblock. Prisoner will be transported to Whidden for further evaluation.
Party on Revere Street reports that her upstairs neighbor is playing loud music that’s going through her apartment. Caller reports the music has been turned down and the officer can cancel.
Caller reports that she was going to give a WHS JV football player and his parent a lift to the hospital, but it appears he may need an ambulance, as he is not feeling well. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Male came to the station to report a Viking Cab is all over the road. Reporter observed the cab all the way from Stop and Shop in Revere to Pauline Street in Winthrop. Information given out to units who are on other calls. Viking Cab was contacted and the driver came to the station and was spoken to.
Report of some type of disturbance on Sagamore Avenue. W92 and 93 responded and report it is over property and they will stand by while the party gathers their stuff.
Woman called to report that swans are out again on River Road. All officers are on calls. Message left for ACO. They called and they will handle.
Female came to the station from Revere to report being assaulted earlier in Winthrop by her boyfriend. She reports being kicked and struck in the face. ERO sought and issued by the on-call judge. W91 and W93 officers Curran and Ramadani along with Off. Bonavita responded and placed male in custody for domestic assault and battery. Revere PD contacted and informed of the ERO. A copy of the ERO was faxed to them by Off. Curran.
Female on Cottage Park Road reports a sick squirrel is screaming in her back yard. ACO notified and will call party.
Further evidence of bullying, which is part of an incident, which occurred at the football game on Friday night. Information was e-mailed to 944 who is making a report to be followed up.
Caller reports two boys are yelling and swearing at girls at Ingleside Park. She believes a fight is imminent. Unit report speaking to the boys who will leave the area. Party brought home to Shirley Street and grandmother advised.
Party from Quick Foodmart stated they would like to file a report about an earlier shoplifting. The incident was captured on surveillance. Unit reports unknown party came in at 3:30 p.m. and stole 5 nutri-gain bars.
Female called reporting a group on the path at the bench on Kennedy Road are causing a disturbance. W91, after clearing other calls, responded and sent a loud group from the area.
Abandoned 911 call back answered by an excited woman on Winthrop Street. She said she needed help. She was having trouble with her daughter. There was a lot of screaming. Caller then said to forget it and don’t send anyone. She was not letting anyone in. She then hung up. W91 and W93 responded and calmed the scene down. Verbal between mother and daughter. Daughter acting out due to an upcoming event.
Brother called to report that his sister is involved in a divorce and has left her home on Main Street with her three children. Brother states that in the event that his sister’s estranged husband calls reporting them missing, that his sister left to get away because she is afraid. W91 responded to the address and the house is in darkness and there is mail in the box. Contacted the brother in Weymouth to get the full story and he said there was no need to enter the home to check, as his sister left the home in a rental car.Â
Sunday, September 22Â
Party on Short Street requesting EMS for an incoherent male to be transported to the MGH. WFD notified.
Prisoner is complaining of severe abdominal pain in his lower right side. WFD and EMS contacted. Prisoner will be transported to Whidden via ambulance. Officer will also respond to hospital to bring prisoner back to jail.
Party on Revere Street reports that her upstairs neighbor is playing the radio very loud and it’s annoying her. She did report they have had issued in the past. Officer reports both parties have been advised of their rights. They were advised to contact the landlord about some other ongoing issues. Peace has been restored for now.