Monday, August 26Â
92 report two parties sleeping in a motor vehicle on Cross Street. Parking ticket issued and vehicle moved.
Caller on Dolphin Avenue states there is a group making a lot of noise making it difficult to sleep. As officers arrived on the scene, the caller called back and stated the group went into their apartment and she will contact the landlord in the morning. Officers also spoke to the caller.
Party on Winthrop Street states she is having an argument with her neighbor over being blocked in in the driveway and needing to get to work. 93 reports having the car moved so the party could get to work.
Caller on Grovers Avenue states there is a boat in distress. 93 reports Coast Guard already on the scene and parties on the boat were okay. Boat supposedly ran out of gas.
Party on Governors Drive reports that he fell and has numbness on his left side.
Party on Read Street came in to report being threatened.
Mother on Grandview Avenue reports that a child is having an allergic reaction to a shot that he received earlier today. WFD/EMS notified.
Female on Main Street reports a male has had seizures and ran off. All units searching. After 30 minutes the female called back and reports that he is in the back yard. 91 Ramadini is requesting assistance for a violent subject. WFD and Action requested. 93 Ferullo will follow ambulance to Whidden. Ramadini will seek a complaint for an assault.
W91 responded to a Main Street address to return a cell telephone, which belonged to a citizen involved in a medical aid earlier. Resident there received the phone for the owner. Receipt signed.
Female on Governors Drive reports that her neighbor fell and is calling out through the door.
Male came to the station to report that someone was lying on the floor inside the seafood restaurant on Winthrop Street. W93 responded and reports doors are locked. Fire notified and officer forced entry. W91 responded to assist along with 967. Co-owners were finally located. The store was secured and W93 followed ambulance to MGH.
Woman on Tewksbury Street called to report that she is on her way to pick up her child and the child’s father is making threats to her current boyfriend who is driving her for the pickup. Officers report the exchange was made and the child is now with the mother without incident.Â
Tuesday, August 27Â
Female on Beach Road reports she is not feeling well after taking medication and getting out of the hospital. She is waiting outside for medical.
Female caller reports there is a car and people outside the back of the building making a lot of noise. W91 was already in Governor’s Park when the call was given out. Officers report a small group at the end of the building and they were sent out of the area.
Officer Carter was flagged down by two dog walkers on River Road to report a needle in the street. Officer will secure the needle.
Caller on Sewall Avenue reports that her mother is not responding. Fire notified and they report she is being taken to the B.I.
Neighbor on Golden Drive reports that her friend needs an ambulance. Fire has been notified.
Male came to the station to report that his checking account had been fraudulently accessed and compromised.
Report of a boat on a trailer parked on Bellevue Avenue. Officer spoke to the owner who will remove it.
Male reports motor vehicles parked all over Coughlin Playground. W91 responded to have vehicles moved. W94 Lt. Scarpa responded along with W97 to mediate and have all the vehicles moved. Youth football director will notify all parents not to park on the playground. Parents were made aware that all violators would be tagged and towed. Equipment trailer will be allowed to remain in the park area.
Caller reports that she was smacked in the face by another female, a resident at Fort Heath Apartments, when she went to pick up her child’s clothes. Officer spoke to the parties who now claim it was all verbal. Caller will go down to apartment for the night and return to Methuen tomorrow.
Female called to report that she hears screaming and banging coming from the group home on Read Street. W91 and W92 respond and report speaking with a staff member and were informed that there is no problem there at this time.Â
Wednesday, August 28Â
Husband on Revere Street reports that his wife has chest pains. Fire notified.
Two calls about noise coming from Belle Isle Boatyard and/or area behind the car wash; iron scraping, forklifts moving. Units report work being performed at adjacent MBTA yard and yes, very loud.
Report of hypodermic needles in the parking lot of Belle Isle Seafood. W92 reports he located them and secured them.
Officer will try to serve a 209A to Seal Harbor. 209A issued out of East Boston Court. He reports the brother was home and will bring female to the station. Female staying on Revere Street.
Female flagged down Off. Feeley to report someone threw coke or coffee on her car at House of Beauty. Most of the car was hit and it hardened.
Officer will try to serve a 209A issued to party at Arms Hotel. It was issued by the Waltham Court. He reports the Arms people say he is not staying there.
W93 reports being stopped by a citizen who is reporting a breaking and entering to his residence on Washington Avenue.
Caller on Kennedy Road reports a group behind her building talking about fighting. W91 and W92 and 970 responded and sent a group out of the area.
Call from the Pizza Center to report seeing a man shooting up in a car out front and he looks like he might be driving off. Units respond along with the chief. Male arrested on an outstanding warrant.
Male on Summit Avenue called to report that someone entered his apartment and took approximately $600 and his cell phone. He believes that it is his neighbor.
Officer reports being informed by an employee of Energy To Go that around 8 p.m., two male parties presented a $50 bill that appeared to be fake. Parties then paid with other money that appeared to be okay. Both parties appeared to be 26 to 27 years old. Employee gave a license plate number, which came back “Cancelled Plate Returned.â€
Male on Golden Drive called to report that he went out for a walk and came back and found his apartment had been violated. He discovered things missing and his screen removed. W92 responded and will file a report.
Party on Triton Avenue called requesting information about having her son removed from the residence, as he is verbally abusive to her. Party was advised of her rights. While on the phone, the son left on his own. Officer reports speaking with her about her rights and she will think things over and make a decision on what she wants to do.
Caller on Hermon Street reports that the kids from next door are running down the stairs and banging on her daughter’s window. This has happened three times already. W91 dispatched. Officer spoke with both parties and the parent of the children doing the running and banging. She will keep them in for the night.
Female caller on Beal Street reports that she believes that her mother is having a heart attack. WFD notified.
Party at Executive Apartments called and stated that she needs assistance. However the caller was difficult to understand. W92 dispatched and request that medical be sent to check on the husband who appears to be very sick. Male party transported to Whidden.
Caller reports that there is a female party on Edwards Street who is not acting right. W92 and W93 dispatched. Officers on the scene and request that medical respond to check on female party.Â
Thursday, August 29Â
Caller reports two guys fighting on the first floor on Summit Avenue. Units report speaking to the owner. He stated the alarm went off, the TV was too loud, the terrier was barking. Yeah, that’s the ticket. All clear.
Party on Sagamore Avenue reports that his motor vehicle was vandalized by a neighbor who observed it being done. Officer reports speaking with the neighbor.
Report of a large tree branch down on Winthrop Street. It is obstructing traffic. Tenant of the property notified the owner about the tree.
Caller requesting a well-being check on her aunt who she believes is staying with a friend on Trident Avenue. No response at the location.
Party on Morton Street reports someone appears to be having an issue by slamming the door and shouting. Officers spoke with the female party who appears to have had a bad day. She will discuss it with her caseworkers and has calmed down.
Person appears to be having a seizure at Hot Diggity.Â
Friday, August 30Â
Party on Main Street requesting an ambulance transport for her elderly father. WFD notified.
Caller reports dog owners and approximately five dogs are inside the fenced in area of the tennis courts at Ingleside Park. ACO notified and will respond. ACO reports speaking with a female who was very uncooperative and refused to show her ID when asked. She was advised to leave the park area and not bring her dog inside there again.Â
Saturday, August 31Â
Caller on Upland Road reports a disturbance on the second floor. Units report verbal. All rights given.
WFD is responding to alarm activation at Atlantis Marina condos. Officer reports WFD cleared everyone to go back inside the building.
Party on Sea View Avenue reports that she has not had water since yesterday. DPW director notified and will send someone by ASAP.
Officer requesting an identification of a possible suspect for the recent crime spree of breaks into motor vehicles. 92 checked the area of Argyle Street.
Male party came in to the station to report he was contacted by his child’s mother informing him she would not be turning the child over to him today in violation of the temporary court order on file at the Middlesex Probate and Family Court Department.
Detectives requested query on a motor vehicle and driver at the Public Landing. License is suspended and three warrants showing for the operator. Subject placed under arrest and was transported to the station by W92.
Party on Shirley Street reports he was on the phone with his girlfriend and heard yelling and screaming between her and her father. Units report verbal dispute only and female will be leaving for the night.
Caller on Shirley Street reports a female just started a fight with his girlfriend and is now leaving on foot. Officers report party was located on Veterans Road and advised not to return to the Shirley Street address. She was then dropped off at a Pauline Street address.
Prisoner reports that he is having some difficulty breathing and his inhaler is empty. WFD and EMS notified and will evaluate the subject. Prisoner will be transported to the Whidden for further evaluation. W92 Off. Freeman will also respond to maintain custody of the prisoner.
Party on Shore Drive called reporting her son-in-law was fighting with her daughter and he shoved the caller and left the house. Officer reports the party was advised of her rights. She will consider them. She reports that he has left for the evening and she advised officer it was only a verbal disagreement.Â
Sunday, September 1Â
Party called to report that he had his Apple laptop stolen from MIT. He has tracked it to the area of Hawthorn Avenue. Party activated an audible alarm remotely, but officer was unable to hear it while searching the area.
Revere PD would like officer to check for male on Sunset Road and have him come to their station. Officer reports message delivered as Revere PD called to cancel notification.
Party on Winthrop Street reports that she is choking and is having difficulty swallowing.
Reports of a woman down at Seal Harbor. She may have broken a bone in her ankle. Fire/EMS notified.
Female caller requesting the police and ambulance for a woman who appears to be disoriented in the area of the Bridge. Units respond and report going off with Boston Fire who is also on the scene with the female. Female party being transported by Boston EMS for evaluation situation, as it originated on the Boston side of the bridge.
Several calls of group of kids jumping off the Belle Isle Bridge and they are concerned for their safety. W93 responded and reports adults along with young kids are swimming in the area. Officer sent them out of the area with a stern warning for safety.Â
Monday, September 2Â
State Police Framingham called reporting a male party stated he was in need of medical attention bud did not give an address, just a phone number. A location was gained for address on Golden Drive. W91 responded along with EMS/Fire and report male transported to Whidden for evaluation.
Daughter called requesting an ambulance for her mother on Sunset Road. Fire will respond.
Female on Pauline Street called to report that a male made threats to harm himself. Fire notified. Officers and fire forced their way into the apartment. No one there. Obtained male’s cell phone number and he is walking home from the Center. He spoke to the fire and officers and is okay.
Whidden requests a notification for a male on Golden Drive. He is to contact them regarding the discharge of his son. W93 reports party not home at this time.
Caller from Pizza Plus reports a subject is under the weather, possibly drunk. W93 reports speaking with male party and assisting him to getting to the Holy Rosary Church. A staff member indicated he is welcome there.
Male called to ask if we could check to see if his children are okay as he has not heard form them or his ex-wife for the last six weeks. He believes they are staying with grandparents on Marshall Street. Officer reports that no one is home.
Call of a domestic on Chester Avenue in which the daughter damaged some household goods. Officers report that the daughter has fled and they are searching. Mother stated that she made a threat to harm herself. WFD, Viking and Winthrop Taxi notified. No answer at Paul Revere Bus Co. Officers located the subject in a basement apartment on Walden Street. The people in the apartment will not let us in, they were told if she does not come out, we are going in as she made threats to harm herself to her mother and aunt. While speaking to the officers, she did say she said words to harm herself. Also, officer will charge the apartment owner for obstructing our work by lying that the girl was not in the apartment.