The Winthrop Middle School Drama Club recently performed their annual Winter shows. Over eighty students participated in the three shows presented this year. The performance included two ten minute plays, Eighteen Ways to Annoy Your Teacher and II. Both shows preceded the full length play Zippy. It was a fun and successful night for all! The WMS Drama Club will compete later this year in the Massachusetts Middle School Drama Competition. Members of the cast and crew included Nicole Lerner, Stella Dealbequerque,
Christine Ascolillo, Fatma Tufa, Faith Hunt, Stephen Tracy, Chris Haskell, Dana Shaw, Annabelle McAdams, Kiera Turner, Julia Driscoll, Micaela Grimes, Mackenzie D’Andrea, Jillian Proulx, Ysabel Regis, Anissa Petrone, Sophia Zaccaria, Haley Holden, Rachel McInnis, Kim McDuffee, Brandon Preble, R.J. St. Jean, Haley McSwiney, Elliot Frank, Naila Silmi, Julia Dalton, Alyssa Ferrara, Ella McLean, Mary Teixeira, Allison Earl, Elizabeth Nolen, George White, Nick DiMartino, Andrea Callanan, Papillon DiMarzio, Jacob Dalton,
Trinity Covell, Kristen Griffiths, Samantha Cruz-Hernandez, Katerina Thano, Catherine Grimes, Emily Donovam, Sophie LaFratta, Tyler Gifford, Randall Lawlor, Owen Kelley, McKayla Norris, Shanel Turransky, Elizbeth Carsely, Josh Boudrow, Roman Tohlokai, Mackenzie DصAndrea, Samantha Skobeleff, Shealagh Boyajian, Emily Nichols, Kalyani Kortright. Stephanie Strangie.