Thanks to the efforts and leadership of Emerson Road resident Todd Sacco, the street has new tree plantings to replace some of the trees that were lost during the severe storms last summer. Sacco started with the idea of planting new trees and visited his neighbors on Emerson Road, who agreed to pay their share in the town’s tree-planting program.
Sacco then sat down with our DPW director, Steve Calla, who was receptive to Sacco’s project and good things sprung out of that first meeting. The trees soon will bloom on Emerson Road, providing beauty and shade.
Each neighborhood has its own particular charm and friendliness among neighbors. Todd Sacco stepped forward and did it the right way. The new trees will be a symbol of what it means to be a good neighbor who will work hard to get things organized for the benefit of his neighborhood. Thank you, Todd Sacco.