One of the requirements under the town charter is for a financial forum to be held for the purpose of discussing town budgetary and spending matters. The spring financial forum will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7 p.m. at the Cummings School. Town Council President Peter Gill will preside over the forum at which time each of the department heads in the town will present a report of his/her department and the budgetary situation.
The authors of the town charter had the right idea with the scheduling of a public forum for the budget. It’s a good time to hear out the department heads and get their thoughts about the operations of the department and what they forecast for the future financial needs of their departments.
Residents will also be able to express their thoughts about the budget during the public comment period at the forum. Each resident wishing to speak will have up to five minutes to speak in a non-political way.
Residents everywhere are demanding transparency in their municipal governments. Under the leadership of Town Manager James McKenna, Winthrop residents are being given the opportunity to participate in the budget process for the betterment of this town.
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