It’s official: John Macero is the next superintendent of the Winthrop School Department. Macero signed his contract at a special meeting of the School Committee Tuesday at Town Hall. It was a momentous occasion both for the Macero family, who proudly watched as John inked his contract, and for the Winthrop public schools, as the ceremony heralded the arrival of a new era for the public school system.
Macero signed a four-year contract with options for two more years. This is an opportunity for which John Macero has been preparing for his entire career in education, most recently as a principal in the Revere school system and in his prior positions in Saugus. Macero also brings the perspective of having been a Winthrop School Committee member himself, which is a unique attribute seldom found in school superintendents.
Macero becomes the new leader of the school system at a time when many important decisions have to be made, the biggest being whether to spend millions of dollars renovating the present Winthrop High School or going forward with a comprehensive plan to build a sparkling, new, combined, middle/high school complex.
Macero already has begun the transition process with interim superintendent of schools Dr. Joseph Lisi (who, by the way, has been a picture of professionalism in his effort to keep our schools running smoothly).
We know we join with all of our fellow residents, parents, teachers, and school children in wishing John Macero the best in his new position.