That was a nice ceremony at the Winthrop Public Library last Thursday night in which a room was dedicated in memory of Bernard and Florence Basch. The funds for the project in which the area was restored beautifully were donated by Buzzy and Judith Basch, whose parents loved the town of Winthrop and received a lot of joy from their visits to the library.
The restoration work by Rich Lombardi is, in a word, outstanding and residents should visit the library to see how the area has been transformed and looks so much more distinctive than it previously had.
Our only wish is that Mr. Lombardi could be given the go-ahead to continue his masterful work in the adjoining areas and throughout the entire library.
Alan Thibeault, executive director of the library, was happy to see this project, which began under the previous library administration, achieve completion and was grateful to the Basch family for making it a reality.
We hope that the Town Manager James McKenna and the Town Council can find some money in the budget to continue this great restoration project for one of the town’s true treasures.