By Adam Swift
Fresh on the heels of Town Council President Jim Letterie’s State of the Town address on Monday, there was a lot of big news about transitions in the town on Monday night, including the resignation of one town councilor and the selection of a new police chief.
Earlier this year, Police Chief Terence Delehanty announced he will be retiring this summer. On Monday night, Town Manager Tony Marino announced that Winthrop Deputy Police Chief John Goodwin will be the town’s next police chief.
Marino said both the department’s deputy chiefs were interviewed for the department’s top job. He said Goodwin brings 30 years of police experience in both Winthrop and Revere to the chief’s position.
Goodwin will be appointed chief on April 1, and Marino said there will be some time for the transition from Delehanty to Goodwin.
Monday night, Letterie also announced that Precinct 1 Councilor Richard Fucillo resigned his position on the council. The council presented a citation to Fucillo for his service, and announced that it is now seeking candidates to fill out the remainder of his term in Precinct 1.
“Rich is an incredible young man,” said Letterie. “For 24 years of age, he has accomplished so much and we are so thankful. He joined the council a couple of years ago, and what did I do for his first task? I made him chair of the finance commission, which is just incredible.
“I know that I was on the council for six years before I was able to do that, and he did it at 22, 23.”
Letterie said Fucillo brought youth and enthusiasm to the council and town politics.
“This is not an easy decision for Rich, but he was fortunate enough to buy a piece of property outside of the town,” Letterie added. “We wish him nothing but the best.”
In other town partings, Marino said that Town Planner Rachel Kelly is moving on to another position outside the town. He said the town will be looking at how to best replace Kelly, whether by hiring a new town planner or readjusting the position.
Marino said he has been involved with many of the planning issues in the town, and will stay on top of them until the transition is complete.