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Many reunion committees look outside their towns for a perfect reunion setting for a dinner dance. The WHS Class of 1968 Reunion Committee voted unanimously to organize a weekend of events for their 55th Reunion and keep most events in the town where they forged their relationships – in Winthrop.
“The fact that we planned a whole weekend for returning alumni in Winthrop speaks volumes,” said Charlene Marley, committee member. “The town is the reason we had so many people return here – for the Center, the wall, and the other places we hung out so why not keep it in the town,” she stated.

The Elks Hall was the kick-off event for a Welcome Back evening on Friday. All welcomed and enjoyed pizza from a Winthrop pizza shop. The laughs didn’t stop and friendships were renewed.
On Saturday morning attendees met to participate in the ever-popular Scavenger Hunt. The Scavenger Hunt took place throughout the town and participants visited old haunts like Hams, Fort Banks, the Highland Pharmacy, and the houses they grew up in.
Saturday afternoon brought the group to Winthrop Beach for a Memorial Service for classmates who have passed. Rocks with people’s names were given out and Carol Silver read a beautiful poem and Ken Keating led the group in a prayer. Following that, the group walked to the water and said the name of the person whose stone they held before throwing the rock in the water. Everyone agreed this was a beautiful ceremony and one to repeat each reunion year.
Charlene Marley and Ida Staffier were the inspiration and coordinators behind most of the events but particularly the dinner dance. “The Cottage Park Yacht Club was the perfect setting so people could enjoy the view of the water and Boston, while socializing with friends they haven’t seen in 10, 20, some even 40 years! I loved watching friends hug, laugh, and cry as they greeted each other,” said Marley. Committee members Roberta Daly, Maura Frank, Beverly Katz and Carol Silver worked tirelessly behind the scenes putting the different events together. Rudy Cataldo and Brian Beatty acted as MCs and entertained the group with many humorous stories. The duo presented the class with a trophy in memory of the last president of the class of 1968, Robert Capezza, who passed away in 2015. The trophy is now displayed in the trophy case in Winthrop High School.
The class collected money to go towards scholarships for deserving members of the high school class of 2024. Robert Capezza was dedicated to furthering education beyond high school. Therefore, the scholarships given by the Class of 1968 will be for students who want to attend either college or a trade school. For more information about donating to the scholarship fund or how to apply for the scholarship please email: [email protected] or contact the high school.
The closing event was a brunch on Sunday where more reminiscing took place. Then it was time for good byes and more hugs and tears and promises to stay in touch.
Plans are already underway for a 60th reunion. For those in the class of 1968 who couldn’t attend, please visit the class Facebook page:
Winthrop (MA) Senior High School Class of 1968. The alumni website is:
For more information or to update contact information email: [email protected].