Letters to the Editor

Supports Sacco

Dear Editor,

Winthrop Citizens/Voters

I am writing to express my support for Mr. Todd Sacco for Winthrop Town Councilor at large.

I have known Todd for most of my life, we both grew up on Sunnyside Ave, we both proudly went through the Winthrop Public Schools together, we both stayed in Winthrop and happily raised our families here .

In the past, politically, Todd and I had our differences and those differences were heavily publicized. Todd is very passionate about his political beliefs and that passion is sometimes misconstrued. However, make no mistake, Todd is focused on his beliefs, cares deeply for this town and its betterment. Todd has grown and learned from his past years in town politics that will greatly benefit the Town Of Winthrop and its citizenry. 

I will be voting for Todd Sacco on November 7, 2023 and I hope you will too!

Thank you for listening

Gus Martucci

Member, Winthrop School Committee

Supports Tassinari

Dear Editor,

With respect to Winthrop’s coming election of a town councilor at-large: 

If you want a town councilor who believes that all residents of Winthrop deserve to be treated with respect regardless of their ethnic background, religious or political affiliation, gender orientation, or how long they have lived in Winthrop, vote for Max Tassinari.

If you want a councilor who is willing to listen to–and learn from–people with perspectives that differ from his own, vote for Max Tassinari.

If you want a town councilor who believes that Winthrop’s health guidelines should be based on science, vote for Max Tassinari.

If you want a town councilor who recognizes that coastal communities like Winthrop need to prepare for rising sea levels caused by global warming, vote for Max Tassinari.

If you want a town councilor with an MBA and many years of experience managing and balancing large budgets in both the public and private sector, vote for Max Tassinari.

Winthrop is lucky to have an excellent candidate like Max Tassinari running for councilor-at-large. We wholeheartedly support him. And we hope you will too.

(The Tassinari campaign has not reviewed or endorsed this letter. Signatories listed in alphabetical order.)

Elaine Abrahms

Joe Aiello

Michael Alabiso

Rachel Alabiso

Lisa Albergini

Alan Billing

Barbara Bishop

Nicole Bishop

Carina Campobasso

Amy Johnson Carroll

Bob Carroll

Julie Clark

Alicia DelVento

Alyson Dewar

Katrina Donavan

Chris Farnsworth

Amy Farrell

Daniela Foley

Erica Foley

Leonora Foley

Cheri Fucillo

Kelly Gaule

Tracey Honan

Jonathan LaMaster

Suzanne Leonard

Cindy Luppi

Cormac Macphail

Annie Mahoney

Scott Mahoney Wright

Suzanne Martucci Gallo

Henry Munson

Mary Lou Osborne

Susan Postell

Luis Santiago

Lisa Schad

Gary Skomro

George Spagnoli

Marci Spagnoli

Eric Tennen

Leah Tennen

John Vitagliano

Chris Wallerce

Julia Wallerce

Astrid Weins

Tassinari Is a Candidate for Us

Dear Editor,

My name is Cathy DelVento. I am a mother, a wife, and a proud daughter of Winthrop. I have spent a lifetime supporting Democrats in our beloved town. From helping elect our town’s most steadfast champion, former speaker Bob DeLeo, to running our town’s Democratic Committee for longer than a decade. Making sure those in power represent us and the values we hold dear is incredibly important to me.

As Tip O’Neill used to say, “All politics is local,” and that is especially true in our upcoming town council elections. On November 7, the choice for Town Councilor At-Large could not be more apparent. I am supporting Max Tassinari.

Max is an exemplary candidate who, as a young father of two, cares deeply about building a better Winthrop of tomorrow. He prioritizes the well-being of our community, elevating diverse voices, and building a sustainable future for everyone. His strong moral compass and ability to create positive change will make him an invaluable asset. Max is a bridge builder, a passionate collaborator, and a person of high integrity who will amplify our voices to enable positive change for our community.

I encourage everyone to learn more about Max by visiting maxtassinari.org, and I ask you to join me in voting for him as our next Town Councilor At-Large on November 7th.

Cathy DelVento

Chair, Winthrop Democratic Town Committee

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