WRTC Planning Another Candidates Night
The WInthrop Republican Town Committee (WRTC) is planning another “Meet the Candidates Night.†For this event the WRTC is working to present our Congressional candidates. This November Congresswoman Katherine Clark (incumbent) and Caroline Colarusso (challenger) will be on our ballots. The WRTC is attempting to coordinate a suitable date with both candidates for this meeting. Candidate Colarusso has already agreed to meet for this forum. The Committee is attempting to work with Congresswoman Katherine Clark’s representatives for a commitment and date to meet with Winthrop and Revere voters.
Four years ago the WRTC began the highly successful nonpartisan forum of highlighting candidates during election seasons. This has given voters a familiarity with their candidates that is impossible to get from a sound bite or candidate’s flyer. These events have also introduced the candidates to their constituents and their constituents feelings on the policy issues of the day.
The last WRTC “Meet the Candidates Night†featured Senator Edwards (Democrat), but local community candidates have also had an opportunity to meet the local voters in this forum. These nonpartisan events are not debates, but simple Q & A to Candidates. The events are always open to the public and are completed within one hour. When time permits the public can ask questions of the candidates from the floor.
Continue to follow this newspaper for more information as details develop. You can also check on Facebook at Winthrop Republican Town Committee for details as they develop.
Commonwealth Celebrating Farmers Market Week
In recognition of the important role that farmers markets play in expanding access to fresh, healthy, and local food in Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker has declared to August 13, 2022, as Massachusetts Farmers Market Week. In celebration of Governor Baker’s declaration, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Commissioner John Lebeaux, along with state and local officials, are spending the week touring farmers markets throughout the Commonwealth to highlight the impact these markets have on their communities, serving as a vital link for the public to buy direct from local farmers.
“Farmers Markets offer us all with the opportunity to support the Commonwealth’s many farms – big and small, and to meet and engage directly with our farmers and their staff,†said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beth Card. “That special relationship between farmer and consumer highlights how local food is embedded in the culture of so many communities across the Commonwealth. The Baker-Polito Administration is proud to continue to support the state’s growers and producers.â€
In addition to the local food that they provide, farmers markets afford the public a chance to learn about the local food supply and how their food is grown. They are educational for all ages, allowing consumers to understand and recognize the hard work that goes into growing and harvesting food.
“While we support them in every season, now is an especially fantastic time to go out and support your local farmers market,†said Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux. “It is the perfect time to be celebrating farmers markets during the height of summer as Massachusetts is currently in the midst of its peak harvest so consumers will find a vast and varied array of fruits, vegetables, and other wonderful, delicious products at their local farmers market.â€
Over 7,200 farms in Massachusetts keep approximately 491,000 acres of land as open space and produce over $475 million in agricultural goods each year. Massachusetts ranks fifth in the nation for direct market sales with over $100 million annually, which accounts for 21.1% of the state’s total sales of agricultural products— the highest proportion in the country. Additionally, there are approximately 216 summer and fall farmers markets and another 37 winter farmers markets in communities across the Commonwealth.
Increased access to the healthy foods available at farmers markets is made possible through partnerships and programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Healthy Incentives Program (HIP), the Women Infants and Children (WIC), and Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Programs. Furthermore, farmers markets provide direct access to the state’s agricultural sector, help build a strong sustainable local food system, serve as public and community gathering places, and foster a closer connection between the consumer and the food that they consume.
FY 2022 Revenue Collections Total $41.105 Billion
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) Commissioner Geoffrey Snyder announced that preliminary revenue collections for June 2022 totaled $4.143 billion as of August 4, 2022, which is $470 million or 12.8% more than actual collections in June 2021 and $780 million or 23.2% more than benchmark.[1] June 2022 revenue collections were impacted by the recently enacted elective pass-through entity (PTE) excise. After adjusting for PTE excise, June 2022 collections are $213 million or 5.8% above actual collections in June 2021, and $710 million or 22.3% more than benchmark.
Revenue collections for FY2022 were $41.105 billion, which is $6.982 billion or 20.5% more than collections in FY2021, and $3.438 billion or 9.1% more than the benchmark. After adjusting for PTE excise, FY2022 collections are $4.932 billion or 14.5% more than collections in FY2021 and $2.668 billion or 7.3% more than benchmark.
Since FY21, when sales tax acceleration was implemented, entities subject to sales tax acceleration make estimated payments in June for which returns are due in late July, and only once those returns are filed can DOR assess the split between taxes that are collected on behalf of the state, versus local option taxes that go to municipalities and taxes owed to the convention center fund.
“Fiscal Year 2022 revenue collections reflect unprecedented capital gains tax revenue, the temporary impact of PTE excise payments, current labor market conditions, and strength in retail salesâ€, said Commissioner Snyder.
In general, June is a significant month for revenues because many individuals and corporations are required to make estimated payments. In most years, the month of June has ranked second (behind only April) in the proportion of annual revenue received during the month.