During Monday night’s School Committee meeting, Superintendent Howard shared the details regarding an increase in technology at the Gorman Fort Banks School and the Arthur T. Cummings School, a goal that has been at the top of the list for several years.
Thanks to money due from ESSER grants, the district will be purchasing technology that will allow greater access for students. Five classrooms in kindergarten and five classrooms in first grade will be receiving Epsom BrightLink projectors and two classrooms in the first grade will receive TouchView screens, allowing students to do work on a large screen. Second grade classrooms are also due to receive the TouchView screens this month.
At the ATC School, several of the older Epsom BrightLinks models will be upgraded and installed in May. In addition, the district will be receiving six additional mobile TouchView screens so they can be moved from classroom to classroom.
“We’re very excited about these upgrades and the access that it will provide our students,†said Howard.
In other news:
During spring vacation and the Friday before, all new desks were assembled and placed in the middle school and high school, with the exception of sixty desks that have not yet arrived. Desks were borrowed from the old middle school to use until the new ones arrive.
Graduation is scheduled for June 4 on Miller Field. More details to follow.