Dear Editor,
We are a collection of Winthrop mothers with young children writing to voice our support for Alicia DelVento in the Democratic primary for state representative on March 2. We need a fighter for women and families, and Alicia is the woman for the job.
A proud product of Winthrop public schools, Alicia is passionate about putting Winthrop’s youth first. She will work for increased school funding, social-emotional learning strategies that develop students as whole people, and expanding after-school programs and early education for all families. With a degree in public health and extensive experience in the State House, Alicia has a plan to protect the safety of educators, caregivers, and children, and to help Winthrop and Revere fight back from COVID-19.
As mothers living through the global pandemic, we know that a plan for our education system must consider the realities of raising children during a public health crisis. We know what it is like to do Zoom calls with toddlers desperately seeking our attention. We have reduced our work hours and worked late into the night after our babies go to sleep. We worry about going back to daycare and preschool and the risk of exposure to COVID-19. We know how scary it is to be pregnant right now, and how hard it is to plan for the future.
Nationally and in Massachusetts, women account for well over half of pandemic job losses. Many of the lost jobs are in industries primarily worked by women — such as childcare, where women of color are the majority. Three decades of progress in workforce participation have been erased in the last year, and women of color and those with young children are being hit hardest.
Representation matters. As women and mothers to the next generation of Winthrop, we believe that Alicia DelVento is the role model and representative our children and families deserve.
Ashley Blackburn
Bethany BillerÂ
Stefanie Finocchio-DurhamÂ
Carissa Juengst
Suzanne LaPorte Â
Victoria McKayÂ
Christina Wilson ZheÂ
Dear Editor,
Alicia DelVento’s passion and character come across when you meet her. She is a self-starter, full of enthusiasm, sincerity, and a willingness to get the job done.
Alicia shares my priorities: increase much-needed access to behavioral health services, particularly for our youth; community collaboration on city infrastructure; meeting the needs of our seniors; decisive action on climate.
Alicia listens to people, and she has my support.
Susan Maguire, RN
Former Member of the Winthrop Board of Health
Dear Editor,
In the Democratic Primary for State Representative on March 2 there are four candidates, three from Winthrop and one from Revere.
In past Democratic primaries, approximately 60% of the vote has been in Winthrop and 40% of the vote has been in Revere.
Hypothetically, given the fact that voters most often choose a candidate from their own community, if the three Winthrop candidates split the vote equally in this town, and the Revere candidate gets a majority of the vote in Revere, the Revere candidate could conceivably win the primary.
In addition, even though there are a Republican candidate and an Independent candidate from Winthrop in the March 30th Election, the winner of the Democratic Primary will most likely prevail.
The election of a Revere candidate as State Representative could also have implications for this representative seat for many years.
The 2020 Census has estimated that the population of Massachusetts is 6.8 million which means that each one of the 160 seats in the State House of Representatives will represent approximately 42,500 people.
The State House of Representatives will conduct a redistricting process later this year for all representative districts in the Commonwealth before the 2022 election.
The current population for Winthrop is approximately 18, 500, which means that the Revere portion of the district population would have to be around 24,000, if the district more or less remains the same as currently configured.
However, there is no guarantee that Winthrop would remain all in one district if the new representative is from Revere.
It is quite possible, if not likely, that the representative would seek to have more of Revere in the district and less of Winthrop.
It is quite possible that a part of Winthrop could be included in a district with East Boston.
Democratic Primary voters in Winthrop who believe it is important to have a State Representative from this community might want to consider this information when they cast their vote.
William Schmidt    Â
Dear Editor,
On March 2, voters in Winthrop and Revere will be heading to the polls to elect our next State Representative. A new generation of new leaders are bringing energy and enthusiasm that is so sorely needed on Beacon Hill. Alicia DelVento is one of those leaders and we are voting for her to serve as our next State Representative. Ms. DelVento has worked with diverse groups of people from all over the metro Boston area in her previous rolls as a legislative aide and policy advisor at the State House. Alicia’s education and work in public health policy will serve as an important asset to us during this difficult time of Covid-19. She will fight to develop a clear path to get schools and business back open safely. We also know Alicia will protect our three daughters’ reproductive rights and enact laws that ensure access to quality health care for everyone.
Alicia will put the needs of families in our communities at the top of her list. Funding schools and after-school programs so working parents can feel confident that their children are getting the best education and are safe. Ensuring Winthrop is a place where young professionals can thrive and grow, while also making sure long-time residents can afford to stay here.
Winthrop cannot afford the “same-old, same-old†representing our community at a time when so many changes are happening. We want a person who is not only honest, transparent, and accessible, but someone who will make the concerns of Winthrop and its citizens, her full-time job. She will have an open-door to all constituents, from small-business owners to senior citizens to parents of public-school kids, addressing our needs first.
We are so excited to see the new ideas and energy Alicia will bring. Alicia DelVento is a natural leader and will fight hard for all of us on Beacon Hill. Please join us and our family to elect our first female State Representative in the history of this district. We can’t wait to see what the future brings and know Alicia DelVento will be a strong advocate for us, representing and respecting everyone in our community, giving us, the citizens, a voice in the decisions that will shape our future.
Please join us in voting for the first woman to represent Winthrop on Beacon Hill! Vote for Alicia DelVento on March 2.
Patrick and Kimberly Costigan
Precinct 1, Winthrop