Letters to the Editor

Don’t leave your dog in cars

Dear Editor:

It may be autumn, but warm temperatures still pose a deadly threat to our animal companions.

A dog named Nigil recently suffered a horrific death after his guardians reportedly left him in their parked vehicle while they enjoyed Salem’s Halloween festivities. When they returned nearly five hours later, Nigil’s lifeless body was lying in a pool of vomit. Police estimate that temperatures inside the vehicle may have reached 122 degrees.

It only takes minutes for warm temperatures to turn deadly. On a 75-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can soar to 104 degrees in 20 minutes, and on a 90-degree day, it can reach 119 degrees in the same amount of time. Parking in the shade, leaving the windows partially open, and/or leaving water in the vehicle will not keep vehicles cool enough to be safe.

It’s never safe to leave animals unattended in parked vehicles. Please, don’t risk it: Leave animals at home. If you see any living being trapped in a hot car, have the owner paged in nearby businesses and/or notify authorities immediately. The victim’s life depends on it.


Lindsay Pollard-Post

The PETA Foundation



Dear Editor:

I agree that NFL players have the right to protest, but I am offended by the way they have gone about expressing their dissatisfaction with our nation.  Refusing to honor our flag is an insult to those of us who fought to defend their freedom to protest, and I hope there will be consequences.  Their actions disrespect not only veterans but our entire nation.

Lt. Col. Robert Leroe

US Army Retired


For Those Who Stayed

Dear Editor:

I was thinking about our kids – our seniors – as I was washing the grass stains, the mud, the blood, and the dirt from his uniform.  Hundreds of times this task was done.  Only a few more times as the end of his last season approaches.

I’m reminded about an essay from college that compared a football game to battle – the fight for territory.  Protecting your brother/sister no matter what.

Most of the season is preparing —exercise, strategizing – taking inventory of resources.
Strength.  Character.  Fellowship.  This year, our home resources were limited,

Fighting on foreign soil – much like soldiers – our team got knocked down; they looked within and kept getting up over and over again.

Many experienced teammates from past seasons could not return this season.  They graduated, moved on to other interests – or could not make the commitment our kids have made this year.  Since last summer — practicing, exercising, early morning workouts – Captains practices, films, training.

These seven are special.

For they stayed to fight

They stayed to uphold the Viking Tradition

They stayed to show upcoming classes how not to give up

They stayed for Coach.

They stayed for us.

This class is not just about the win.  Perseverance – Honor.

Was it Fun?  Not Always.

But it is worth it.  Never Forget – this class of 2018.  For you are special

For yourselves – for us.

Because you stayed.

By Peg T. Lyons


For Class of 2018 Viking Seniors

#16   Jake Adamson

#23   Jaidon Brown

#30   Tyler Chiudina

#55   A.J. Massa

#66   Sierra O’Connoll

#70   Calvin Tufa

#74       Christian Lyons

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