Monday, July 17
Caller reported that a male party was driving over the speed limit in Winthrop Housing. She stated he almost hit her car last month, and then this past Saturday, he almost hit her personally. She does not wish to file a report, but she just wanted to file a complaint.
Reporting party on Lincoln Street stated a 7-year-old boy knocked on her door stating he woke up scared because his mom was not home. Officer spoke to the caller and the mom.
Motor vehicle accident with possible injuries on Winthrop Street. Fire enroute. Clear, paperwork exchanged.
Assisted medical on Golden Drive. 92 requests ME and CPAC. Medical Examiner notified.
Female party called to state that a male party had made offensive gestures toward her as he drove by. He also swore and yelled at her. She does not feel threatened, but she wanted to report the male party.
Son called to report that his elderly mother on River Road was scammed over the phone. She gave the caller “all†of her information. Unit reports he spoke to reporting party, and a report was to follow.
Report of an older male party stumbling along on Revere and Sagamore Avenue. Unit reports nothing showing as they searched the area.
Report of a heavy set male walking in and out of traffic only wearing shorts at Revere and Golden Drive. Unit reports that they searched the area and could not find anyone who fit that description.
Party came into the station to report a suspicious sitatuion. She stated that someone known to her followed her into town, driving erratically and yelling at her from her vehicle. The suspect’s vehicle had two children in it while this emotionally charged person behaved this way. Reporting party felt unsafe and wifely drove to the police station. K9 dispatched to the subject’s residence. The other subject stated that the reporting party now dates her ex and she wanted her to know that he still has two children to support. No threats were made.
Large group of youths moved along from field on Kennedy Road.
Tuesday, July 18
Make notification for Florida Police for a male party missing out of Florida believed to be heading to his relative’s house in Winthrop. WPD made contact with relative, and she will contact Florida for more information.
Caller states that behind Charlie’s Laundry on Shirley Street, sees flashing lights (like flashlights) and banging every half hour. This has been going on for an hour. Finds it very suspicious and is scared. Nothing showing. Building is secure.
Report of a dog attaching another dog on Hawthorn and Shore Drive. Dog is injured. State Police notified.
Party on Crest Avenue stated he was at a restaurant and a waitress stated they put human fesces in their food. Party is on the scene. Matter resolved as a result of past incident amongst the parties. No tampering with any food. Unit clear, and all parties satisfied.
Assisted medical with possible forced entry on Sagamore Avenue. 89-year-old male transported to Brigham and Woman’s.
Male party from Beal Street walked in to report the female party is now texting him and he is unsure of how to proceed from here.
Report of two dead raccoons in trash barrel on Pauline Street. Message left for ACO to pick up in the morning.
Report of white female, late 20s, going door to door on Loring Road asking to see their utility bills. Unit patrolled the area and no sight of female party.
A 12-year-old male and his two friends are in Ingleside Park. 12-year-old caller stated that a postal worker in his truck was watching them for 20 minutes then took some photos.
A9-year-old on Ocean Avenue who is home alone receiving phone calls from someone telling her they are going to kill her. Child has been by herself since 4 p.m. The calls were from weeks ago and they were spam calls that she was thinking about. Officer will now go to attempt to make contact with the parents. Unit spoke to the mother.
Uber driver states he has an unresponsive female in his car on Shirley Street. Medical aid and police have been dispatched. Female party transported to MGH.
Wednesday, July 19
Report of party sleeping on bench at Governors Park. Party sent on his way. He fell asleep on the bench.
Report of a passed-out male in a vehicle on Woodside Avenue. Fire on the scene. Individual was meeting a friend and the friend did not answer the phone. He fell asleep in the car but he is on his way home now.
Party on Revere Street states that there is a girl and guy in a car in a parking lot and they have been there for about a half an hour. Parties were scratching tickets bought at the store. They were told to move along.
Officer stated retrieving bicycle located at Revere and Highland. Town property parking lot. Bicycle is a gray Mongoose. Brought to the station.
ACO will follow up on a dog bite.
Reporting party states there is a white male wearing a blue bulletproof vest and backpack acting suspicious and he is heading towards Pleasant Street. Officer stated no body saw a male party.
Party on Circuit Road stating that a tree company crew cut some of her tree branches down and now giving her a hard time. Spoke to both parties.
Assisted medical on Sunset Road. Patient to Whidden on a voluntary.
Notified DPW about lights at Hermon and Main, which are still out. They are waiting for a part to fix it.
Party came to the station to report receiving a number of text messages from family members that she found upsetting. Party was advised of her rights. Family member was contacted to cease the messages for now and both will not contact each other for a period of time to cool things off.
Male party on Shore Drive came in to drop off paperwork and claims that someone opened his mailbox and his mail was re-mailed. Party states that he has had issues with the building manager and would like this reported.
Report of a black male near the Little League field carrying a white bag and appears to be asking people for money. Area search negative. Nothing showing.
Caller on Shirley Street stating that an intoxicated male is threatening her and put his face in her face. Male party is across the street in a black SUV.
Thursday, July 20
Motor vehicle stop in Cutler Street. Comes back as dealer plate. One female in custody for disturbing the peace.
Disturbance on Myrtle Avenue with loud stereo. Party will go inside.
Male party unresponsive on Coral Avenue. Party transported to the Whidden.
Down utility pole on Pleasant Street. Fire enroute.
Calling party on Madison Avenue stated he is in the parking lot and a vehicle is parked in his spot that he uses. Parking issue has been resolved.
Walk in from Hermon Street to report stolen packages.
Two juveniles report locating a wallet belonging to a minor at the center basketball courts. W92 reports returning said property to the minor’s mother.
Assist fire with first-floor rear deck grill fire on Bellevue Avenue. Fire is out and waiting for trucks to clear off the street.
Son called and said he cannot reach his elderly mother on Floyd Street. Caller’s brother (that he does not speak to) may be in the home. Officer spoke to other son and mother will contact the other son.
Check for smoke in building on Harvard Street. All units clear as well as fire.
Motor vehicle stop at Revere and Crest Avenue. Arrest made for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle and speeding.
Friday, July 21
Items found in cemetery and property discarded. Items were only cotton balls and syringes. No pills.
Report of a squirrel in home on Beal Street. Animal left the house and everything is okay.
Calling party states there is a male party wearing gray shirt and jeans walking on Main Street and is staggering. Male party transported to MGH.
Woman called regarding information that she received that Yirrell Beach was closed due to a high-bacteria count. A check with dispatch and fire and DPW revealed that no one had heard anything regarding Yirrell Beach. Later, information came in that the beach was now being posted as closed. Caller was contacted and given information.
Party came to the station to report that her medication is missing from her home. Party reports that she has been looking for it for two days and needs to take the medication daily. She reports that sometimes they have left one of the doors open. She also believes that she may know who is involved but does not want to report it. There were approximately 12 pills left, and now, the whole bottle is missing. She was advised by her doctor to report it to the police before he can issue any additional medication.
Owner on Revere Street who lives on the first floor said he has a water leak coming from the second floor. His tenant will not let him into the apartment to fix the problem. Tenant called and said her landlord came to her door to check a water problem. She asked if he could come back as she was giving her 2 year old a bath. She claims he used foul language and would like to speak to the police as well. The situation was mediated, and parties will stay away from each other.
Party came to the station with a picture on her phone of her home possibly being for sale. On the next frame, a realtor and his picture were shown and stated for anyone to call him regarding the property. The resident stated that the home, which is owned by her mother-in-law, is not for sale. When the realtor was called, he claimed he knew nothing about the property, which was being featured on Trulia. Possibly just featuring what is party of public record. Party took a V/W form to complete and will return for a report to generate if it is not just what Zillow and Trulia put out on the Internet.
Caller on Shore Drive reports that across on the beach a group of 20-year-olds are lighting off fireworks. State Police has been notified.
Reporting party on Upland Road was given victim/witness statement to fill out. She needs to take care of a few more issues before finishing this report. Either someone will go by and pick it up or she will drop it off to the station herself. Elderly facility employee is reporting the unsettling comment and behavior made by an adult son of one of their residents. When male subject was contacted, he denied making any threatening statements but did say he was upset about the facility not responding appropriately according to him, regarding his mother’s symptoms. He agreed to calming himself before he speaks to people and not lash out. He was informed that the facility will contact the family after test results and he was satisfied.
Possible kitten hit in the road on Pleasant Street.
Loud music on Bellevue Avenue. Party will quiet down for the night.
Saturday, July 22
Officer off with motor vehicle handicap parking violation on Shirley Street. Officer took placard and advised operator to register vehicle. Officer will have owner of placard pick it up at the station.
Calling party on Siren Street states she has not heard from her husband for a couple of days, and she stated he was acting weird.
Off with female party on Sturgis and Shirley Street. Possible 94C activity. Female party refused medical and was sent on her way.
53-year-old female’s boyfriend on Sunset Road stated that she was starting to mumble. When he was talking to her on the phone she was not responding. She is on high blood pills. Medical enroute. Medical was cancelled per police. Unit stated female is fine. Boyfriend was called back, and he was advised that she was fine.
Unit stated he got phone call stating possible overdose at Dunkin’ Donuts on Revere Street. Unit stated this was a female from an earlier call. One is being transported to Whidden voluntarily.
White female with blonde hair on the ground on Pleasant Street. She is conscious, but seems out of it according to passerby. Units on scene with nothing showing.
Sunday, July 23
DPW truck took down wires in the middle of Pleasant Street. Broken cable wire and cable notified. 93 reports more wires down and fire returning to investigate.
Male party on motorcycle drove into a fence. Fire and medical enroute. Male party was not transported. G&J will tow vehicle to male party’s address.
Party from Governors Park stating that there are a family of four swans behind the building and they look dehydrated and hungry. She also states that they are not moving. With help from citizens, they were able to get the swans back in the water.
Female party on Winthrop Street stated that she does not feel safe in her home. Three female workers are in her apartment and are not leaving. Calling party stated that the employees are not treating her right.
Party at Veterans and Hadassah Way states that his neighbor saw three males and two females using a baseball bats to smash his driver’s side window and ran away on foot. Revere found the people involved and they will do their own report.
25-year-old female states that the staff on Winthrop Street is not treating her well. She said she is on the second floor. Unit reports 25-year-old female transported to BMC.
Caller on Coral Avenue states that his roommate keeps arguing with him and bothering him and he does not want him living there any more. Unit spoke with the party and mediated the situation for now.
Calling party on Morton Street states that she sees a male party parked on the corner in his vehicle selling drugs to people. Units report negative on the vehicle description in the area.