Monday, May 2
Third party information regarding a fight that occurred on April 28 in the late afternoon behind the library. Librarian reported witnessing a fight between two males that appeared to be of school age. She did not contact the police at this time. An investigation revealed one is a high school student and the other party is unknown. The fight was over a girl. One party had several stitches to his forehead but he does not wish to cooperate or pursue charges.
Party called to report an accident at Dunkin Donuts on Revere Street. There are no injuries but reports one of the party involved asked him to call because that party thinks the other party is trying to pull a scam.
W92 reports being stopped by a resident on Shirley Street regarding a dispute between neighbors. Officer reports settling the matter for now.
Caller on Tafts Avenue report a party left a large amount of trash in front of her house including furniture and mattresses. Detail Off. 907 off to the scene and reports that the party lives around the corner and his trash was not picked up so he moved it around the corner. The trash will swing around and pick up the items that have stickers on them. The subject will stay in the area until all the trash is cleared.
Caller on Shirley Street requesting medical for her son who is acting strange.
DPW worker called stating that if anyone turns in a large red box containing a Milwaukee tool it belongs to DPW. He believes it may have fallen off the truck due to a door opening.
Party on Harvard Street reports being attacked by a hose by another resident.
Caller on Wave Way Avenue requesting medical attention for her sister. EMS notified.
Party on Grandview Avenue reports a suspicious male parked in a black vehicle allegedly taking pictures of the airport. The caller also advises that it appears that the individual is also operating a drone. W91 reports the area is clear of any such activity or matching vehicle at this time.
Caller reports a contractor working on building on Shirley Street is using a table saw set up on the sidewalk. Officer reports no one working at this time.
Probation warrant issued for male subject on Grovers Avenue is in violation of his probation. GPS strap monitor violation. Officers are checking two locations in the same building. Officer spoke with two parties at the location who report they have not seen him but his property is there. Officers are checking the location for the subject. After checking three locations they were unable to locate the male subject. Call was made to Beverly PD to inform them of the warrant as well.
Tuesday, May 3
Officer reports possible door ajar inside the school building area at Cross and Main Street. Officer is requesting another unit to respond. The door is propped open. Off. Hickey and Off. Pena report they are going inside to investigate further. W91 Off. Guerra is keeping a perimeter outside the building. Alarm company called to report that the alarm was going off and was advised. Officer are inside the building. Officers report no sign of forced entry but three doors left open with wedges. Officer checked the building and rescued the doors.
Caller on Wave Way Avenue requesting ambulance for girlfriend in pain.
Party on Walden Street requesting ambulance for girlfriend who is weak.
Caller request an officer on scene for a minor accident at Veterans Road. 91 responds and request inquiries of both vehicles. Accident number issued and report submitted.
Party reports he texted his personal license information along with a credit card number to a wrong number earlier today in error. The caller repots that he canceled the credit card but would like this on record in the event that his license is used fraudulently.
Husband and Wife report that they were just involved in a scam and lost $250. The officer advised the parties to not give any personal information out to strangers.
Party called to report that his egress from a right of way to his property in the rear of the tennis courts on Main Street is being blocked by work trucks. This is a contractor’s staging area. 908 will speak with the foreman.
Caller at Ft. Heath Apartments states that she needs medical. Fire notified and will respond.
Alarm company reports alarm subduing at main building at Winthrop Housing. Officer said it was an accidental alarm and the unit cleared.
Party requests we check on her elderly father at Ft. Heath Apartments who was feeling ill and is now not answering his phone. When the father was called he stated he is a little shaky and agree dot have EMS check him out. EMS responded.
Caller report a thin female approximately 25 years old, wearing a long blond wig, just shoplifted some items from the CVS and fled towards Ingleside Park. Officers have one female in custody for shoplifting and four outstanding warrants.
Caller on Woodside Avenue states that she received a call from someone identifying themselves as the IRS. She has also had at least three other calls attempting to get her personal information. She outsmarted the scam artists and wants to let other citizens know of the threat of being scammed.
Motor vehicle stopped for violations at Main and Read Street. Officer reports a citation was issued for failing to keep right.
Wednesday, May 4
Cashier on Revere Street called to report a male outside has been sitting there over 1/2 hour and it is suspicious. Officers report the subject is just waking up and they will investigate further. The party was at a meeting and stopped to get some snacks before returning home. The subject appears sober and will leave the area.
Officer reports the party from the previous call has still not left the area. Units report speaking with I’m again and the subject’s vehicle will not start and there is no signage regarding parking. Units clear.
Caller on Revere Street reports that the male that was sitting in the car out front left both doors open and left the area. Officers responded and report, according to the caller, he was there and when they looked back out, he was gone. Officer located the keys inside the car and will hold them for safekeeping.
Officers checked the area for the subject and report no sign of the male subject. His vehicle was secured and they keys brought to the station. The cashier will speak to the store owner regarding whether or not to have the vehicle towed from their property.
Party on Central Street reports a male is there attempting to break into his wife’s car. The subject was seen walking off toward Revere Street. Officers located the male party from earlier at the 7-11 store who fits the description. W92 will bring the victim by to see whether or not it was him that broke into her vehicle. One subject under arrest for breaking and entering into a boat/vehicle for a misdemeanor and unlawfully obtaining a controlled substance.
Party on Cottage Park Road reports he has fallen and can not get up.
Caller on Shirley Street reports the odor of gas as she was out walking. Fire notified.
Party on Myrtle Avenue called to report that on the advice of her counsel, while removing the property of a defendant on an active 209 for storage placement, she has observed items of question. W98 reports confiscating 94c. Resident brought in another item and completed a report regarding the situation. 960 will incorporate the new information into his report.
SRO left three envelopes to be delivered to subject on Lincoln Street. W92 reports no anger and the three notices left last and usual at the residence.
Employee of Winthrop Middle High School reports being threatened by another school employee. Investigation report and criminal harassment charges will be filed by Det/SRO Armistead. Employee was advised of rights to obtain an HPO in East Boston District Court. WPD will escort plaintiff/victim to court. Three have been at least three phone calls and a recorded ireful threat to the employee.
Party came to the station to report the funds in her account are now missing. She has reported the unauthorized withdrawal to her bank. The funds in the amounts of $403 and $503 were withdrawn in Philadelphia on May 1.
W91 will transport school department rep to EBC for order. Officer arrived at EBC with employee.
911 caller reports he is stranded off of Cottage Park Yacht Club in a sailboat. Transferred to fire for harbormaster dispatch.
Thursday, May 5
Caller reports a red truck pulling a tire around the parking lot of the basketball court. Units report the football team players working out with the tire and they were advised to go home for the night.
Off. Deeley reports a minor accident between a bus and passenger car at Cliff and Highland Avenue. Officers report vehicles must have exchanged papers.
Nurse at the Arbors called for an ambulance. EMS will handle.
Parole officers report brining one in on a parole violation from Beach Road.
Officer will try to serve the parent/guardian a “Care and Protection†summons to subject on Highland Avenue. He reports it was served in hand.
Essex Regional relay stating a woman on Natant Avenue requiring ambulance for mother.
Caller reports that hr dog has gotten loose and she cannot find the dog. ACO officer notified as well as a safety officer working on the adjacent street.
911 call/transfer from Lowell Road. Yelling on the phone. Could not understand anything. 911 regional called back and stated it was a car accident and no personal injury.
911 call from Washington Avenue of someone yelling for help. Off. Carter took the call. Regional stated they will try and trace the phone number. Officers report searching the area and no one in the area. The address does not exist. Call back to the number called and no answer and message left. Off. Carter knocked all doors in the area of the house. The Verizon trace unit called back to say the cell phone is a dead phone and it is impossible to find out the original carrier or owner. The reason it dialed 911 is the same as a home phone that is disconnected. Essex Regional called back and they report the last owner is a male out of Puerto Rico.
Caller reports an erratic driver entering Winthrop from the bridge traveling along Main Street. All units and detail officers BOLO’d. Units tied up on previous calls.
Reports of a low hanging wire at Prospect and Harbor View Avenue. Fire will handle.
Caller on Douglas Street reports falling after stepping into a hole at edge of grass and sidewalk. Does not require medical, just wanted it noted and addressed. All units engaged in previous calls. The lady called back and stated she went to the doctors and she has an injury. Off. Gregorian will photo and make a report.
Report of a lady passed out on Pleasant Street and is lying on the sidewalk. Officer and EMS report an 85-year-old female fell and is being taken to MGH. No sidewalk defect.
Report of a wire blocking traffic on Prospect Avenue.
Officer will try to serve a summons issued by the Framingham Court to subject on Golden Drive. He reports no one is home.
Report of burnt food on the stove on Overlook Drive. Fire was notified.
Caller on Beach Road reports two males in front of her house and looking at her. She stated the males were smoking something and would not stop looking at her. She ran into her house and called the station. The vehicle drove off. No other description. Will call back if she sees the vehicle again.
Party at Governors Park reports her 20-month-old is having pains in his foot. Fire and ambulance notified. Child transported to MGH.
Friday, May 6
Reports of a water leak into basement from outside on Cottage Park Road.
Parent on Buchanan Street requesting assistance with getting minor child to court as she is refusing to go. Call back from the mom and they are enroute.
Female on Franklin Street called and stated that her husband needs an ambulance. EMS notified.
Caller on Revere Street reports that there is a loose dog in the area. ACO officer to the location. ACO reports that he has found the dog and reunited the dog with its owner.
Around 7:30 a.m., off duty officer was stopped by the staff at the school on Woodside Avenue. They pointed out a male they claimed was a defendant in a 209A and not allowed to see his child. School principal checked and they had no record of it. Officer contacted SRO and the male does not have any 209A. He gets out of work and meets his son in the morning for a hug before the son goes into school.
Caller on Morton Street repots that two boats have run aground in the Belle Isle Marsh. The harbormasters have been notified and are already aware of the situation. The people on board the boats are not in jeopardy and are waiting for the tide to rise to free the boats from the marsh.
Call from the Gorman School to report a young child is still at the school and no one has picked him up. The school has called the mother with no answer. Officer report waking up the mother as she worked late.
Male caller reports there is a young girl, maybe 6 years of age with an infant too close to the water on Shore Drive. Officer reports he is requesting a second unit. They report finding the children and the father walked over. It was explained to him about the age of the children and he understood.
Officer will try to serve a summons issued by the Framingham Court to subject on Golden Drive. He reports serving it in hand.
Belmont Police called and faxed over a Section 12 from McLean Hospital. Subject is from a group home in Belmont but has left and is missing. The subject also has a home in Winthrop and they would like us to check there to see if he is home. Officers report speaking to person’s parents. They are aware of the Section and will call us if he comes home.
Caller on Madison Avenue reports a male getting into a pickup truck and driving away. Stated the male had trouble standing up and kept using the word “trashed.†Vehicle described as blue. Officers will BOLO. Officers report locating the vehicle in the driveway of his residence. No one in the vehicle.
Report of a wire down on Woodside Park. Officer reports wire is down, unknown type. Fire notified. Cable wire and hazard removed.
Saturday, May 7
Caller on Shirley Street reports someone is trying to confiscate her car in her driveway. Unit report female has paperwork of a current payment. Parties will check on status Monday to confirm.
Party called concerned about the woman and baby having no where to go as reported in the Transcript. She offered suggestion of “A Woman’s Concern†in Revere.
Caller on Main Street has past dispute with neighbor involving stolen mailbox. W92 located the mailbox and replaced it for the caller. Advised to call if future issues.
Call of a medical on Lincoln Street. Transferred to EMS.
Call of a woman parked in the handicap spot at Dunkin Donuts yelling at people in the driveway. Another call saying it looks like a domestic type fight. Officer reports it was an argument over parking spot.
Officer request s tow for vehicle parked in the marked no parking/construction zone on Sunnyside Avenue. Officer tired knocking on the door and left messages on the listed phone number for them. G&J notified of tow. Officer reports owner of the vehicle came home and moved the vehicle.
Chief request an officer investigate a motor vehicle parked on Veterans Road with a smashed windshield and a flat tire. Officer reports the vehicle is registered and insured to a resident. Looks as if it was in a car accident yesterday. No answer at the home.
Walk-in to report harassment by texts, calls and personal visits to her store. She would like this on record.
Caller on Franklin Street reports she has no water. DPW notified.
911 call from Somerset Avenue. Transferred to EMS.
Caller on Pebble Avenue repots kids are playing loud music and throwing beer cans. The caller stated he is going out to confront them and there will be a problem. He was told not to confront the youths and not go to near them at all. Officers report group was leaving as the officers arrived. Spoke with the group and advised them of local laws. No signs of drinking.
Caller on Shirley Street reports her 72 year old mother walked out of the apartment and has not returned. She is not wearing any shoes, no jacket and left her pocketbook behind. The mother does not know anyone and is not front around here. Possible medical issues. Has been missing for over 30 minutes. Officer located her at the Winthrop Arms. Medical requested and sent. The family was notified.
Sunday, May 8
Alarm company called regarding alarm going off at the Cummings School. Units report the building is secure.
Alarm activation on Willis Avenue. It was the rear door. Officers report the homeowner was there and the alarm was accidental.
Party reports a male in a wheelchair has fallen out and they need assistance with him on Shore Drive. WFD and EMS notified.
Party reports an elderly female is walking in the parking lot on Winthrop Street and appears to be confused. Officer reports speaking with the woman who thought the church was open. She is now heading home. She refused any medical evaluation.
Reporting party called about a red helium tank left across from Cal’s Auto Body next to the electrical sub station. She thought it appeared odd. 91 will check it out. 91 reports it is a small empty red balloon helium tank. She will dispose of it properly.
Party on Washington Avenue is requesting EMS because he feels sick. Call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Party on Brookfield Road is requesting EMS as he is not feeling well. call transferred to WFD and EMS for service.
Caller on Elliot Street reports a motor vehicle is in the intersection with no operator. There is a dog inside. The party called back and the operator came back to the vehicle and drove off.
Party on Bartlett Parkway stated the street sign is lying on the ground. 92 responded and secured the pole out of the way. DPW will be notified.
Caller on Pleasant and Main Street reports adults kicking children. K9 spoke with the grandmother, mother and children who were kicking around a soccer ball.