Each year at this time the Rotary Club of Winthrop presents a trophy in memory of our past president Irving P. Alexander. Irving died while serving as President of Winthrop Rotary Club. Irving was not only president of Winthrop Rotary Club but also served as chairman of the Parks and Recreation Department for the Town of Winthrop. He was very involved with Winthrop High School and as owner of the Winthrop Theatre he would allow students and faculty to hold football rallies before the big Thanksgiving Day game and following the game, presented individual players with awards. Seated left to right Rotary President Jack Jacques, Award winner Dan Feeley, WHS Head Coach Sean Driscoll, Award winner David Gallo, Rotary Club Past District Governor, Dr Victor Saldanha. Standing Pat Feeley, recipient’s brother Pat Feeley, Nancy Feeley, John Macero, Superintendent of Schools, Karen Gallo, Peter Gobiel, WHS Athletic Director, and Gail Conlon, WHS Principal.