Author: Sue Ellen Woodcock

TM Calls for Financial Review

Town Manager Austin Faison will be contacting the Massachusetts Division of Local Services to provide a financial management review. “They have done a fair amount of reviews for other communities,” Faison said at Tuesday’s council meeting, adding that there is…

Marijuana Still Up in the Air

Some residents were hoping the Town Council would set a date for a referendum vote on whether or not a recreational marijuana shop could come to Winthrop, but that didn’t happen. First, town officials  have not heard back from the…

SDOD Proposed on Shirley Street

Local builders are in the beginning stages of seeking an SDOD (special development overlay district) zoning designation to change a Shirley Street building from commercial to residential. The builder and his lawyer attended Monday night’s Planning Board to introduce plans…

Winthrop Police Have Gone Pink

Many have experienced the effects of breast cancer either personally or through a family member or close friend. Winthrop Police Officer Anthony Sorrentino and Sgt. Steve Rogers have partnered to design a special edition police department T-shirt to raise money…