The following incident reports are among the calls to which the Winthrop Police Department responded on the listed dates. The log is a public record and available for review. All persons who are arrested or charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Monday, January 15
1058: Officers assisted the Fire Dept. at the scene of a fire on Grovers Ave.
1200: A Tafts Ave. resident reported that a package was stolen from her premises. She gave the police video footage of the incident. The officer filed a report.
Tuesday, January 16
0813: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
0906: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infractions of having an obstructed plate and an obstructed rear window. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
0945: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Main St. for the civil moving infraction of a marked lanes violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1002: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Pleasant St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1015: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shirley St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1047: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1323: An officer directed the owner of a motor vehicle parked illegally on Plummer Ave. to move his vehicle.
1348: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shore Drive for a civil moving infraction. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1525: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1537: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1550: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1714: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Winthrop St. for the civil moving infraction of a lights violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1805: Officers responded to a four-car motor vehicle accident on Upland Rd., which was covered with ice. There were no injuries and one vehicle was towed. The DPW was called to treat the road. The officer filed a report.
1831: The DPW was called to treat Faun Bar Ave. where a Post Office box truck had become stuck on the ice.
1907: A person came into the station to report that his motor vehicle had been struck by a hit-and-run operator on Wave Way Ave. The officer filed a report.
2232: An officer directed persons playing music loudly in an apartment in Governor’s Park to turn it down.
2259: An officer issued a parking ticket to a vehicle parked on the sidewalk and facing the wrong way on Madison Ave.
Wednesday, January 17
0040: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Veterans Rd, and Cutler St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
0048: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Shirley and Underhill Sts. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. When the officer determined that the vehicle was not registered, which is a civil infraction, he issued a citation to the operator for both violations. The motor vehicle was towed.
0103: An officer issued parking tickets to five vehicles without resident parking stickers on Hutchinson St.
0108: An officer issued parking tickets to three vehicles on Somerset Ave.
0123: An officer issued parking tickets to five vehicles on Charles St.
1153: A call about unshoveled snow on the sidewalk on Tileston Rd. was referred to the DPW.
1212: An officer directed the owner of a vehicle parked in the No Parking area on Plumer Ave. to move the vehicle.
1251: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Veterans Rd. for the civil moving infraction of speeding. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1305: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Veterans Rd. for the civil moving infraction of violating the hands-free law. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1316: An officer stopped a motor vehicle with an expired registration at Main and Walden Sts. The officer followed the operator back home and directed that the vehicle remain parked in the driveway until the vehicle is registered.
1433: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Winthrop and Main Sts. for the civil moving infraction of a crosswalk violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1601: A resident came into the station to report a case of harassment. The officer filed a report.
Thursday, January 18
0001: Officers assisted the Fire Dept. at the scene of a dumpster fire in the 400 block of Shirley St.
0102: An officer issued parking tickets to four vehicles on Sea Foam Ave.
0103: An officer issued parking tickets to two vehicles on Bayview Ave.
0115: An officer issued one parking ticket to a vehicle on Shirley St.
0120: An officer issued parking tickets to four vehicles on Johnson Ave.
0128: An officer issued parking tickets to seven vehicles on Wave Way Ave.
0932: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Shirley and Underhill Sts. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
0940: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shirley St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
0951: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shirley St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1008: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Washington Ave. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1028: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shirley St. for the civil moving infraction of impeded operation for having a dog in the front seat. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1037: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Sturgis St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
1210: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Walden St. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1219: Officers responded to local business upon a report of a male party, who is known to police, yelling at employees. The officers spoke to the male party, who agreed to stay out of the store.
1234: Officers assisted the Fire Dept. with traffic control at the scene of a fire on Crystal Cove Ave. Two families consisting of seven persons were displaced and awaited the arrival of the Red Cross.
1320: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Shirley St. for the civil moving infraction of a crosswalk violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1340: An officer directed the owner of a motor vehicle blocking a fire hydrant on Bayview Ave. to move his vehicle.
1427: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Main and Bowdoin Sts. for the civil moving infraction of a stop sign violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1433: An officer stopped a motor vehicle at Main and Bowdoin Sts. for the civil moving infraction of a crosswalk violation. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
1847: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Main St. for the civil moving infraction of failing to stop for a traffic control sign or signal. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
2005: A report of a dead raccoon in the middle of Cottage Park Rd. was referred to the DPW.
2242: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Main St. for the civil moving infraction of failing to stop for a traffic control sign or signal. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
Friday, January 19
0101: An officer issued parking tickets to nine vehicles without resident parking stickers on Trident Ave.
0104: An officer issued a parking ticket to one vehicle on Bayview Ave.
0114: An officer issued a parking ticket to one vehicle on Shirley St.
0120: An officer issued parking tickets to four vehicles without resident parking stickers on Sea Foam Ave.
0125: An officer issued parking tickets to two vehicles on Johnson Ave.
0814: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Washington Ave. for a civil moving infraction. The officer issued a citation to the operator.
0921: Officers served an arrest warrant at a residence on North Ave. and arrested a 38 year-old Winthrop man on five outstanding warrants.
1350: An officer issued parking tickets to two vehicles in the Centre on Jefferson Ave.
2223: An officer issued a parking ticket to a vehicle parked on the sidewalk and blocking a driveway on Moore St.
Saturday, January 20
0055: Officers removed a homeless male party from the lobby of a building on Governors Drive. He was offered a ride to the warming center in Revere.
1132: A resident came into the station to report being the victim of check-washing fraud. The officer filed a report.
Sunday, January 21
0225: An officer issued parking tickets to three vehicles without resident parking stickers on Bay View Ave.
0239: An officer issued parking tickets to three vehicles without resident parking stickers on Sea Foam Ave.
1343: An officer stopped a motor vehicle on Main St. for the civil moving infraction of having an obstructed plate that was blocked by a rack on the vehicle. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator.
Monday, January 22
0122: An officer issued parking tickets to two vehicles without resident parking stickers on Sea Foam Ave.