Letters to the Editor

The Time Has Come! Thank You All

Dear Editor,

After twenty one years and over forty three thousand pounds of peanut butter crackers, trail mix, Mac n’ Cheese, magazines, granola bars, movie videos, Marshmallow Fluff, cans of clam chowder and letters and cards from the school children of Winthrop, I have decided to retire my military care package and Christmas Tree care package program. In twenty one years, I have sent these boxes of support to men and women in all five branches of the military and to all seven continents.

It’s time for me to step back. I feel comfortable knowing that I have given a 100% effort in support of our troops here and abroad. I know that I brought thousands of smiles and thousands of pounds of support to our deployed service men and service women serving all over the world.

I want to thank all of you who assisted me, donating goods, baking cookies, donating money for postage or helping me fill the hundreds of holiday care packages with Christmas trees and decorations.

God Bless our men and women of the United States Military!

Richard D. Honan

US Army Veteran – Vietnam 1969

Supports Sacco

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter of endorsement of Todd Sacco for the Town of Winthrop Councilor-at-Large position in the November 7, 2023 election.

I am a Christian, Grandmother, Mother, Wife and Nurse of greater than 50 years as well as a small business owner with a degree in both Business and Economics. I have always been interested in politics and particularly local town politics.

I initially met Todd online when he began his Podcast, enjoying his various comments, agreeing with some of his ideas but not all.  I always found that he was very interested in many issues and as time went on, I saw that he became more involved with several committees in the town. He attended and filmed other meetings that were not shown on WCAT for the community to be kept well informed. 

I was not surprised to see him declare his run for Town Councilor and was thrilled that he did. Todd has always been active in Winthrop. A life-long resident, married with two children, he has been a coach, a mentor and a past member of the Winthrop School Committee and the Ordinance Review Committee.

He has a passion for this Town and a heart for solving issues, helping people and making lives better.

For these reasons, I am endorsing Todd Sacco for the position of Town Councilor-at-Large and encourage everyone to consider voting for him as the candidate with deep long-standing roots in Winthrop and a true commitment to the future of in this community.


Diane E. Sands RN BA ACM

In Regards to a New Fire House

Dear Editor,

I could go on for pages about the consistently professional, competent, and empathetic nature of Winthrop’s firefighters when responding to calls. Personally, I have been in a situation where their assistance was needed, and I couldn’t be more grateful for their response and care. I’ve also seen them respond to others – including an infant that required CPR – and have always been proud of the work they do and the compassion with which they do it.

It is a deep reverence and appreciation for the Winthrop Fire Department’s critical public safety work that explains why I am so vehemently supportive of the construction of a new fire house, and the ballot question that will allow for this project to move forward.

?Our Fire Department is willing to fight for us all, daily. Not just in the event of a fire, but also in medical emergencies, public safety situations, and on a variety of other occasions. We depend on our public safety officials to be there for us when we need them, and they are – every time. And because they will always be there for us, if I am given the chance to be there for them when they need me to, I will, and hope that the rest of the community feels the same. That opportunity has presented itself, and to support the Winthrop Fire Department, I will vote YES for the new Firehouse in Winthrop on November 7th.

Are the current firehouses really that bad?  Yes, they are.  Ask for a tour and see for yourself. Our firefighters deserve to be housed in a building that is not decrepit or unsound, nor without serious environmental health hazards. The current stations exacerbate the health risks that the job of a fire fighter poses under the best of circumstances. Beyond the visible aspects of the buildings that indicate they have far exceeded their usable lives, there are countless “hidden” dangers such as inadequate ventilation, lack of proper sanitation equipment, and the presence of mold and asbestos in the buildings. We ask so much of our public safety professionals and often praise them for their dedication, and yet I hear so many of you say you won’t be supporting the new Fire Station. 

Supporting our firefighters means supporting the construction of a safe, sound, and stable environment for them to work and live in – an environment that meets all current safety standards and protocols – many of which we are nowhere near achieving in the current stations. These standards are developed to keep the fire fighters safe, well trained, and well equipped to better serve the community. Denying them these basic necessities is far from supportive.

Winthrop Fire has been asking for a new firehouse for almost four decades, and the Town has consistently turned them down and addressed other priorities.  It would have been so much cheaper and more manageable to build a new station when the situation was only dire (thirty, twenty, or even ten years ago).  But now that it’s an emergency, we complain about the cost. 

In my experience as a Councilor, I have seen that the town has not historically adequately managed our infrastructure.  We typically wait for our assets to become dilapidated and unrecoverable until we act.  We don’t conduct nearly enough preventive maintenance and instead wait until complete replacements are needed.  Councilor Aiello has raised his concerns in this regard and has worked with the current Town Manager to ensure this management strategy is changing but it is too late for buildings like the fire houses.  Winthrop’s fire stations are falling down and unrecoverable. 

There is no better place for the station, and no better time than now.  Every year that Winthrop postpones a new station, we ensure the cost of building rises at a rate of 8-10% per year. In addition to rising construction costs, operational repairs to the buildings continue to be incurred – one example being that the estimated life of a boiler is around 30 years, but due to the abysmal conditions in our fire stations, we need to replace them around every 10 years. Even these seemingly small expenses add up over time.

When the plan for the new station was released in July, more than 200 residents showed up to demand answers to their concerns.  A 9-member Fire House Building Committee (the FHBC) was created specifically to address those concerns.  The average turnout to the FHBC meetings? Three.  To all of those who screamed and shouted at the July meeting demanding answers and pledging loyalty to businesses but have not shown up to the meetings you demanded, I assume it’s because all your questions have been answered, and that now being fully informed, you’ll be voting for our firefighters in November. 

If that is not the case, I implore you to reach out to the FHBC, the Council, or visit the FHBC website: winthropfirestation.com. Even if you feel that you are adequately informed, an additional conversation on such an important issue cannot hurt. Please understand that time is of the essence, and a YES vote on November 7th is the only ethically and financially sound way to truly support Winthrop’s firefighters.

Tracey Honan

Supports Munson

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter in support of John Munson for Precinct 2 Councilor.

John Munson is a responsive and attentive advocate for his district and acts when it comes to the safety of his community. I am happy to share some recent examples of his effectiveness and positive involvement in our neighborhood.

John was able to secure a crosswalk and signage at the intersection of Tileston Rd. and Pleasant St. allowing pedestrians to cross with ease and much needed added safety. This had been an area of concern for several years.

He also understands the need for infrastructure and is aware of the destruction caused by recent, continuous, instances of flooding. As well as the damage that incurred on our streets and in our homes. John has kept these issues on the forfront of Council discussions with the DPW.

Most importantly, John’s ideals are based in the representation of his community. He is supportive of more cultural and inclusive events and is open to innovative ideas that serve all residents. John Munson is the candidate that will help us maintain and build upon Winthrop’s prideful sense of community and further create more opportunities for growth.

Please support me in electing John Munson as our Precinct 2 Councilor.

Marci Hamilton

Supports Tassinari

Dear Editor, 

In the race for town councilor at-large, the voters of Winthrop face a crucial choice on November 7, 2023. I have been a resident of, and homeowner in, Winthrop for the past 11 years. I currently sit on the School Committee and have a daughter who is in third grade at the Arthur T. Cummings school.

I endorse Max Tassinari for town councilor at-large. Mr. Tassinari is a principled, smart, and compassionate leader. His expertise in strategic budgeting, accounting and compliance position him to advocate effectively on behalf of our town. At a time when one of the greatest challenges facing Winthrop is a lack of financial resources, we need steady and competent leaders at the helm.

On November 7, cast your vote for Max Tassinari.

Suzanne Leonard

Member, Winthrop School Committee

Supports Sacco

Dear editor,

To Winthrop residents and voters

My name is Vasili Mallios and I am a teacher and lifelong resident of the Town of Winthrop. I am writing to express my support for Todd Sacco for Winthrop Town Councilor At Large.

Todd is committed and has a great passion for the Town of Winthrop. He has been involved at many levels and has volunteered several hours to local organizations, which include Winthrop Little League and PTO. As a member of the Winthrop School Committee, Todd voted in favor to reduce athletic user fees, make full day kindergarten free, and started a bus program for students at the Fort Banks School. While Todd was on the school committee, It was clear by the decisions he made that he put students and families of Winthrop first. Currently, Todd serves on the Ordinance Review Committee and can be seen attending multiple town meetings where he is advocating for our community.

Todd is a family man and has always gone above and beyond to make his community better. Todd and his wife Alyssa have raised their two sons in Winthrop and are currently attending Winthrop Public Schools. In 2012, Todd organized the planting of 15 new trees on Emerson Road. Todd also advocated in favor of building the Winthrop Middle High School. The positive impact Todd has had on the Town of Winthrop is quite noticeable.

Every morning, as you exit Winthrop to East Boston, you can see Todd campaigning. In fact, most evenings and weekends you can see Todd campaigning as well. Todd does all of this while he is also supporting his family and working a full time, “9 to 5” job. This is the dedication and time commitment I want to see from a town councilor.

Todd has a wealth of knowledge regarding the Town of Winthrop. I know he will be honest, transparent, and not shy away from making tough decisions or having difficult conversations. Todd will do what is best for Winthrop and not play into the political games. As strong of a personality Todd may have, he is willing to sit down and listen to everyone’s voice no matter the differences in points of view. He has grown and learned from these experiences and this will benefit the Town of Winthrop tremendously.

I ask you to join me in voting for Todd Sacco for Town Councilor At Large on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Thank you,

Vasili Mallios Precinct 5

Supports Tassinari

Dear Editor,

As Winthrop residents concerned about climate change, the overall health of our local environment, and protecting our beautiful community from sea level rise, we are writing to wholeheartedly endorse Max Tassinari for the open councilor-at-large position.  Max understands the threat that climate change poses not just to Winthrop, but to the entire planet.  He will be a fierce advocate for preserving Winthrop’s unique natural assets, including Belle Isle Marsh and our beaches.  He understands that we need to move toward a sustainable economy and will work tirelessly to see that this happens, saving Winthrop money and helping the planet at the same time.

Max has been offering great solutions about how to move forward. For example, he believes that Massport’s commitment to net zero emissions should mean investing in trees, energy efficiency and other ways that benefit Logan’s surrounding communities, rather than investing in “offsets” by buying forests in other parts of the world. Max understands that Massport must clean up and mitigate where it pollutes.

Max’s concern for the environment, sustainability, and Winthrop’s finances, along with his 15-year experience managing budgets, makes him by far the better and more qualified candidate for Town Council.  Please vote for Max Tassinari on November 7.

Mary Mitchell

Maryalice Sharkey

Carina Campobasso

Barbara Bishop

In Support of Max Tassinari

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter in support of Max Tassinari’s candidacy for Councilor at Large. I found in my experience on the Council that a Council works best when it includes people of different strengths who can all contribute in different ways.

At its best, the Town Council operates much like a team. Every member bringing different strengths to the table rounding the group out. At its worst, it operates with infighting, name calling and questions about other’s motives. I saw both during my time on the Council.

Max is a person who will bring considerable financial experience to the Council at a time when it deeply needs it. His professional background in finance will benefit the community greatly. Furthermore, his experience is in state government where the financial and procurement regulations in many cases mirror the ones that the town must abide by. This experience will be amazingly valuable.

I also believe Max’s temperament is a great reason to support him. I sincerely believe that Max is a person who will work to build our community up by highlighting its many strengths and not by tearing down individuals who disagree with him. There is certainly room for disagreement in municipal government but it should be respectful and never personal.

One of my allies on the Council, Mike McDuffee wouldn’t have been able to find common ground with me on the color that the Harvey Hearing Room was painted if that became a national political issue but we shared a willingness to work together towards a consensus when it came to serving this community. I sincerely believe that the Town would still be debating how to fix the failing, crumbling infrastructure beneath French Square were it not for Mike’s common sense and collaborative nature.

It is in this spirit that I strongly endorse Max. He will be a town councilor who will work with everyone, collaborate and highlight each other’s strengths, regardless of point of view to better the community. We should learn the lessons of the federal legislature and reject the crippling division that has become a hallmark of Washington DC. Vote Max Tassinari. 

Peter Christopher

Clarification on Statements

Dear Editor,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to provide clarification concerning the recent comments made about Todd Sacco, regarding allegations of racism. As an African American woman, I feel compelled to speak and share my personal experience with Mr. Sacco, which has been nothing but positive and inclusive.

I had the opportunity to engage with Todd Sacco during a series of public interviews aimed at exploring views within various political parties. Throughout the process, I found that he genuinely listened, sought understanding, and showed eagerness to learn about my culture and experiences.

Additionally, there have been claims made about a “straight pride parade” and a flag party on Todd’s lawn. I emphatically state that these events were held as food drives, aiming to gather donations for the Episcopalian church. The intention was solely to support those in need, rather than promote any negative agenda.

While I acknowledge that misunderstandings can occur, it is essential to strive for accuracy, particularly when it comes to matters of character and integrity. It is unfair to label someone without considering their full context and actions.

I kindly request your reconsideration of the remarks made about Todd Sacco. It is crucial to promote fairness, honesty, and open-mindedness when discussing who is willing to learn and engage with different cultures. By giving Todd the chance to voice perspective and share his beliefs, you are promoting a more inclusive and understanding community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you value diverse viewpoints and are committed to providing accurate balanced reporting.

Best regards,

Latoya Saulters

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