Special to The Transcript
In a politically active town such as Winthrop, it is always election season.
But with the release of nominations on May 5 by Acting Town Clerk Joanne M. DeMato, the race to Winthrop’s 2021 town election – to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2 – has officially begun.
A look at the Winthrop town website reveals that the following races for Town Council will be on the ballot:
Council President (2-year term, one seat), Councilor-at-Large (2-year term, one seat)
Precinct 1 (4-year term, one seat)
Precinct 3 (4-year term, one seat)
Precinct 5 (4-year term, one seat).
Other contests in the election are:
Winthrop School Committee (4-year term, three seats)
Library Trustee (4-year term, three seats)
Housing Authority (4-year term, one seat).
DeMato said that nomination papers must be returned to the Clerk’s Office by Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 4 p.m.
Town Council President Phil Boncore confirmed to the Transcript that he has pulled nomination papers and will be a candidate for re-election in November. A member of the Town Council since its inception in 2005, Boncore will be seeking a second two-year term.
Boncore has been lauded town wide for his outstanding leadership of the Council during the pandemic, helping to coordinate the vital openings of COVID-19 testing and vaccination sites. Key projects in the town have also advanced toward their completion during Boncore’s reign as president.
Winthrop voters most recently cast their ballots in the special election in March for the state representative seat in the Nineteenth Suffolk District. Winthrop resident Jeffrey Turco was elected to the seat, succeeding Robert A. DeLeo, who became the longest-serving House speaker in the history of the Commonwealth.