Monday, May 6
Caller on Jefferson Street requesting medical attention for wife who’s feeling discomfort.
Report of a lifeline activation on Golden Drive. Fire will handle.
DPW removing some of the banners on Crest Avenue from the light poles. At this time, there is no safety concerns.
DPW is cleaning the park on Highland Avenue. Everything else appears to be quiet and routine.
Call for vehicle parked facing the wrong direction on Crystal Cove Avenue. W93 reports the vehicle is parked legally, as the street is a two-way road.
Officer Feeley reports going off with a parked motor vehicle on Hermon Street, which shows an expired registration. Status confirmed. Vehicle towed and citation issued.
Caller on Governors Drive reports excessively loud music emanating from the above apartment. W91 reports speaking with the owner and having the music turned down.
Another call from Governors Drive (above story) to report that the loud music is back on again. W93 reports music was extremely loud upon his arrival and wanted the occupants of the apartment that he will be seeking a summons for disturbing the peace if the complaints continue.
Call from Kennedy Road regarding pick up of a firearm. W93 responded to the address but party had not arrived home yet. Officer will check back later. Officer went back and spoke to the caller’s brother and item was a bb gun. It was left with the family.
W93 Off. S. Hickey reports speaking with a woman who was riding her bike along with a 6 or 7-year-old child down the middle of Main Street.
Party called from Wheelock Street to report locating a bicycle by the rear of the Middle School, which is adjacent to his home. W92 responded and brought the bicycle to the station. It is a girl’s pink Schwinn.
Off. S. Hickey reports stopping a motor vehicle on Revere Street for expired registration. Party was allowed to put vehicle on private property. License expired recently also.
Male caller on Quincy Avenue requesting help in getting his great aunt to the hospital as she fell earlier in the day.
Male caller on Summit Avenue called to report a gray motor vehicle parked there for a while without moving. Caller thinks the owner may live next door but is taking up multiple spaces and has several tickets on it. W93 responded and a report is listed out of East Boston and due to the previous ticket times, car can be towed by the day shift tomorrow for 72-hour violation.
Male called to report losing his brown man’s wallet today around 4 p.m. in the center area. Wallet contained $200 in cash, personal papers, license and ATM card.
Tuesday, May 7
Woman at Executive Apartments needs lift assistance.
911 caller reports that a man has fallen near Ingleside and Walden Street and he appears injured. W93 reports witness states the subject tripped over the curb and no apparent defects in the sidewalk/roadway. 80-year-old male to MGH.
Female on Hermon Street came in to report that an ex-boyfriend that she threw out just broke into her apartment and will not leave. Officer reports he wants his belongings. Dispute over the belongings as she stated she bought them and he owns nothing. He was advised to check with the court if he feels the clothes are his. The boyfriend was allowed to make some calls and he is on his way out.
Caller on Circuit Road reports that his elderly mother is not feeling well.
Male called to report that a female was pumping gas at Cumberland Farms and fell and then fell again. Transferred to EMS. W92 responded and assisted the resident by moving her car and taking her bag home to her mother on Court Road. Female was transported.
Mother on Jefferson Street came to the street for information regarding her 18-year-old son who lives with her and doesn’t go to school or work. Mother reports son is verbally abusive and has moved a girl from Indiana into the apartment. They live in along with her 16-year-old daughter. Mother was advised of her rights and also options. W93 Off. S. Hickey responded and spoke with the son regarding mother’s home and following the rules of the home.
Many calls of a husky dog running wild on Main Street. 93 S. Hickey and ACO searching various areas around the center. Unable to locate the dog.
91 Bonavita located two 15 year old and sent them home at Senior Center. The area is now clear.
Wednesday, May 8
Detail officer Sgt. Hickey reports he is off with a motorcycle on Main Street for motor vehicle violations.
Male on Washington Avenue came in to report being harassed.
Officer will try to serve two summonses on Shore Drive issued by the Suffolk County Juvenile Court. He reports parents not home. Off. Curran spoke to the father and served him over the phone. Officer will go by the house tonight and deliver the paper work to father and daughter.
Abandoned 911 call on Main Street. No response on call back. Units report verbal disagreement between mother and son. Son agrees to voluntarily leave for the day.
Male on Quincy Avenue called to report receiving a telephone call yesterday from a male with an accent, possibly Spanish who was requesting information about his bank accounts. He was told the information was needed to issue new insurance cards.
Report of a white male who tried to open the toolboxes left for construction located between the buildings on Lincoln Street. Caller said he yelled to the male and he took off. W91 responded and reports speaking with Lt. Perrin and Off. Callinan who reported speaking with a few individuals there. Subject was identified.
W93 reports the traffic signs and barrels have been moved from the site on Pleasant Street. DPW notified.
Female called to report her female dog shepherd mix named “Frankie†is missing.
Caller reports a dog on Highland Avenue near the park, may be the dog reported missing earlier. W93 responded to the area but the caller had already found the owner of the dog, which was not the missing “Frankieâ€. Frankie’s owner was told the dog sighting was not the missing dog.
Thursday, May 9
Reports of an alarm sounding on Prescott Street may be due to thunderstorm. W91 and W93 responded and could not locate an alarm, no further information.
Shamrock Towing stated they towed a vehicle from the rear of Governors Drive for no sticker visitor parking violation and an inquiry of the registration revealed that it was expired.
Party on Morton Street requests an ambulance for a 50 year old with back pain. Call transferred to EMD and WFD for service.
Caller complained about a pick up truck being parked all night at the Senior Center. No parking sticker or current inspection stickers. Officer reports motor vehicle has an expired sticker and a violation was issued for the offense.
Party reports a sick person in front of the police station. Off. Romeo responded from the station and is requesting WFD and EMS for the patient. Transported to MGH via ambulance.
State operator reporting a domestic disturbance involving two females on Shirley Street. One female placed in custody. Charges: Malicious destruction of property over $250, breaking and entering in the daytime, and person in fear of assault and battery.
Party reported to detail officer that a group of teens appear to be getting ready to fight on Revere Street at Governors Drive. Officers report speaking with a group inside the House of Pizza who were dispersed from the area.
Caller reports kids placing items in the street near Circle Street/River Road and watching passing motor vehicles striking them. Officer reports no signs of the kids at this time.
Third party call via State 911 of a domestic on Brookfield Road. Call unfounded. Ex-boyfriend causing trouble.
Party walked in to report that individuals known to him stopped him as he was driving down Revere Street and struck his motor vehicle with a baseball bat.
Caller requests we check on his female employee on Somerset Avenue as she did not show up for work and has made suicidal remarks. Officers respond and report one female being transported to Whidden for an involuntary evaluation.
heldFriday, May 10
Caller states a motor vehicle just hit Thompson’s Liquor Store. Units report call unfounded.
Unidentified female party reports a female is taking photos of her and her daughter as she alights the bus on Revere Street at Governors Park. Chief Delehanty was in the area and responded. He reports no signs of the female caller. Off. Armistead and the chief checked the area further with their blue lights on and were not approached by the caller.
Party on Siren Street reports being threatened by male. Officer responded and spoke with the female. Officer advised her of her rights to obtain a harassment order against the male subject.
Caller reporting an animal carcass in the area by the piping plover sanctuary. ACO VanBuskirk notified and will check the area.
Female on Shirley Street reported a violation of a 209A by e-mail.
Party on Cottage Park Road reports that his mother told him the estranged wife is at the home and there is active ERO. Officer responded and spoke with the caller’s mother. She will file a victim witness form regarding the violation.
Request for medical on Winthrop Street. Mother fell in house. Fire, EMS notified.
Party reports teens fighting out front of Winthrop Market Place. Officers report speaking with several teens making a video. All parties sent from the area.
State transfer of a 209A violation on River Road. Caller stated he was gone but could still hear yelling in the background. Officers report the subject has left the area prior to arrival and after speaking with the female, subject was dropping off the children and there was an argument between the first floor and the subject.
Female on Myrtle Avenue reports wife/husband domestic. Female in custody for domestic assault.
Party reports a Nick’s delivery driver in the parking lot of Nick’s struck him. He states he was not injured, and refused medical attention. He does not want to pursue anything, but was only upset because he did not think the driver took him “seriously†and he is concerned that someone might actually get hurt. He would like someone to speak to the driver and make him see how serious the situation could have been.
Saturday, May 11
91 observes a motor vehicle handicap parking violation at 7-11 Store on Revere Street. Parking ticket issued.
Another vehicle handicap parking violation at the 7-11. Parking ticket issued.
Party on Summit Avenue requests EMS for her sister who is having abdominal pain. Call transferred to Action EMD and WFD for service.
Caller on Overlook Drive request EMS for difficulty in breathing. Transferred to EMD and WFD for service.
Party reports a male with gray hair wearing a black jacket exposing himself in public at French Square in the Center. Units located the subject.
Caller from Grandview Avenue came in to report discovering various amounts of crumbled up chocolate in her yard. She believes the suspect is a neighbor who is attempting to cause harm to her dog. Victim/witness form provided and matter will be turned over to ACO VanBuskirk.
Several calls of a motor vehicle driving down Washington Avenue on its rims. Officer located the vehicle and operator was charged with failing to stop for a police officer, unregistered motor vehicle, uninsured motor vehicle, concealing of number plate, reckless operation of motor vehicle, license not in possession, giving false name and address. License suspended for operating under the influence.
Caller on Douglas Street reports that her stepfather punched her in the eye. Units report coming in with one. Domestic assault and battery.
911 call from Locust Street transferred to fire. Caller reports his dog bit his daughter on the face. ACO notified. Fire, Action reports one to MGH.
Caller on Putnam Street reports intoxicated female. Officers request EMS. 17-year-old female to MGH.
Sunday, May 12
Caller on Hermon Street states that her husband has a substance abuse issue and left St. Elizabeth Hospital today heavily medicated and came home acting very aggressive with their son. He left the residence and she wanted us to be advised of his drug issue and behavior and will contact us if he returns home and causes a disturbance.
Caller reports kids in motor vehicles on Payson Street. Officers report several youths sent from the area.
Group of four moved out of the skate rink at Ingleside Park.
Caller reports female and male yelling at the end of Maryland Avenue. Officers report walking around the area and no one was located.
Export Towing called reporting they are towing two motor vehicles for vehicle trespassing in the parking lot at Executive Apartments.
Export Towing reports towing motor vehicle for trespass towing from Shirley Street.
Party reports syringes and alcohol beverage containers starting to show up in Hannaford Park, especially on the weekends. She was advised to call if she should see or hear any activity there. Officers will BOLO for criminal activity.
Female party reports numerous motor vehicles parked along the Strand and WFD or EMS could not get through if needed. Officer reports he just drove the cruiser through without any problem and people are parked the same as they have over the last several years. This is a private way.
Request for EMS for mother by son on Atlantic Street. Transferred to Action EMD.
Party from CVS reports a female in the store may be shoplifting. Caller also believes the subject may be mentally impaired. 93 reports subject had left the store prior to his arrival. No crime at this time as nothing was taken and she made a purchase. Manager called back a short time later to report she reviewed the surveillance video, which shows the female, did take some make-up without paying for it. 91 dispatched back to view the video. He will check one of the Group Homes in the area to speak with the resident counselor. CVS advised to call if she returns in the future. 93 reports unable to locate the subject.
Female caller on Payson Street requests EMS for her mother who is having severe leg pain. Call transferred to Action EMD for service.
Party on Park Avenue reports several weapons stolen from his home. Officers responded to a second address on Governors Drive to obtain some information on a subject. Officers report subject was not at home and allowed them inside to look for him. Party called the station stating the subject’s belongings are on his kitchen table and he does not want any problems. Officers report they are just some clothing and personal property.
Party on Overlook Drive reports a woman on one of the benches in need of medical assistance. WFD notified. Party was transported to a local hospital.
Aunt on Jefferson Street called to report that her nephew is hitting her sister, his mother. Units report verbal only. Son is leaving for the night. All rights advised.
Caller reports someone is trying to break into his house on Brookfield Road. Units report known subject. Sent on his way. All rights given.
Caller on Shore Drive reports a man and woman fighting on “our side of the beach.†Officers report just a verbal. Male party had left before they got there and female party was advised.
Monday, May 13
Two calls of loud party on Tileston Road. Units report large group cleared out of the house.
Caller on Revere Street called to report that someone threw rocks at her vehicle. Officer reports it appears that a large rock fell from property above hers and rolled across her vehicle.
Party on Hawthorn Avenue reports that a male party whom keeps staring at her and won’t leave the area is watching her daughter. He is described as a 50-year-old male. Units reports no one in the area but will keep an eye on it.
Caller on River Road called stating that her friend has ALS and has fallen and needs help getting up.
Family on Cottage Park Road came in to station to report that someone has taken the identity of a deceased family member.