Town Councilor Jeanne Maggio, who announced last week that she will not be running for re-election, isn’t leaving the Town Council arena just yet. Her comments in an interview that appear in this week’s Sun-Transcript in which she states that the Town Council should be reduced from nine to seven members are sure to create a stir at Town Hall and among current and future Council members and candidates.
Maggio feels the Council could proceed with six precinct councilors (as exists now) and a council president. Maggio is quick to point out that the work of the two current councilors-at-large, Larry Powers and Philip Boncore, should be diminished. In fact, she feels Powers, the former fire chief, and Boncore, a longtime town official and prominent attorney, have both been assets to the Council and deserve praise for their dedication and service to the town.
Maggio just feels in her heart that a membership of seven councilors is more manageable and better in the long run for the functioning of the council. Maggio also praised the heads of our public safety forces, Police Chief Terence Delehanty and Fire Chief Paul Flanagan, for their excellent leadership during lean fiscal times when resources have not been available to increase manpower in either department. They’ve had to “do more with less” and both chiefs have risen to the challenge and kept Winthrop a safe place to live.