A large turnout of residents and town officials attended the inaugural Community Meeting held Monday night at the Winthrop Yacht Club. Residents were able to talk directly with MWRA officials about the speeding trucks that travel through the town. After some animated discussions, Deer Island Treatment Plant Director John Vetere took the suggestions from Winthrop residents and said he would consider them and perhaps enact some of them.
Chief Terence Delehanty, who is the driving force behind the Community Meetings, also did an effective job talking about home safety and crime fighting techniques for homeowners and answered questions from the audience. We thought it was an excellent idea to have other police officers present and in uniform. Their presence brought a personal touch to the meeting that no doubt was much appreciated by residents
Precinct 3 Councillor Nick DelVento also was on hand and gave his enthusiastic support to the concept of a Community Meeting.
There will be monthly community meetings (except for December) in the five other precincts. We’re sure they also will be lively and well attended and we wish Chief Delehanty continued success with these events as well.