By Adam Swift
The School Committee dispatched business during the midst of the summer doldrums on Monday evening with a five minute meeting.
Several of the biggest items on the agenda were tabled to the committee’s next meeting, including the superintendent’s report, the ratification of the cafeteria contract, and Superintendent of Schools Lisa Howard’s request for an interim assistant superintendent. The next School Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 22.
The school did dispense of several payroll warrant items and a budget transfer.
There were three resignations in the district since the last committee meeting, including a special education teacher and two education support professionals at the Arthur T. Cummings Elementary School, according to committee Chair Jen Powell.
Current job postings in the district include a long-term substitute, an elementary and a special education teacher at Cummings Elementary, and an education support professional and a social-emotional learning specialist at the same school.
The School Committee approved the coming school year’s school handbook with no discussion.
Powell also announced a school supply drive taking place this Saturday, August 13 at the Arthur T. Cummings School loop across from the fire station. The drive, coordinated by Gabby and Joseph Shea, runs from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Items requested for the supply drive include backpacks, pens, glue sticks, erasers, crayons, dry erase markers, scissors, pencil cases, pencil sharpeners with covers, five-subject notebooks, and 11/2-inch binders. Powell said a registry for the drive has been created at Target, and that more information is available on the school district’s Facebook page.