In a special ceremony Friday night, WHS sports teams’ manager Frankie Fabiano was honored for his outstanding commitment to the Winthrop athletic program. The following is a compilation of residents’ comments during the ceremony.
Winthrop High School Principal Matt Crombie
Frankie Fabiano has been a true Viking for all of his life. For over 30 years, Frankie has been a part of the WHS school community as a student, manager, coach, game administrator, and assistant athletic director. In each of these roles, Frankie has supported those around him, our student-athletes, teachers, coaches, athletic directors, principals, and superintendents, with unmatched loyalty, passion, optimism, and kindness.
And Frankie’s influence has spread far beyond the walls of Winthrop High School.

I am almost certain that almost everyone in attendance tonight has had an interaction with Frankie at some point. So, you all know that his handshakes, his hugs, and his words are so uniquely genuine and full of love that he makes everyone he meets feel special and inspires them to want to be better. He has connected all of us in the Winthrop community and he is responsible for the distinct and positive culture that exists here. The significance of the impact that he has had on all of us is simply immeasurable.
So tonight, we feel so honored to be naming the street behind Winthrop High School, Frankie Fabiano Way. This is our special way of paying tribute to someone who has had such a wonderful impact on our school and community.
Frankie, I hope you know how much you mean to us, and how lucky we feel to have you as our Viking for life.
Now, this doesn’t mean you can retire just yet – we are going to need that unwavering spirit for years to come.
Thank you, Frankie, and congratulations.
Winthrop High School Director of Athletics Matt Serino
At this time, we would like to present Frankie with his own street sign which will be hanging at the entrance and exit of Frankie Fabiano Way.
Congratulations to Frankie and his family on this tremendous honor. This could not be more fitting of an honor for anyone other than Frankie. He holds a special place in all of our hearts, and it’s finally time that we are able to show him how special of a person he truly is.
Frankie, come over and unveil your sign!
Town Council President Phil Boncore, Who Presented a Town Citation to Frankie Fabiano
Welcome, Winthrop, to Miller Field on this beautiful October night, for this wonderful game and this wonderful appreciation for Frankie.
Frankie, this is one of the best Citations that I’ve had to give, and that’s because I know you, and I know how much you love and care about the Town of Winthrop and everybody that you meet. You show us love, and that’s what Winthrop’s about.
The Town of Winthrop and the Winthrop Town Council hereby offers its appreciation, thanks, and gratitude for Frankie Fabiano of Winthrop High School athletics. On behalf of the residents of the Town of Winthrop, the students, and everyone that knows you, we extend our most sincere gratitude for your past devotion and commitment, not only for the services that you have provided to our school, but for the personal touch that you include to everyone that needs your help.
Your commitment to the school is commendable and honorable. And we wish you nothing but winning years ahead.
I present this Citation on behalf of the Town Council and Council members Rich Ferrino, Peter Christopher, James Letterie, Barbara Flockhart, Nick LoConte, Steve Ruggiero, Tracey Honan, and Robert DeMarco – we love you, Frankie, and I know you love us.
 U.S. Olympic Hockey Captain and Gold Medalist Mike Eruzione
Frankie’s Winthrop. He epitomizes this town. There’s not a kid, athlete, student, teacher, person in the town – not just the school system – everybody in the town knows Frankie Fabiano.
It’s just awesome to see and congratulate him on an incredible tribute to a fine young man.
Superintendent of Schools Lisa Howard
Frankie is a great friend and he’s also a great colleague because he works for the School Department in cafeteria duty and at athletic events.
He’s truly the fabric of the town. Everything that’s positive is Frankie. This honor couldn’t have been more fitting, and honestly – Matt Serino and Matt Crombie, all the coaches, the high school, the teaching staff, more importantly, all the kids – we’re a family at the Winthrop public schools.
And no matter what’s happening outside the Winthrop public schools, whether its COVID-19, or other things that are difficult to handle, we all get to come back and be a family together, and Frankie keeps us going, keeps us happy – he always has something positive and good to say.
I would like the world to know Frankie to get a sense of positivity and just feel his happiness and love that allows you to continue. He’s the best.
Winthrop High School Life Skills Program Teacher Chris Donnelly
I started teaching Frankie in 1994 and we were a match made in heaven. Dolores, his mother, pushed me to have the job and we just took off from there. Dolores was a big, big part of the program. Frankie had friends and they worked together. It was just a community of people with special needs that wanted to do stuff at work, at play, everywhere – and they did it.
And we were very fortunate because the community took care of us. But don’t be mistaken – Frankie was the special one. He showed everybody else what should happen when you have special needs, and the town responded to it, and I can’t thank the people of Winthrop enough.
Our Life Skills Program – cooking classes, gym classes, computer classes, life skills classes – we became the model because of kids like Frankie. They showed us what we needed to do. We started work programs and we had Rich Honan, and Marc Wallerce at Winthrop Marketplace, that said yes to let our kids work.
It all started with Frankie and that’s how it went.