The 20th annual Women’s Health Forum sponsored by Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo is set for this Thursday, Oct. 26, at Winthrop High School, from 6-8 p.m.
This yearly event, which has grown hugely since its inception 20 years ago (wow, where does the time go?), is co-sponsored by the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, and will provide timely and pertinent information for women regarding their unique health issues.
This year’s forum will feature Channel 7 news anchor Jadiann Thompson as the keynote speaker and attorney Valerie Giglio, a stroke survivor.
Free flu shots will be provide and local health-care providers will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about women’s health issues.
We urge as many of our readers as possible to attend this always-informative event — what you learn just might save your life.