You can’t orchestrate poignant and emotional farewell occasions like those that took place at the final Town Council meeting Tuesday night as Councilor Jeanne Maggio and Council President Jeffrey Turco said their good-byes after serving on the board.
Mrs. Maggio went first and in a prepared statement she began by wishing “my wonderful mother†a happy 95th birthday. She then spoke of “an incredible journey†that began when she decided to run for office when the town changed its form of government. (Jeanne backed out initially, but was elected anyway.)
Maggio was right on the money when she said the job of councilor is much more than just attending meetings twice a month. We liked what Jeanne said about the two presidents, Thomas Reilly and Jeffrey Turco, with whom she served, saying they each had their own style of leadership and they were intelligent, dedicated, and committed to serving the town. She said she was proud, and rightfully so, of her work in establishing the all-volunteer Medical Reserve Corps, and she will continue to be involved with the MRC as coordinator.
Jeanne Maggio served this town with class and dignity in her six years on the Council and we thank her for her outstanding work.
President Turco completed a productive two-year term as president of the council. He said he didn’t know any of his colleagues on a personal basis prior to taking office two years ago, but he came to admire and respect them. Turco thanked the people of Winthrop for giving him “the honor and privilege†of serving as president of the council. He said he was proud of his record and the decisions he made as the leader of the Council. He said while there were some moments of disagreement at Council meetings with his colleagues, he has developed friendships with his colleagues that will be long lasting.
Jeffrey Turco made the town pay attention to the Town Council and the business before it. He has a long list of accomplishments as president and he had much more good to give to the town of Winthrop. It’s clear that he truly enjoyed being “the biggest man in town,†and that’s not only because he is a mountainous 6-feet, 6-inches tall, but because the position of Town Council President is a powerful one, as the authors of the town charter intended it to be.
Jeffrey Turco made a tremendous impact on Winthrop residents during his two years in office and we expect that he’ll continue to be a much-respected and prominent leader in this community in the years ahead. Jeffrey showed his good sportsmanship in wishing the next president, Peter Gill, good luck and ceremoniously handing over the gavel to Mr. Gill as one of his final acts as president.
Thank you, Councilor Maggio and President Turco, for a job well done.