April 26
2:06 a.m. – A raccoon is inside a home on Cottage Park Road. The ACO is notified, but the raccoon escapes through the chimney.
12:29 p.m. – A Shore Drive resident reports that the passenger side mirror is missing from her vehicle. She believes it was stolen, and she is told to inform the police if she receives any more information.
1:43 p.m. – WPD try to issue a 209-A notice to a Governors Drive resident, but he is not home.
2:11 p.m. – A caller reports that there is an irate male at the drive-through ATM at the Citizens Bank on Putnam Street. Officers respond and calm the man down. He was apparently upset about the long wait time.
7:02 p.m. – A Shirley Street resident reports a larceny.
7:15 p.m. – Officers help a resident fill out a domestic assault and battery report, and fill a 209-A.
7:27 p.m. – A report of larceny on Ingleside Avenue turns out to be a dispute over property between a divorcing couple.
April 27
2:11 a.m. – WPD assist Saugus Police in obtaining the identification of a male who was allegedly involved in a shoplifting incident at a CVS.
5:35 a.m. – Officers respond to a Nevada Street home, where a woman wants assistance in getting her ex-boyfriend to leave the premises. The woman was at the Police Station the previous day obtaining a temporary restraining order.
8:24 a.m. – A resident brings a Sony hand-held camera she found at the skate park to the Police Station for safe-keeping.
9:10 a.m. – An angry resident comes into the Police Station to complain about a ticket she received on street-cleaning day, as well as the numerous potholes around town. She was told about the appeal process regarding tickets, and to forward her complaints about potholes to the DPW.
9:30 a.m. – A Shirley Street resident reports a possum in his trash barrel. The party was advised to tip the barrel over, so the animal could safely escape.
11:17 a.m. – False alarm at the Winthrop Federal Credit Union.
11:40 a.m. – Party reports a car crossing the double-yellow lines on Pleasant Street. Vehicle is located, and an officer talked to the driver.
12 p.m. – A party reports that her mother drank a “foreign liquid.†WFD is notified.
12:18 p.m. – Attempts to deliver a 209-A to a Nevada Street resident are unsuccessful.
12:50 p.m. – A Beal Street resident reports that her car was vandalized (“keyedâ€) sometime the previous evening.
1:37 p.m. – EMTs are sent to a hair salon on Crest Avenue, where a person has fallen and sustained facial injuries.
1:47 p.m. – A Summit Avenue resident reports debris on his car. Officers respond and discover the debris is grass clippings from a landscaper working in the area. Car is not damaged.
2:47 p.m. – Officers respond to Governors Park, where a resident was reportedly yelling and screaming at a group of kids. Officers talk to the man, but the kids had already dispersed.
4:05 p.m. – A Beal Street resident reports that her car was vandalized (“keyedâ€) sometime the previous evening.
6:58 p.m. – A man calling from a hospital emergency room reports a problem at a Crystal Cove Avenue location involving his 73-year-old mother and his estranged wife. Both parties are at the scene when officers arrive, but there is no conflict or problems of any sort.
7:36 p.m. – A woman requests officers to visit her home on Revere Street to see if her 28-year-old son, who is not allowed on the property, is on the premises. Units respond, but no one answers the door, and no noise is coming from the inside of the home.
8:59 p.m. – A caller reports having a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, and requests help. Officers respond, but the male had already left. Verbal argument only. Woman advised of her rights.
April 28
2:20 a.m. – An Irwin Street resident reports that her backdoor was open when she arrived home. There are no signs of forced entry, and nothing is missing.
10:35 a.m. – A man comes into the Police Station to complain about a parking ticket for obstructing a street sweeper despite having a visitor’s pass. He was informed that the pass was not valid, and that there were signs posted at the entrances and exits to the town notifying motorists of this fact. He was also advised of the appeal and complaint process.
12:05 p.m. – A man reports that his motor vehicle containing $25,000 worth of merchandise was stolen while parked on Lincoln Street.
12:50 p.m. – A party reports that someone may have set up a make-shift tent and lit a fire at the Pond Street Playground. No one is on site when officers respond. DPW is asked to clean up the debris, and WPD will make frequent checks of the area.
2 p.m. – A caller reports a large golden retriever is running loose in the area of Somerset and Johnson avenues.
7:53 p.m. – A caller reports receiving harassing TTY transfer calls on her cell phone. She will contact her cell phone provider and try to obtain the caller’s information.
April 29
3:27 a.m. – A Viking Taxi driver reports that water is pouring out of a hydrant at Magee’s Corner. DPW is notified.
7:51 p.m. – Units respond to an alarm at the Winthrop Yacht Club. No one is on site, and the building is secure.
8:18 a.m. – A group of women is reportedly gathering around a squirrel that was struck by a car on Palmyra Street. ACO is notified.
9:03 a.m. – A caller reports a male carrying a large, heavy bag down Bartlett Road and placing it into a pick-up truck. The man was collecting cans. He did not have an ID or a license, and is told to have a licensed driver pick up the vehicle.
10:27 a.m. – A Jerald Street resident reports that someone broke into her car the previous night. The car was rummaged through, but nothing appears to be missing or damaged.
11:29 a.m. – ACO is notified of a coyote on Emerson Road
12:06 p.m. – Detectives are dispatched to Winthrop Middle School to investigate a past assault and battery.
12:58 p.m. – DPW is notified of a tree limb in front of the Winthrop Lodge of Elks on Washington Avenue.
1:05 p.m. – Units respond to a report of an injured woman. Officers locate the subject near Ocean View and Cross streets, and find that she appears to be bleeding from her face. She refuses medical attention.
1:15 p.m. – A Myrtle Street resident reports her debit card is missing, and that she last saw the card in East Boston.
1:28 p.m. – A father comes to the Police Station to report that the father of his son’s ex-girlfriend appeared at his house the previous night with a baseball bat, threatening his son. The man does not want to press charges at this time. The incident is recorded.
2:32 p.m. – Units respond to Shirley Street on a report of a fight involving a group of youths, but the area is quiet when the officers arrive.
3:05 p.m. – A clerk from the White Hen Pantry calls to say that he heard kids talking about a fight in Governors Park. Officers clear the area, and will continue to monitor the situation.
4:26 p.m. – A Marshall Street resident reports that a GPS device was stolen out of her car.
4:49 p.m. – DPW is notified of a large tree limb on Morton Street.
6:32 p.m. – A woman reports that her neighbor has been ringing her doorbell and yelling at her. This is part of an ongoing problem between two Governors Drive residents who were supposed to meet with property managers to help resolve them.
7:49 p.m. – A Marshall Street resident reports that someone stole her motor vehicle registration out of her car.
8:01 p.m. – ACO is on the trail of a coyote that attacked two dogs in the area of Johnson Avenue.
8:20 p.m. – An alarm goes off in the pro shop of the Winthrop Golf Club. The building is secure, and one of the members on site will contact the club pro.
April 30
12:11 p.m. – Officers are unable to serve warrants at a Trident Avenue location.
2:11 p.m. – The Cummings School Principal requests officers be present when he talks to a fifth grader and a parent concerning an “incident of concern.â€
3:32 p.m. – Officers are unable to serve a Abuse Prevention Order to a Washington Avenue location. The subject will come to the station to pick up his copy of the order.
3:58 p.m. – A woman reports that an unknown male called her home and cell phones regarding her car. She didn’t know what the man was talking about. Officers locate the other party and determine it was a misunderstanding.
7:17 p.m. – A Cummings School janitor requests that a group of kids be removed from the playground area. He is informed that they can’t be told to leave unless they are misbehaving, or if there is a sign showing that the park is closed. Officers do ask a group of teenagers to move to the basketball courts.
9:01 p.m. – A caller reports that a large group of kids just entered a home on Trident Avenue. Officers speak to a parent, and no problems are reported.
11:26 p.m. – WPD receives four calls of kids fighting at Franklin and Payson streets. All parties are located and talked to by officers.
May 1
12:04 p.m. – A group of kids is dispersed from Governors Drive.
12:05 p.m. – A group of kids is dispersed from a ditch on Cross Street.
12:07 p.m. – A family reports that a group of young girls was stopped by a male, who asked them for money. When they declined, they heard “a ‘click’ in his pocket.†A search of the area was negative.
1:42 a.m. – A Bowdoin Street resident reports that his car was vandalized (“keyed).
2 a.m. – An officer conducts an FIO on two individuals who were acting suspicious at the White Hen Pantry on Revere Street.
2:15 a.m. – A caller from Revere reports an out-of-control party at a home in Winthrop, but a search finds that all is quiet at the location in question.
5:52 a.m. – A small party is broken up at a Nevada Street residence.
9:39 a.m. – Workers are told to stop construction on a building on Washington Avenue in compliance with the town’s bylaws.
9:52 a.m. – A caller reports that someone might be living under a tarp near the stairs in Hanaford Park. No one is there when officers arrive. The tarp is taken down.
12:56 p.m. – A Winthrop resident, age 50, is arrested on an outstanding warrant after a call from the staff of the Alcohol and Drug Free Lodging Home on Shore Drive.
May 2
1:49 a.m. – An alarm is activated at the Winthrop Lodge of Elks. An employee is on site and reports that all is secure.
2:04 a.m. – Officers receive two calls reporting a possible domestic dispute on Shirley Street. Apparently, a woman can be heard crying as she walks down the street.
2:31 a.m. – A group of six Chelsea residents are sent home after making a lot of noise on Shirley Street.
2:39 a.m. – A Chelsea resident, 22, is arrested for OUI after a traffic stop at Forrest Street and Shore Drive.
6:15 a.m. – Callers report a wounded raccoon on Revere Street. ACO is on vacation, so officers dispose of the animal.
9:57 a.m. – A group of out-of-towners are playing soccer on a town field without a permit. They are sent on their way.
10:35 a.m. – Officers locate kids who apparently broke a car window on Trident Avenue.
11:35 a.m. – A caller complains about the profane language a work crew is using while cleaning up a project on Upland Road. They tell officers that they are finishing up some brick work and will be on their way.
12:10 p.m. – A Cora Street resident reports a dispute he is having with a neighbor over a fence on a property line. Officers record necessary information, and the party is told to contact WPD if the situation escalates.
12:54 p.m. – Officers assist a woman in getting her child back from her estranged husband, against whom a 209-A order is issued.
1:27 p.m. – Officers take possession of a bicycle that is believed to be stolen. Attempts are being made to contact the likely owner.
1:29 p.m. – A woman reports that her son was struck on the back by the next door cleaning lady. Officers respond and report that there wasn’t a problem.
1:34 p.m. – Officers shut down a work crew at Cross and Almont streets.
2:52 p.m. – A caller reports that the Honey Dew Donuts on Shirley Street is making iced coffee. The store is making coffee products with bagged iced and bottled water.
3:45 p.m. – A Revere woman, 52, is arrested for OUI after units respond to an accident on Main Street.
4:30 p.m. – Officers respond to a domestic dispute on Ocean Avenue involving a mother and daughter. The mother is going to work, and the daughter is leaving the scene. Verbal only. Parties advised of their rights.
5:49 p.m. – A resident reports that his car was vandalized while parked in his family’s driveway on Shirley Street.
5:50 p.m. – A Shore Drive resident returns a handgun belonging to her brother, who has moved to Indiana.
5:57 p.m. – Officers try to serve a 209-A order to a Trident Avenue resident, who is not at home. The party’s father said he will tell his son to pick up the order at the Police Station.
May 3
8:36 a.m. – A Golden Drive housing manager asks for assistance in transferring a resident to the hospital.
Legend for police blotter: 51A = a report by a state mandated reporter of child abuse or neglect; 209A order = domestic abuse prevention restraining order; A&B = assault & battery; ACO = Animal Control Officer; B&E = breaking & entering; BOLO = be on the lookout; CMVI = civil motor vehicle infraction; DSS = Department of Social Services; D/W = dangerous weapon; MGH=Mass. General Hospital; MV = motor vehicle; MVA = motor vehicle accident; OUI=Operating a MV while under the influence; RMV=Registry of Motor Vehicles; SRO=School Resource Officer; tagging = graffiti; WFD=Winthrop Fire Department; WMS=Warrant Management Service.