The following incident reports are among the calls to which the Winthrop Police Department responded on the listed dates:
Monday, December 14
1505: Officers responded to a report of suspicious activity at Pond St. and Cliff Ave. They arrested a 32 year-old Winthrop man who had an outstanding warrant. 1653: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Buchanan and Bowdoin Sts. for the civil infraction of operating without headlights after dusk. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 1744: An officer stopped a MV at Shore Drive and Hawthorn Ave. The officer determined that the operator did not have a valid license and stood by until a licensed operator came by to take control of the vehicle. 1812: A Lewis Ave. resident reported a past larceny. The officer filed a report. 1827: An officer assisted a disabled motorist on Walden St. and stood by until AAA arrived to tow the MV. 2104: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Main and Paine Sts. for the civil infraction of making an illegal left turn. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 2214: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Revere and Harvard Sts. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator.
Tuesday, December 15
1132: A person came to the station to report being a witness to a minor motor vehicle accident (MVA) on Revere St. The officer filed a report. 1458: An Atlantic St. resident called the station to report that she struck a parked MV while she was backing out of her driveway. The officer provided assistance. 1757: An officer took a report from a person on Main St. who stated that both he and his dog were bitten by a pit bull. The victim was evaluated by medical personnel. The Animal Control Officer will follow up. 2043: An officer provided assistance to a motorist with a disabled MV at Shirley and Moore Sts.
Wednesday, December 16
0148: A repossession company reported the repo of a motor vehicle (MV) on Charles St. 0423: Officers who had responded to an earlier call located the suspect in Revere and arrested Anthony James Greeley, 35, of 297 Winthrop St., for the criminal offenses of causing malicious damage to a MV, assault & battery (A&B) upon a family or household member, causing malicious destruction of property under $1200, and intimidation of a witness. 1411: A Moore St. resident reported that a large package delivered by Amazon was taken from the front hallway. The officer filed a report. 2317: Officers tagged and towed 23 motor vehicles that were parked on the town’s streets during the snow emergency in violation of the town by-law. 2351: An officer issued a parking ticket to a MV parked on a sidewalk on Forrest St.
Thursday, December 17
0557: An officer ordered a snow plow operator for the Bank of America in the Centre who was dumping snow in front of a residence on Adams St. to cease doing so. 1213: A Pleasant St. resident called the station to report having found a stray dog. The dog eventually was reunited with its owner. 1412: An officer responded to a call from a Governor’s Park resident who reported that a neighbor on the third floor had dumped snow and ice onto her MV and damaged the sunroof. The officer filed a report. 1440: An officer moved along a dozen vehicles that were parked in the fire lane at the housing authority property on Overlook Drive. 1646: A Grand View Ave. resident reported that her fence was struck and damaged by a town DPW snow plow. The officer filed a report. 1714: A Golden Drive resident reported that her hair was pulled by a neighbor while they were having a verbal argument. The alleged suspect refused to speak to an officer. The officer filed a report. 2119: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Pauline and Pleasant Sts. for the civil infraction of a red light violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 2348: An officer responded to a report from a caller who stated that a person appeared to be asleep in a MV that was parked in a snow bank at Pleasant St. and Waldemar Ave. The officer arrested Melku Admasu, 38, of Chelsea, for the criminal offense of operating a MV while under the influence of liquor. The officer also cited him for the civil infraction of having an open container of an alcoholic beverage while operating a MV.
Friday, December 18
1131: A Veterans Rd. resident reported the theft of two packages. The officer filed a report. 1200: Officers served a warrant and arrested a female party. 1258: An officer moved along a MV that was blocking a driveway on Plummer Ave. 1332: A business in the Centre reported that a male and female party passing by caused damage to a door. An officer responded and filed a report. 1554: An officer issued parking tickets to a number of vehicles that were parked in the fire lane at the housing authority property on Overlook Drive. 1749: An officer moved along a vehicle that was blocking a driveway on Willis Ave. 1940: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Main and Paine Sts. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator. 1940: An officer moved along a MV that was parked in a handicapped spot on Locust St.
Saturday, December 19
0916: An officer had the owner of a commercial box truck with out-of-state plates that was parked on Willis Ave., a residential area, move his truck. 1029: A Shore Drive resident reported the theft of a package that had been delivered earlier in the week. The officer filed a report. 1133: An officer issued a parking ticket to a MV parked in a handicapped spot on Crest Ave. 1149: A resident reported being the victim of a fraud in which she had sent $2000 to a male party for the rental of an apartment, but the party now no longer is in contact with her. The officer filed a report. 1453: An officer responded to a MVA at St. John the Evangelist Church. The MV had struck a fire hydrant. The MV was towed. 1653: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Grovers and Crest Aves. for the civil infraction of an obstructed registration plate. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 1708: A resident called the station to report that her daughter’s MV was struck by a hit-and-run operator while the daughter was parked in line for the COVID testing site on Walden St. The side view mirror of the MV had been struck. 1747: An Amelia Ave. resident reported vandalism to his property. An officer filed a report. 2153: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Wadsworth Ave. and Winthrop St. for the civil infraction of operating without headlights after dark. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 2211: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Shirley and Moore Sts. for a civil infraction and gave a verbal warning to the operator. 2235: An officer removed a barrel that was “saving†two parking spaces on Palmyra St. 2308: An officer responded to a disturbance between a tenant and landlord on Nevada St. The officer restored the peace.
Sunday, December 20
0139: An officer directed persons playing music loudly in their parked MV on Shore Drive to turn it off for the night. 0232: An officer directed persons playing music loudly in a Gov. Drive apartment to turn it down. 1114: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) on Main St. for the civil infraction of a red light violation. The officer gave a verbal warning to the operator. 1407: A resident reported the theft of two paychecks that were forged with his signature and cashed. The resident suspects a former roommate. The officer filed a report. 1653: A resident came to the station to report that her Middle School daughter is being bullied by a group of girls. The officer filed a report. 2150: An officer stopped a motor vehicle (MV) at Main and Read Sts. When the officer determined that the operator’s license had expired, the officer stood by while the operator renewed his license on-line. 2158: An officer stopped a MV on Main St. for the civil infraction of speeding and issued a citation to the operator. The officer also advised the operator, who had an out-of-state license but who now resides here, that she needed to obtain a Mass. license. 0235: An officer responded to a disturbance at the Seven-Eleven on Revere St. Two customers who were not observing the mask rules had become argumentative with the store clerk when he refused to service them. The officer directed the customers to leave for the night.