By Joseph Domelowicz Jr. Town Manager Richard White announced last week that Winthrop Police Sergeant Terrence Delehanty had been named to serve as Acting Assistant Police Chief, fulfilling a pledge he had made to Chief of Police David Goldstein to…
Burst pipe at Deer Island sends two to the hospital
Officials report no damage during planned maintenance operation By Joseph Domelowicz Jr. Two MWRA maintenance workers at Deer Island were taken to the hospital Tuesday morning, after they were accidentally sprayed with raw sewerage, when a sludge pipeline they were…
Board of Health closes Halford Beach
The WINTHROP BOARD OF HEALTH has tested the following BEACHES and announces that they are SAFE FOR SWIMMING as of Wednesday, August 2, 2007: Yirrell Pico Grand View Avenue Donovan HALFORD BEACH IS CURRENTLY CLOSED DUE TO HIGH LEVELS OF…
Manager Convinces Chief Goldstein To Reconsider Resignation
Town Manager, Richard J. White announced today that Chief David Goldstein has reconsidered his intent to resign his position as Police Chief. White remarked, “I was terribly disappointed to have received David’s resignation. I have great respect for him as…
Winthrop gearing up for big crowds on July 4
July 3 bon fire cancelled By Joseph Domelowicz Jr. Despite the cancellation of the July 3 bon fire, which has been held in recent years as part of the town’s Independence Day celebration, the town’s public safety departments are still…
Town takes FAA to court
Town, citizens file court action against Centerfield Taxiway By Joseph Domelowicz Jr. The Town of Winthrop has joined with two independent citizens to file a Petition for Review with the United States First Circuit Court of Appeals, to have the…