The talk of the town in many corners this past week has been about high water bills that have been appearing in residents’ mailboxes. In fact, many residents have been complaining to the local water department about the bills and…
Hockey team opens Monday, boys hoop team Tuesday
The Winthrop High hockey team will get the winter sports season officially underway Monday evening when Coach Dale Dunbar and his Vikings host Wilmington in a non league encounter. Face off time is 6:10 at Larsen Rink. Winthrop is coming…
Private Thoughts – Although privatization provides food for thought, rink should remain ours
Town Councillor Jeanne Maggio’s suggestion that the town may want to look into the idea of privatizing Larsen Rink brought into focus the notion that there are pluses and minuses to everything in life. (For example, even going to jail…
A Positive Note – Interest in Council Clerk’s post is a good sign
It may be surprising to some that there has been so much interest in the vacant position for Clerk to the Town Council. The posting for the part time job drew 11 candidates (and two more who were too late…
Police Blotter 12-08-2010
November 29 11:45 a.m. — A driver cited for speeding at Pleasant and Main streets. 1:52 p.m. — A driver is cited for a stop sign violation at Delby’s Corner. 2:01 p.m. — Nelson Ramos-Diaz, 29, and Luis Santiago, 32,…
Obituaries 12-07-2010
Lorraine Pollard Retired Boston Teacher’s Aide Lorraine (Marmorale) Pollard of Winthrop died on December 7 at the Whidden Memorial Hospital. She was 81 years old. A retired Teacher’s Aide in the Boston School System, she was born in Boston, the…