By Adam Swift
The town council unanimously approved a new five-year contract with current Town Manager Tony Marino at last week’s meeting.
Marino has been town manager since 2022, when he signed a three-year contract at an annual salary of $205,000.
The new contract runs from May 23, 2025 through May 23, 2030, and includes a cost of living increase of 2.5 percent per year beginning on July 1, 2025, which aligns with the town’s fiscal year.
“The general consensus out of not only the finance subcommittee, but also I think I speak for the council in general, is that we are lucky to have (Marino) as town manager,” said Councilor and Finance Subcommittee Chair John DaRos. “During our finance subcommittee meeting … (Town Council President Jim Letterie) made a good point, and that is talent for a town manager for our town is hard to come by in terms of everything we want and need for a town manager.”
DaRos noted that the feedback Marino gets every year on his performance reviews from councilors is very positive.
Precinct 5 Councilor Joseph Aiello said Marino has been a pleasure to work with.
“He has been more responsive with a limited staff than any other town manager I have dealt with in the past,” he said.
Aiello also praised Marino’s judgement and his ability to patiently explain financial and municipal issues.
Councilor-at-Large Max Tassinari his vigilance in producing a capital plan for the town and his efforts to get a financial impact study underway.
“Thank you for getting us started on a path where we can actually visualize a future that is more than a year or two ahead of us,” he said.
Council Vice President Hannah Belcher said Marino has helped streamline how the departments in the town work and has also helped to ensure that Winthrop brings in as much revenue as it can.
“It’s been a great relationship and I know we are showing a commitment to you, and I know you, in terms of this contract, are also showing a commitment to Winthrop,” said Letterie. “My big thing with a town manager is to be a blue collar town manager that can get your hands dirty and get in there, and it’s been a pleasure working with you.”