Sept. Is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a crucial time to raise awareness, remove stigmas, and provide education about suicide. Having conversations about suicide is important because it reduces the stigma associated with the topic. By allowing for more open and honest communication, individuals with suicidal ideations can feel more empowered to seek help and are less likely to feel alone. Currently, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. For ages 10-44, suicide is the second leading cause of death.
Anyone can participate in Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. There are activities that individuals, schools, offices, churches, and all types of organizations can conduct to bring awareness to suicide prevention.
Visit to download our Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Informational Packet. Look for Suicide Prevention Month under the How to Get Involved tab. Within the packet, there are ideas on how businesses, schools, religious institutions, athletic organizations, and even your family can become involved in spreading the message of suicide prevention.
Also, on the Suicide Prevention Month page you can click on #IWONTBESILENT to learn about The Jason Foundation’s campaign to reach as many citizens as possible with the positive message that suicide is preventable and enable those citizens to reach out for help for their loved ones and friends. You can download signs, brochures, flyers, and stickers to display. There is even a user guide to help you plan for the month-long campaign.
The Jason Foundation believes that education is the key to prevention. Our nation should be familiar with the warning signs associated with suicide, suicide facts and statistics, and how to find help for those at risk. Suicide can be preventable. Together, we can save lives. You may even save your co-worker, friend, neighbor’s child, a relative, or even your son or daughter. Are you up for the challenge?