Special to the Transcript
During a recent school wide assembly at the Gorman Fort Banks Elementary school, students participated in an interactive assembly. The Town of Winthrop’s Solid Waste & Recycling Manager, Wendy Millar-Page presented information as to the importance of recycling and ways to better take care of the Earth in honor of Earth Day.
Students brought in items and were asked to place them either in a recycling bin or trash bin based on where they felt the item belonged for proper disposal. Students were asked to give a thumbs-up if it could be recycled and a thumbs down if the items belonged in the trash. Students and staff alike were surprised when some of the items needed to be placed in a different disposal bin. The students sang a recycling song with glee and have pledged to be ‘Recycling Warriors’ by reminding friends and family to recycle.
Ms. Millar-Page, in conjunction with the GFB art teacher, Mr. Osburn and The Winthrop Market Place, tasked the second-grade students to complete an art assignment to design donated paper bags with Earth Day messages. The classes created beautiful designs on recyclable brown paper bags. The Winthrop Market Place used these bags the weekend of Earth Day, April 22, 2023, to bag customers purchases. Sharing their ‘Winthrop Recycling Warriors’ messages through their art, students hope to remind people to do better with our Earth.
Make Everyday Earth Day! Baby steps make BIG changes.