The Winthrop Town Council met on July 19 where it viewed a presentation on the town’s FY23 water rate.
Town Manager Tony Marino showed a presentation on the town’s water rate increase. In FY22, the Town invoiced $10,478,350 in water/sewer charges, which re-
presented a 1.1 percent decrease over previous years. It collected 99.3 percent of that amount.
The FY23 combined water/sewer rate increased by $0.56 over FY22, for a new rate of $24.84. To fund unanticipated capital projects in FY23, the Town will use water/sewer free cash, anticipated to be around $1.8 million.
Council gave a citation to Rose Mazzuchelli for her over 20 years of service to the Town of Winthrop, nine of which were spent with the Veterans Services Organization. During her tenure, Mazzuchelli was the recipient of numerous awards.
Council also recognized athlete Jack Wallace, a former WHS baseball and golf star, for his win in the 2022 Eastern Connecticut State University Division 3 National Championships.
Town Updates
Town officials hired a new Treasurer/Collector. Brendan Curry was the previous Treasurer/Collector for Nahant.
Officials are currently reviewing potential sites for the new public safety building.
Officials are drafting a flag policy based on an existing policy in Wakefield. The draft should be presented to council in August.
Officials met with the board of CASA (Community Actions For Safe Alternatives), which is seeking additional funding for its programs.
Town officials are realizing a study of needed building upgrades, including schools, and hopes to present a capital plan to council on Aug. 16.
Council Updates
Council voted to approve flood resilience language based on recommendations from the Winthrop Planning Board.
Council appointed or reappointed the following individuals to committees for a three-year term: Carla Murphy, Council on Disabilities; Liz Carella and Tom Curry, Historical Commission; Alyssa Santoro, Parks Committee; Betty Peabody and Janice Pomeroy, Beautification Committee; Suzanne Martucci-Gallo, CDICR; Alyssa True, Cultural Council; Tom Derderian, Tree Committee.
Town Council sent a letter to the MBTA, strongly opposing its Better Bus Network due to its negative impacts on Winthrop. Residents can also contact the MBTA to state their opposition.
There will be public hearings on each of TSAC’s new regulation requests involving parking, stop signs, one-way streets, and taxi stops.
The Finance Committee will be seeking the finalization of the new trash ordinance.
The Rules & Ordinances committee met about updating the ordinances pertaining to traffic in the CBD due to the increase in delivery trucks.
Free college prep sessions will be available every Thursday from 2 to 4 pm at the EB Newton building.
A blood drive will be held on July 30 and Aug. 31 at the Odd Fellows of Mass. Zenith Lodge.
Pres. James Letterie opened the meeting with a moment of silence for two Winthrop residents who passed away recently. John Eade was a Vietnam Veteran who served on many boards in Winthrop and Thomas Bailey, who was described as a “sweet and thoughtful young man.â€